It has been about 3 months of so since I started working at my current job.
I stock the fresh produce, fruits and vegetables for a local grocery/department store. It seems as if more and more people I see shopping are listening to their mp3 players.
I just thought this was kind of weird, I don’t think working in that environment is annoying or anything and I don’t mind the chatter that accompanies it, but I guess some people tend to disagree.
Does anyone else listen to their own music while they shop?
It’s about 50/50 for me. It seems like if I’m just running in for something quick like 10 minutes of shopping than I will bring my ipod with. Also I think grocery shopping and stuff like clothes are different. Bring your music everywhere, why listen to nothing when you can listen to what you like.
I saw a guy doing just this the last time I was grocery shopping. At first I thought it was kind of odd, but then the idea grew on me a bit. I might try it the next time out.
[quote]jit07 wrote:
Reminds me of a book I read where people in the future all wore earphones listening to music and didn’t communicate with other people.[/quote]
Walk around a college campus and you will see this. It’s kind of bizarre.
[quote]downsouthnick wrote:
jit07 wrote:
Reminds me of a book I read where people in the future all wore earphones listening to music and didn’t communicate with other people.
Walk around a college campus and you will see this. It’s kind of bizarre. [/quote]
Twenty minute walks are pretty boring, Mp3s ftw between classes.
I’ve worn mine a couple times to the grocery store, too.
I’m one of those people. I wear my MP3 player pretty much 100% of the time in non-work situations.
Of course, the fact that I am a curmudgeonly bastard who gets easily annoyed with people probably has a lot to do with that. I suspect I have some degree of social anxiety disorder, because crowds of people tend to piss me off for no specific reason. Having headphones on helps ameliorate that problem for me.
You are setting yourself up to be either robbed or hit by a car. Nothing is so easy as taking something from a person who is absolutely completely unaware of what’s going on around them. You may as well wear the hood up on your sweatshirts all the time too, just to make sure you can’t see anything either.
The fact that a woman would do this also bamboozles me.
I could never wear and ipod while shopping. I can’t stand not knowing what is going on around me. You should ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings. NEVER let your guard down.
Are you guys too stupid that you cant walk and chew bubble gum? Listening to music while SHOPPING or JOGGING does not impair you to the point where I wouldnt see someone going through my pocket or a car coming at me. Its quite simple, I dont wear my headphones on my eyes and therefore I can LOOK around for things before I cross of the street.
Also, I dont have the audio up so loud that I cant hear anything else… People talk to me all the time with my headphones in and I can hear and respond just fine.
This is akin to driving with the radio on, something I’m sure 100% of the people with cars do every single day.
As far as not letting your guard down, do you ever get drunk? Drive while tired? Thats MUCH more impairing than wearing some headphones while picking out what brand of peanut butter to buy.
This is akin to driving with the radio on, something I’m sure 100% of the people with cars do every single day.
Don’t be too sure…mine’s been broken for years…lesson to be learned from this is “99.9%” is your best friend when you want to make a blanket statement.
You: …I’m sure 99.9% of people with cars do every day.
Dude: Yore duimb. I don’t so obvously evyrbody don’t.
You: I said 99.9% pal.
Dude: O…sory.
[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Stupid asses wear that shit all the time.
You are setting yourself up to be either robbed or hit by a car. Nothing is so easy as taking something from a person who is absolutely completely unaware of what’s going on around them. You may as well wear the hood up on your sweatshirts all the time too, just to make sure you can’t see anything either.
The fact that a woman would do this also bamboozles me.[/quote]
So how big an advantage do you figure a woman has who isn’t iPod-impaired? Because as I see it, a guy invested in attacking me is going to be far more interested in whether there are people around than in whether or not he can sneak up behind me (very careful to stay exactly behind me lest I glimpse him peripherally) because I can’t hear. Assuming that the coast is clear, what does he care if I can hear or not? Chances are he’ll pretend not to be a rapist or mugger, or whatever, until I’m close enough that it won’t matter anyway. I’ve read that they’re sly that way.
Frankly, I have enough to worry about that I don’t need this, too. I run in safe places to the best of my ability to discern which places are likely to be so. I run at safe times of day, or else use a treadmill. I avoid out-of-the-way places unless running in pairs.
While at the same time, struggling not to become overwhelmed by paranoia when I see some guy stretching up ahead. When I see you, FightinIrish26, standing on a street corner.
And now you’re going to suggest that it’s STUPIDITY on my part to enjoy music while I run, on the off chance that some lunatic will consider it a lucky break should he decide to try to rape me? Fuck off.
[quote]EmilyQ wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Stupid asses wear that shit all the time.
You are setting yourself up to be either robbed or hit by a car. Nothing is so easy as taking something from a person who is absolutely completely unaware of what’s going on around them. You may as well wear the hood up on your sweatshirts all the time too, just to make sure you can’t see anything either.
The fact that a woman would do this also bamboozles me.
So how big an advantage do you figure a woman has who isn’t iPod-impaired? Because as I see it, a guy invested in attacking me is going to be far more interested in whether there are people around than in whether or not he can sneak up behind me (very careful to stay exactly behind me lest I glimpse him peripherally) because I can’t hear. Assuming that the coast is clear, what does he care if I can hear or not? Chances are he’ll pretend not to be a rapist or mugger, or whatever, until I’m close enough that it won’t matter anyway. I’ve read that they’re sly that way.
Frankly, I have enough to worry about that I don’t need this, too. [/quote]
Too worried to worry about your personal safety? Fuck, I hope whatever you’re worrying about is a whole lot more important than that.
And anyway, no, you horses’ ass, I never said that people who wear them when they are working out are idiots. I said that people who wear them all the time, all over the place, are idiots. I’ve seen motherfuckers almost hit by cars because they weren’t paying attention and can’t hear shit when they’re crossing the street.
And when you’re a woman, anything that gives you a hand up in keeping yourself safe should be taken advantage of. Sound is up there on the top of that list. It’s good to know that a mugger could drop a box of wine glasses behind you and you’d never know… but how many people have you heard of that heard a rustling in the bushes or whatever, sensed something bad, and took off quickly? It’s a classic story. Never leave yourself unaware.
It’s not being paranoid, it’s being realistic. I don’t like wearing the hood up on sweatshirts because you can’t see anything, and I’m not comfortable with people walking directly behind me, or on my wallet side. Maybe it’s from living in Jersey and being in some ugly places, but it’s the way I am. I’d rather be “paranoid” then “dead”.
Whatever lady. I could give two shits about you or your well being, so it ain’t affecting me. If you were a friend of mine, though, I would advise against walking around NYC with some headphones blaring.
The thing that gets me is this. I’m walking around campus and I see someone I know and I want to say hello to but they are in la-la land with their damn mp3 player. I really don’t understand it.
[quote]downsouthnick wrote:
The thing that gets me is this. I’m walking around campus and I see someone I know and I want to say hello to but they are in la-la land with their damn mp3 player. I really don’t understand it. [/quote]
Dude… Just go say hello. It isnt necessarily a sign to “Stay the hell away from me” … Its just given the choice between listening to MY music/shows in the grocery store versus whatever they have playing, I’ll pick mine every time. I dont really wear mine at school because nothing I walk to takes more than a minute, but if someone came up and started talking to me I simply hit pause and take the head phones off.
Remember walkmans? Portable CD players? This is the same exact thing…