Mozilla Jumped the Shark?

So far Firefox 3 pretty much blows which is extremely disappointing.

At least as bad of a memory hog as 2 was, websites with a fixed background image (like some T-Nation pages) scroll very slow and the new location bar is terrible for starters. A ton of my extensions don’t work which is partly the fault of the extension developers to be fair, but so far I’m not too favorably impressed.

I hope they get some fixed releases out quick. This was not ready.

I’ve been running it since the beta. I don’t see what’s wrong with it.

[quote]Makavali wrote:
I’ve been running it since the beta. I don’t see what’s wrong with it.[/quote]

Maybe I’m panicking, but I’ve been dreaming of a fix for that damn memory leak forever and this was supposed to be it. You don’t have any scrolling issues in the T-Cell? I get slo mo scrolling and it turns out it’s a known bug on the developers site. I rarely mess with betas so this is my first experience with it.

I think Opera is better and for sure much faster on my ole good PC and lame ADSL connection…

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
Maybe I’m panicking, but I’ve been dreaming of a fix for that damn memory leak forever and this was supposed to be it. You don’t have any scrolling issues in the T-Cell? I get slo mo scrolling and it turns out it’s a known bug on the developers site. I rarely mess with betas so this is my first experience with it. [/quote]

Computer too slow maybe? I dunno, I had it for a while on my comp too, but it magically disappeared. Try upping the screen resolution.

I run Firefox and Opera. Although I use Opera whenever I can it doesn’t always work. Some sites are incredibly slow but at least when it crashes it fixes itself (most of the time). I can’t log into one of my internet banking sites with it and I can’t post on T-Nation with it. I have to switch to Firefox to do those things. I stick with it because Firefox crashes too much and Internet Explorer crashes a s***load. Before people claim Firefox and Opera don’t crash, they do… but mostly due to my ancient Windows install. My computer needs a format bad.

I thought Firefox 3 was still in beta.

I run FF 2 on my mac, my home pc, and 2 office pc’s and have no trouble with it at all.

Opera is awesome, especially once you learn to use the hidden ad blocking features. I use FF2 for sites that don’t work in Opera.

I’ve been using Firefox exclusively for like 5 years and it’s been great. I think .04 was the first version I tried. It went from pretty cool to can’t live without over the years, especially once you get used to using a bunch of extensions. Opera is really nice and REALLY fast, but has some habits that irritate the hell outta me and practically no add-ons compared to Firefox.

The one machine I have v.3 on is plenty powerful. I’ve been spending a lot of time about:config (put that in your address bar if you never have) since last night and have made some improvements, like forcing old extensions to work and getting rid of that idiotic “awesome” location bar. The memory leakage seems to be not quite as bad as I thought. Maybe it’ll be alright.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
I thought Firefox 3 was still in beta.

I run FF 2 on my mac, my home pc, and 2 office pc’s and have no trouble with it at all. [/quote]

Version was officially released at 1:00 pm yesterday.


I’m currently using FireFox3 on Ubuntu, and it runs much better than 2 ever did. I’m loving the super location bar as well.

A lot of extensions are being updated. However, some of them currently mess with FF3. Try turning them off, and seeing if that helps. Bugs and glitches in incompatible extensions can cause FF3 to run slower.

[quote]Beowolf wrote:

I’m currently using FireFox3 on Ubuntu, and it runs much better than 2 ever did. I’m loving the super location bar as well.

A lot of extensions are being updated. However, some of them currently mess with FF3. Try turning them off, and seeing if that helps. Bugs and glitches in incompatible extensions can cause FF3 to run slower.[/quote]

Haven’t gone to 3 on the Linux boxes yet. That’s a good point, the memory leak issue was worse there than in Windows. I can’t stand that location bar though. Also the scrolling thing has gotten better for some inexplicable reason. I may have jumped the gun.

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
rainjack wrote:
I thought Firefox 3 was still in beta.

I run FF 2 on my mac, my home pc, and 2 office pc’s and have no trouble with it at all.

Version was officially released at 1:00 pm yesterday.[/quote]

Well crap - I click on “get updates”, and it tells me that there are none available.

Is it going to be an upgrade, or is it a totally new release that I have to go to the mozilla site and download myself?

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Tiribulus wrote:
rainjack wrote:
I thought Firefox 3 was still in beta.

I run FF 2 on my mac, my home pc, and 2 office pc’s and have no trouble with it at all.

Version was officially released at 1:00 pm yesterday.

Well crap - I click on “get updates”, and it tells me that there are none available.

Is it going to be an upgrade, or is it a totally new release that I have to go to the mozilla site and download myself? [/quote]

Anytime a full version number changes you have to go download it manually. It was the same when 2 came out if I remember right.

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Tiribulus wrote:
rainjack wrote:
I thought Firefox 3 was still in beta.

I run FF 2 on my mac, my home pc, and 2 office pc’s and have no trouble with it at all.

Version was officially released at 1:00 pm yesterday.

Well crap - I click on “get updates”, and it tells me that there are none available.

Is it going to be an upgrade, or is it a totally new release that I have to go to the mozilla site and download myself?

Anytime a full version number changes you have to go download it manually. It was the same when 2 came out if I remember right.[/quote]

I’m off to right now.

I’ve had it all of 10 minutes, and I don’t really see anything slowing me down.

Of course I do have a Mac, and…well…Mac’s rule.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Of course I do have a Mac, and…well…Mac’s rule. [/quote]

You blasphemous unbeliever! If I wasn’t sure Windows would crash, I’d so upload a virus to your computer right now!

I’m a long time Opera user (since about version 4) and after spending sometime setting it up to be the way I like I have no complaints.

With FF3 I have an annoying bug where it leaves the shadows from the dropdown boxes on the File, Edit… menu permenantly on screen even when FF3 is minimized. Only way to get rid of it is to close FF3.

What is this awesome bar anyway? Is it similar to the address bar in Opera 9.5 that lets you search through the contents of your history, bookmarks etc?

[quote]rainjack wrote:
I’ve had it all of 10 minutes, and I don’t really see anything slowing me down.

Of course I do have a Mac, and…well…Mac’s rule. [/quote]

Still running smooth, RJ? I’m looking to pop FF3 onto my Powerbook.