[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
So basically it is a mechanical problem with your GI tract yes?
Your smooth muscle of the intestines and stomach don’t want to contract to either mix food into chyme (in the stomach) or move food along the digestive tract (intestines).
I have to confess that I have never heard of this before, so thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Thinking laterally, the only subsatance I know of to cause smooth muscle contraction is the prostaglandin PGF2a, as used by some bodybuilders. I doubt that is the solution you are looking for however, sorry.
To be honest, If I were in your predicament, I would probably have experimented with intravenous infusion of nutrients.
But that’s only after I had researched and tried everything else…
I take it that you have tried ingesting only liquid meals?
You say that you have trouble digesting fats, which leads me to suspect that there are also issues with bile secretion or production. Fats require the least energy to break down into usable form. Ther may be issues with the liver, but I suspect that it’s more to do with an overall lack of parasympathetic stimulation of the entire digestive system by the vagus nerve.
Do you have any issues that might possibly compress the vagus nerve, preventing iot from properly stimulating the stomach, intestines, gall bladder, etc? Issues might be something like a musculoskeletal tightness/misalignment/buildup of scar tissue/poor posture in the cervical spine.
Have you tried rhythmic abdomen massage, or a heat source to increase blood flow to the abdomen (a hot water bottle for instance)?
I admit, I am reaching a little here, but you’ve got me thinking furiously…
You are the first person to ever hear me on this. Some got bits and pieces, and most responses on this forum were like the one above ( squat deadlift bench! eat fiber and protien man!) FYI I have been powerlifing \ bodybuilding since 14 Im 30. I built my deadlift back up to 495 for 3 times, after a long layoff from this digestive disaster.
Out of nothing but shere will. If I were digesting correctly O my GOD! I think I could win mr. Olympia or something!
I do believe I have BILE liver problems, I cant digest healthy fas especially fish oils! Man I used to thrive on fish oil, now I turn pale and stomach gets sour!
TO much liquid meals and my body Liver gets overloaded it doesn’t like being overloaded with protein at this time. I have to be very careful with what and how I eat.
In my opinion there are more than one root cause,
your right about nervous sytem, I think its also related to weak adrenals a bit from my body not getting what it needs.
I think the problems are as follows, NOT in any ORDER
PARASITE< YEAST OVERGROWTH( have tested for fungus and low good bacteria) I know they can hide ( poliquin recommended this route), Its very hard to treat correctly as they are resistant.CSDA show somethings and elevated tryglicerides confirm fats not being digested
possible HIATEL HERNIA causing food to get stuck in my traverse colon.
Low stomach ACID not ripping apart my protien, HIGH DOSE HCL DID NOT HELP MUCH NOR DO ENZYMES
Yes probably a SUBLAXATION of some kind , was getting art for awhile but finances have halted that I need to get an up to date x ray. Your probably hitting the nail on the head as my lower back does feel out of align maybe overly tight.
GALLBLADER LIVER PROBLEMS, I mostly feel these are overloaded from lack of digested foods, things sort of toxically built up back the liver and gallbladder up, I have not flushed or anything like that.
THis problem as aged me, taken my glow away, and taken my sex drive down from HIGH superman to just normal. THe worst of the worst of the wosrt are the developed manboobs, which are secret you cant see them unles syou squeeze my lower chest , but this kills me . I feel that what ever is going on has affected my androgens and no REZ V wasn’t the cure for this!
Low carb diets hmm, yes less imflamation but problems with protein digestion and fats make it very very hard to follow! I do better with some added beans ( but cause there own problems) even fruit but that can cause yeast problems)
DUDE if you are willing to help me strip this apart I would be so grateful as I have given up, and am on the ignore route but deep inside I want to be 100% again.!!!THis has taken parts of my life away about 4 years!