Most Shocking Things Ever Seen

What are some of the moments in your life which have shocked u and u still think of these things years after they have happened.

Mine are

1.That poor bastard who jumped from the world trade center.I seen a special on it called “the falling man” it still gives me chills thinking about it.

2.Planes flying into the trade centres.When i turned the TV on one morning i thought i was watching a movie,it was surreal.

3.Seeing a man in his 50’s weighing about 350 pounds get run over by a truck.He tripped on the median strip and fell onto the road just as a truck was driving past in a busy main st.His blood stained the road for a few months after.

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King of Kings

For the record, it wasn’t A poor person who jumped from the WTC on 9/11. It was LOTS and LOTS of people.


A picture of chinese guy eating a fryed baby probably fake

A picture of skinned gutted guy.

Video of a guy gettin his head cut off with a three inch knife, not the terrorist one.

A guy getting his arm ripped off by two cars going in oposite directions with chains attached to each arm.

why do I always have to see this sick crap?

[quote]n3wb wrote:

why do I always have to see this sick crap?


Someone makes you watch this … like in Clockwork Orange?

Hearing a friend talk about his daughter being killed at Columbine.

[quote]Loose Tool wrote:
n3wb wrote:

why do I always have to see this sick crap?

Someone makes you watch this … like in Clockwork Orange?


yeah its horible they say if I dont watch it they will kill me

BME Pain Olympics. Involved a man, a rope, a hatchet, a cutting board, and his balls.


The PETA skinning video.

For the most part it’s quite difficult to shock myself.

I will say that reading the newspaper article that pronounced me dead after a knife fight along side a picture of the detective scraping my blood off the sidewalk was rather surreal.

Lucky for me I had some great surgeons work on me for a few hours.

iv’e been a cop for ten years so other than war vets i would guess i would be near the top with the worst things seen. i have seen horrible things people have done to kids and adults that the average person would not want to think about so as you can imagine and sadly enough not much gets me anymore. oddly enough the one thing that kept me up for a few nights was a motorcycle wreck i saw last summer. a man was riding a dukati and he must have been doing 100. he wrecked into a phone pole and the weight of the helmet pulled his head clean off. it was not severed in the wreck just pulled off. the helmet protected the head and it rolled into the middle of the road before the helmet came off and the head was left sitting upright, perfect condition and eyes wide open. his esophagus and heart came out and rested under one half of the bike, and his lungs came partially out of his armpits from the force i guess. his tounge was also in the road. i could not believe what i was looking at. i know it is all about the rider so i hope bike owners don’t get pissed but that ruined the desire i had to own a bike.

[quote]MANONFYA wrote:
iv’e been a cop for ten years so other than war vets i would guess i would be near the top with the worst things seen. i have seen horrible things people have done to kids and adults that the average person would not want to think about so as you can imagine and sadly enough not much gets me anymore. oddly enough the one thing that kept me up for a few nights was a motorcycle wreck i saw last summer. a man was riding a dukati and he must have been doing 100. he wrecked into a phone pole and the weight of the helmet pulled his head clean off. it was not severed in the wreck just pulled off. the helmet protected the head and it rolled into the middle of the road before the helmet came off and the head was left sitting upright, perfect condition and eyes wide open. his esophagus and heart came out and rested under one half of the bike, and his lungs came partially out of his armpits from the force i guess. his tounge was also in the road. i could not believe what i was looking at. i know it is all about the rider so i hope bike owners don’t get pissed but that ruined the desire i had to own a bike.[/quote]

holy fuckin shit.

Push –

Holy shit. Props to you and the wife for doing the right thing.

That was a harsh story.

While I can’t top these stories, I still have visions of something I saw when I was about 11 years old. My mom works for a division of the state (VA). Her office was next to the city morgue. One day, while I was at work with her, I begged her to go see dead people. She contacted her friend there, and then took me over for a tour.

The dude showed up to open the back door, with a white lab coat stained with blood, eating a PBJ sandwich. While it didn’t disgust me to see this, I questioned him on how he can do it so easily. After our discussion and a brief tour, we headed back to the exam room.

There was a naked body on the table, it was a man with three perfectly placed bullet holes in his head. He was shot once in the middle of the forehead, execution style. Then, while his dead body laid on the ground, the gunman fired another two…perfectly placed bullets on either side of the original shot.

It formed a three hole triangle. At 30 years old, I still have at least one dream a month (or so)where I see his face. Scary shit.

Another one. I worked for my dad starting when I was 11, at his gas station. I was always out at the pumps (before auto pumps). His station was located in a heavy drug area, but for the most part, a realitively safe area, since I knew EVERYBODY.

One day, I was talking to a customer and heard some arguing from across the street. Right at the time I glanced over, I watched a dude step away from a car and fire about 6 shots into a car occupied by one individual.

We called the cops, and they were there instantly, caught the shooter a couple of hours later. The kid (shooter) was only 12 years old (I was the same age believe).

The driver lived in the apartment complex, and was coming home to shower after being at the hospital with his wife, who had just had their baby. There were over a dozen witnesses that were watching the arguement transpire, and told police how it went down.

As the guy pulled into his parking spot, the kid walked up to his car…asked for a cigarette, and when the guy said he didn’t smoke, the kid told him “that’s too bad, this isn’t your lucky day” and fired on him, killing him.

At this same station, my dad was shot in the arm by a potential thief. He was trying to steal the money my dad was leaving with. When this escalated, my dad was able to get into his car, and he tried to run the guy over.

The guy jumped out of the way, and fired at my dad’s head, as he drove to the side of him. My dad, luckily, ducked with his left arm up in the air. The bullet entered the inside of his left bicep, and traveled to within 1.5" from his heart.

When my mom told me the next morning, I went out to the car, and sat in his dried blood for hours, crying uncontrollably (You know the cry, you can’t breathe, it hurts). He was fine. The best part was, the police caught the guy the next night, at a Be-Lo (like a food lion, or other chain grocery store).

He had tried to break in, by going through the top of the automatic front doors. He had unscrewed a panel, and got stuck while trying to get in. The cops came to find him half way in, half way out, hanging from his waist. he had been there for over 6 hours.

Hilarious!! Thought I’d share.

About 10 years or so ago i was riding the subway(actually the El)here in phila going to work. It was still in the underground portion. As it pulled out of 30th st it crashed into a portion of the tunnel. the car i was in was ok.

I just fell and hurt my back. The car before us crashed into some support columns. The attendant was in our car, so he and i went forward to help the injured. There was a set of seats that were pinned where the column had cut thru the car.

We saw a guy his legs were sticking out as though he’d fallen between the seats but the top half of his body wasnt there. Then there was this lady, and older woman pinned between two sets of seats and the column, she just kept saying “lord jesus help me”
she started bleeding from the mouth and nose. The rescue arrived and said they were gonna try to cut her out. But they figured that she might die anyway.

That was rough.

Holy crap, incredible stories Manonfya and Push.

I don’t know if I could have handled those situations like you guys did. I’ve always thought of changing careers to something like an EMT or Firefighter, but I don’t think I could handle it.

It wouldn’t be seeing the blood and guts of an accident scene. It would be trying to save someone and then losing them. I just couldn’t handle that.

When I was 15 and found a neighbors son who was 13 an accidentally hung himslef in a tree.

Some of the bloated bodies in New Orleans floating in the water after the hurricanes.

The body of a young boy who was missing an I went out w/ the search party in the woods an we found his body mauled by an animal.Think it was a bear.

A guy who shot himself infront of everybody @ a bar.Shot himself in the face.

And pictures of myslef when my chest was opened up for my old lungs to be removed an new ones put in.Med Students took pictures during the transplant procedure.

Someone in my gym once used the smith machine to do bench press…shocking.

One night about 3years ago when i was a uni student, i woke to hear my house mate and good friend come home very drunk.

My room was upstairs, next to the bathroom and I could hear him taking a piss and stumbling around. Then, I heard a loud BOOM BOOM BOOM. I shot out of bed on to the upstairs hallway and looked down the stairs. At the bottom was my friend unconcious and breathing very fast and heavily. I shouted out to the rest of my housemates that he had fallen down the stairs.

One guy came out as i was going down the stairs to help him and started laughing because the heavy breathing was a snoring noise. “Haha the silly bastard is still sleepong !” he said. Then was the realisation and panic that my “sleeping” friend was bleeding from the ears. A cold fear hit me and i rang for an ambulance. I asked my other housemate to go outside and wait for the ambulance. I waited for the ambulance alone, panicing with no first aid training. My friend suddenly woke up screaming, freaking out and looking into my eyes. Then he fell unconcious. Again. He did this one more time until the ambulance came. When the paramedics arrived he was still bleeding heavily from the ears and also vomiting heavily whilst semi-concious and then drifiting back unconcious.

He recovered in the end. Fractured skull and was in intensive care for a week. He lost some hearing but it could have been worse. The docs said if he’d have been sober and fallen like that he’d have broken his neck.

It may not be the most gruesome thing ever but when something bad happens to someone close to you it really freaks you out.