[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
[quote]redstar144 wrote:
[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
Hey Red Star…“Hulk is the Strongest There is!!”
Also as far as Superman is concerned, doesn’t Dardseid CONSTANTLY hand him a healthy beatdown, when they fight?
Hulk beat half the Marvel Universe, with only brute strength and ridiculous hops. I think he can take Supermans flash light vision and semi super speed.[/quote]
Firstly that is Red Hulk an entirely different character plus SS has had a huge power boost since then.
Secondly yes Darkseid constantly batters Superman but Darkseid would RAPE the Hulk.
He didn’t beat half the Marvel U he beat some of Marvel earth. Mainly Iron Man, the X-men without any of their heavy hitters and the Fantastic Four. Sentry (weaker than Superman) stalemated him and Juggernaut was beating him till he threw him into a pond (which for some reason Juggs refused to leave for a while). The whole World War Hulk storyline was crap.
Here is Supermans heat vision
Slightly more than a flash light.
He is also capable of moving faster than lightspeed. He doesn’t use this in combat but us still WAY faster than the Hulk.
Supes is also much stronger than the Hulks base strength and the fight would be over before the Hulk got strong enough to compete.[/quote]
Shut your filthy blasphemous mouth!! Hulk has beaten the Avengers WITH ALL THEIR HEAVY HITTERS ON BOARD more than a couple times. Hulk would eat Superman’s Lunch when shit got real. It would not be a walk in the park for big blue. Currently there is no cap on Hulks or Superman’s strength so how can you be so positive of the outcome? I am admittedly being a little bias. But I think your stating opinion as fact.
Also lets keep this light Im really not trying to start a flame war…fuck Superman.[/quote]
Don’t worry I enjoy comics but I’m not a nerd who is gonna have a hissy fit if someone disagrees with me.
Anyway nothing I stated there was opinion it was all fact.
I’ll break it down:
Speed: Superman beyond all doubts he can travel FTL.
Strenght: Superman he has pulled one third of the Earth through space, Hulk picked up a mountain.
Intelligence: Depends on version of Hulk
Fighting Abilty: Superman he has been trained by Batman and also know Kryptonian Martial Arts
Hulk only has strength and durability as his powers. Superman has that along with heat vision, super speed, and flight.