Most Brutal Music For Powerlifting

[quote]JPeggEFS wrote:
You ever listen to country when you try to squat? Thats pretty brutal. On your squat. hahahaha


This country probably wouldnt:

It’s hank williams grandson… and he’s a mess. This is his other band, he’s the bass player:

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
Watch this all the way and try not to have nightmares for the rest of your life… these guys are incredible musicians:


[quote]Stronghold wrote:

[quote]JPeggEFS wrote:
You ever listen to country when you try to squat? Thats pretty brutal. On your squat. hahahaha


Chuck Fought pulled 900 to Hillbilly Deluxe, hahaha.[/quote]

Chuck Fought IS Hillbilly Deluxe.

DevilDriver baby!!

[quote]JPeggEFS wrote:

[quote]Stronghold wrote:

[quote]JPeggEFS wrote:
You ever listen to country when you try to squat? Thats pretty brutal. On your squat. hahahaha


Chuck Fought pulled 900 to Hillbilly Deluxe, hahaha.[/quote]

Chuck Fought IS Hillbilly Deluxe.


this is not music, its called noise. Terrible sounds. If this what you have to listen to to lift big, i feel sorry for you.

[quote]mokaloka99 wrote:
this is not music, its called noise. Terrible sounds. If this what you have to listen to to lift big, i feel sorry for you. [/quote]

Can you tell the difference between music that’s actually bad and music that you just don’t like? Unless you can honestly answer yes to this question there’s very little point in discussing music with you and hence no point in sharing your opinion.

There’s a shitload of music that I don’t like but a lot of that music is actually good. For example, I have a really hard time appreciating most jazz and jazz fusions but even so I can clearly hear that many of those guys are incredibly skilled at what they do. Especially some jazz drummers…

Perhaps you should try to open your mind and challenge your ears once in a while, it would probably be good for them.

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
Watch this all the way and try not to have nightmares for the rest of your life… these guys are incredible musicians:


Hey Storm, if you like Meshuggah you might enjoy this:

It’s from an album named Sol Niger Within, some side project Fredrik did called Throdendal’s Special Defects.

And just for the record, THIS is noise:

It’s noise and that’s fine, it wasn’t exactly intended to be pretty to begin with.

I prefer rammstein, a lot of the heavy stuff just sounds like noise to me. :slight_smile:

slow down fellas…
…play some crowbar

pretty brutal new wave bm (without being awful!)

[quote]BossKean wrote:
slow down fellas…
…play some crowbar[/quote]

boom. fucking awesome song.

Yall listen to this crap?

To each his own.

I prefer slash’s snake pit, Vai, malmsteen, Hendrix, and other guitar heavy rock when I’m lifting.

While I’ll agree this form of music has shit tons of brutal-ness and does get the blood pumping most of these bands are far from ‘incredible musicians’- with the exception of the drummers- that’s where the real talent lay and the drummers of those kind of bands carry the rest of the players, in my opinion.

I’ll add that the songs that they play aren’t very hard to come up with. They may be classical guitarist when not playing IDK but I’m talking about the shit on their records. I kind of play guitar and I suck for the most part but all you really have to do is tune your guitar to drop d or lower, add a shit ton of distortion, run your shit thorugh an effects processor then play a shit load of “5” powercords,maybve a few open E chords, palm mute the fuck out of your strings,and have a little wrist flexibility to do some ‘gallops’ and your a deth-metal player.

Sounds really cool but not hard at all. Best thing is they sell a shit ton of records to a bunch of these wanna be satanists or other “dark metal” fans but whatever floats your boat.

In my opinion most of theses “metal” bands sit around making shit up to sound all ‘creepy’ and ‘demonic’ and shit…to me its like musical dungeons and dragons…

[quote]StrengthDawg wrote:
While I’ll agree this form of music has shit tons of brutal-ness and does get the blood pumping most of these bands are far from ‘incredible musicians’- with the exception of the drummers- that’s where the real talent lay and the drummers of those kind of bands carry the rest of the players, in my opinion.

I’ll add that the songs that they play aren’t very hard to come up with. They may be classical guitarist when not playing IDK but I’m talking about the shit on their records. I kind of play guitar and I suck for the most part but all you really have to do is tune your guitar to drop d or lower, add a shit ton of distortion, run your shit thorugh an effects processor then play a shit load of “5” powercords,maybve a few open E chords, palm mute the fuck out of your strings,and have a little wrist flexibility to do some ‘gallops’ and your a deth-metal player.

Sounds really cool but not hard at all. Best thing is they sell a shit ton of records to a bunch of these wanna be satanists or other “dark metal” fans but whatever floats your boat.

In my opinion most of theses “metal” bands sit around making shit up to sound all ‘creepy’ and ‘demonic’ and shit…to me its like musical dungeons and dragons…[/quote]

I’ll agree with you for the most part but you can’t listen to bands like Cryptopsy and say it isn’t a little bit technical.

[quote]mokaloka99 wrote:
this is not music, its called noise. Terrible sounds. If this what you have to listen to to lift big, i feel sorry for you. [/quote]

I mean this with the least amount of disrespect possible:

You’re a fucking idiot.

[quote]StrengthDawg wrote:
While I’ll agree this form of music has shit tons of brutal-ness and does get the blood pumping most of these bands are far from ‘incredible musicians’- with the exception of the drummers- that’s where the real talent lay and the drummers of those kind of bands carry the rest of the players, in my opinion.

I’ll add that the songs that they play aren’t very hard to come up with. They may be classical guitarist when not playing IDK but I’m talking about the shit on their records. I kind of play guitar and I suck for the most part but all you really have to do is tune your guitar to drop d or lower, add a shit ton of distortion, run your shit thorugh an effects processor then play a shit load of “5” powercords,maybve a few open E chords, palm mute the fuck out of your strings,and have a little wrist flexibility to do some ‘gallops’ and your a deth-metal player.

Sounds really cool but not hard at all. Best thing is they sell a shit ton of records to a bunch of these wanna be satanists or other “dark metal” fans but whatever floats your boat.

In my opinion most of theses “metal” bands sit around making shit up to sound all ‘creepy’ and ‘demonic’ and shit…to me its like musical dungeons and dragons…[/quote]

You have no idea what you are talking about. Just tuning to drop d to make dark music? And its not hard to play? I will agree with you on one thing. Most metal, and music in general, fucking sucks. It’s hard to find music thats played by actual musicians but, some of the best ones on earth are in bands like these. Meshuggah being the stand out of all of them I think. Just tuned down to drop d? On which string? They play custom 8 and 9 string Ibanez guitars and use time signitures that are almost impossible to recreate.

You said you play the guitar a little but you suck at it. Maybe you suck because you have no idea how to listen to music.

Like I said before, most metal does suck. So does most country, rock, pop, rap, jazz, classic rock, and all that Justin Beiber you probably have blasting out of your speakers right now. However, especially for someone who likes to come off as a music snob like you, when something like Meshuggah or Psyopus gets introduced to you, you think its noise? And isnt hard to play? Thats fucking crazy.

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]StrengthDawg wrote:
While I’ll agree this form of music has shit tons of brutal-ness and does get the blood pumping most of these bands are far from ‘incredible musicians’- with the exception of the drummers- that’s where the real talent lay and the drummers of those kind of bands carry the rest of the players, in my opinion.

I’ll add that the songs that they play aren’t very hard to come up with. They may be classical guitarist when not playing IDK but I’m talking about the shit on their records. I kind of play guitar and I suck for the most part but all you really have to do is tune your guitar to drop d or lower, add a shit ton of distortion, run your shit thorugh an effects processor then play a shit load of “5” powercords,maybve a few open E chords, palm mute the fuck out of your strings,and have a little wrist flexibility to do some ‘gallops’ and your a deth-metal player.

Sounds really cool but not hard at all. Best thing is they sell a shit ton of records to a bunch of these wanna be satanists or other “dark metal” fans but whatever floats your boat.

In my opinion most of theses “metal” bands sit around making shit up to sound all ‘creepy’ and ‘demonic’ and shit…to me its like musical dungeons and dragons…[/quote]

You have no idea what you are talking about. [/quote]


If you want crazy fret-board climbing and melody (most of the time) → Necrophagist and Brain Drill (the latter I don’t like all that much… Not the right sense of melody/ note progression for me) and co.

If you love counting more than anything else → Meshuggah and all the other math stuff (get some more melodic stuff in there too, of course… I hope Meshuggah will do another album like D/E/I again though with what they’ve learned since then.

Odd-time and shredding in general: Spastic Ink and so on

Extreme appregio-abuse: Origin etc (with simpler song-structures though in their case).

Varied time-signatures but more traditional guitar playing → Dream theater and what have you.

Just because the meshuggah guitar-players and bass guy play simple stuff doesn’t mean it’s actually easy (though I’m not too much of a fan of some of their albums… Too much of the same as far as techniques go and no real development… Got a little better with obzen finally, but still some things that irk the hell out of me).

Even most jazz is dead-simple, but you get crazy shit there as well obviously. Same for most genre’s which allow any kind of expression for the instrumentalists… You just have to know where to look, and avoid being an idiot.