[quote]OctoberGirl wrote:
hammertime2 wrote:
OctoberGirl wrote:
hammertime2 wrote:
OctoberGirl wrote:
Well you and jsbrooks have given me some food for thought.
I may give a larger meal in the morning a try on my day off.
the most important thing about eating good before training is obvious…give yourself plenty of time to digest but not to long or you will loose the benefit of all that energy…it’s trail and error on timing
But see that is the thing. I am not getting my ass up 2-hours before the gym so I can have a king’s breakfast, then get to the gym, then get to work.
I work too many hours as it is, efficiency is a valuable thing to me.
I may try a little more of a meal and a small bit of lead time, but no way am I getting up at 3:00am and hanging around to let food digest before I go to the gym.
yeah I hear ya, your best is then to put as much nutrition in your shakes before training, add waxy starch if you can stomach the taste, it taste like eating paper but it is a slow digesting carb and gives you the fuel you need without addding alot of calories
so I take it you aren’t a fan of fasted cardio either?
I’d probably just add whole milk to my Grow! if I wanted the slow carb, the sugars would also aid in energy, but luckily so far what I have been doing seems to work.
There is also the whole thing with as I am taxing my CNS before a timely warm up I am not sure diverting energy and blood supply to my tummy is the best option
I hear ya, everyone is differnt so they have different needs for what they are specifically doing in the morning. I know I hate to eat breakfast but I am trying to keep my muscle mass and loose BF at the same time.
Fasted Cardio? Is that cardio done fast or fasting while you do cardio? I used to get up in the morning and just drink a pot of coffee and then train like a madman, but I don’t think that was too smart either.