More Trouble Than I Am Worth: Chaos Is The Plan (T3hPwnisher Log)

@simo74 Thanks dude!

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm, slept in again with schedule)

PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT Phase 4, Week 1, Workout 3

Had to adapt a little due to that small back spasm yesterday

Axle press out of rack, EMOM

ZENO SQUATS (12 deep breaths between sets)


3x10 standing ab wheel
90 second hang from bar, pull up every 30 seconds


  • Back was a little stiff when I woke up, so compromised a little. Took presses out of the rack, and wore the strongman soft belt on the squats. Iā€™m honestly incredibly amazed those squats happened at all. Previously, one of these back spasms would mean a complete no sale there. I imagine my new form on squats allows for a bit more leeway, as my back stays more upright. Either way, felt strong in the warm ups and strong on the execution. Progressed through, adding a rep to the top sets, getting that cascade effect, and a rep at the end on the widowmaker.

  • Pressing out of the rack EMOM was solid enough. Really showing me that I need to get in more pressing volume in general. I think the Phryexian Dreadnought is going to be my way forward for a while, but I need to really figure out the upper body pressing portion of it, and the answer is going to be more volume.

  • Assistance on the lighter side. On top of everything else going on, I test for a new Tang Soo Do belt tomorrow, so I canā€™t be completely fried.


Lunch time anabolism for that anabolic window: 3 piedmontese beef back ribs, smoked on my Ninja Woodfire

There were no survivors


Slept until about 0730, got up and got in some very slow squats and push ups. Back is super stiff and this illness is most likely viral, as it hits me hardest at the morning and evening.

Had a fantastic breakfast, walked both dogs a short distance, got some burger patties from Culverā€™s for lunch, and then got in some mat pulls when we got home

I really had ZERO expectations coming into this, since my back was so tender, but it looks like Iā€™m still able to perform on demand. The 13 reps this week were easier than last week. I most likely could have pulled more reps if I wanted to do some hard hitching and grinding, but since I had my Tang Soo Do test a few hours after this, I decided to be safe. Ended up going 13+5+4x425 from 5 mats.

Rested up enough for said Tang Soo Do test. I was feeling better, but still ill, and it showed, because I completely sweat through my dobak in the first portion of the test.

We have a physical testing requirement to start off. At my rank, theyā€™re 35 push ups (elbows tucked to the side), 35 sit ups, and 35 jumping jacks. If you do them slapass, theyā€™re a cakewalk, but if you actually put some rep quality into them, it can be challenging. After that was an hour of basics, and that was pretty brutal, but we had one student fallout and I wasnā€™t that student, so I was happy with that.

From there, one-step self defense. Paired up with the Valkyrie. My head was spinning and I was making some simple mistakes, but I played it cool enough that it wasnā€™t obvious.

After that was forms/hyungs/kata (depending on your region). I put max effort into this. I was still pouring sweat as well, and I lost my voice during the basics, so I was letting out some very horse kiais.

From here was sparring. Just did a round with the Valkryie, and then a 2-on-1 against here and our senior student, then we put the shoe on the other foot. I did well on the 2-on-1: all about space management.

From here was board breaking. I went with an upset knifehand for my hand technique, as itā€™s my ā€œsteak and eggsā€ of hand techniques on a board break. It looks cool and challenging and I can do it in my sleep. For the kick, I went with a challenge: a spin axe kick. Iā€™m something of an axe kick meme in sparring, as I like to pretend Iā€™m Andy Hug while no one else cares to use them, so I figured Iā€™d give it a go. My instructor had legit never seen anyone do it before, so that was cool. Nailed them both on the first try. From there, 2 hours of testing was done.

Picked up BBQ (half rack of ribs for me, on top of those ribs I had yesterday, itā€™s been 2 good days in a row) and settling in for the evening. Iā€™m sick, exhausted, broken, bruised, forgotten, sore, and couldnā€™t be happier. Super proud of my family. My kid and Valkyrie both nailed their board breaks and both picked some challenging techniques. Weā€™re rocking this.


Just keep killing it like always

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@bigpappafrance Thanks man! No plans to stop.

Today was a light day. Slept in until about 0700, got out of bed at 0800 (laid next to the Valkyrie while she rested), had a great breakfast, took both dogs for a short walk, and then otherwise laid low. Was set up to train, but opted for a nap with the Valkyrie instead. Iā€™m feeling better, but still sick, and I felt like a day without training was going to be more beneficial than a day with training. It being 100 degrees helped with that decision. We did get in a 1 mile walk outside, and I had an awesome dinner of some piedmontese grassfed new york strips, 3 pastured eggs, and some breast from a wild turkey my wifeā€™s co-worker got us.

Tomorrow, I get back after it. Iā€™m feeling good for it.


AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm, medicine hangover)

PHRYEXIAN DREADNOUGHT Phase 4, Week 2, Workout 1

EMOM Axle push press from rack w/161lbs

SSB Squats against doubled light bands


3x10 standing ab wheel
28 axle shrugs against average bands
50 band pull aparts
100 Poundstone curls w/Axle
50 overhead tricep extensions


Short walk w/both dogs


  • Still not 100%, but feeling better. You can hear/see me hacking away between sets on the axle, and my back is still pretty stiff. Been using ā€œMucinex Nightshiftā€ before bed these past 3 evenings, but the first 2 were weekends so I could sleep in. Getting up this morning to train, I was still feeling the impacts of the meds. Itā€™s been 4 hours since I woke up and Iā€™m still in a bit of a fog, so I think Iā€™ll hang that up for now. Iā€™m mostly out of the woods, but figured I shouldnā€™t ā€œoperate heavy machineryā€ while under the influence, so I stayed away from cleans and continentals and just took things out of the rack. Focused on the push press mechanics, which was probably for the best. Came up with the rep scheme on the fly: didnā€™t want to do a full 1+ min rest, but knew I wouldnā€™t be able to hit 5s and 4s EMOM, so just had the 1 rep to keep me fresh between rounds. Feeling better with the push press.

  • Still kept the soft belt for the squats to let my back have some heat. That set of 175 was rough, and I was 50/50 on if I could make another rep if I tried. This is still a PR as far as weight goes, so I hung it up and told myself Iā€™d make it up on the widowmaker. Got 1 rep more than my last attempt, and poured 100% of my soul into it, because once that set was done I was absolutely toast. Had no pull ups in me, so just went with the basics. Kept the SSB good mornings out to give my back/hips some time to heal.

  • Those overhead tricep extensions were actually pretty solid on my triceps: Iā€™ll have to remember that for the future. Also thinking I might do some Juarez Valley or Blackjack come Wednesday if I canā€™t get my hips right.

  • First time walking both dogs on my own. Theyā€™re figuring it out.

  • Carb up meal tonight. Some farmerā€™s casserole and chocolate chip cookies await me. Iā€™m holding a bit of inflammation from being ill: I can actually feeling the water in my abdominal muscles bounce up and down when I walk. Always interesting how illness manifests.


On what are you doing those overhead tri extentions?

Btw I am starting easy strength today. I am in a fatloss phase. Still counting kcal, not carnivore. Now doing intermittent fasting.
Dan says for fatloss: just walk for 45 min after the session. I assume he has the less walking American society in mind when saying that: I take 10.000 steps a day, so I am opting for something more strenous in the gym time. I think I will do some fun/not fun demonic conditioning to fill the rest of the hour when time premits. Letā€™s see how that shakes out.

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I looped a band on my yokeā€™s crossbeam.

I think I will do some fun/not fun demonic conditioning to fill the rest of the hour when time premits

If the goal is FAT loss, this is NOT how I would handle things. Dan has his way set for a reason. Itā€™s not about CALORIE burning but actual FAT burning. When you walk, your primary fuel source is fat, because itā€™s a low intensity activity. HIGH intensity activities rely on sugar for fuel. Your body can store about 2000 calories of sugar/carbs for fuel in your glycogen. Itā€™s why marathon runners ā€œhit the wallā€ during a race: they burn all of their stored carbs in their body and run out of fuel. Itā€™s also why they tend to use energy gels during races to just to replenish said fuel source.

Your body can store near limitless amounts of fat. Itā€™s a fantastic fuel source: as long as you can make use of it. And thatā€™s exactly what Dan tries to set you up to do with Easy Strength for Fat Loss. You train fasted, so your glycogen should already be somewhat depleted, and then you engage in resistance training to really burn through whatever else is left and free up the fatty free acids, and then you go on a walk to go burn some fat as a fuel source.

Going out and burning a bunch of sugar is just going to have you come back home and top it all off again. Itā€™s the hamster wheel of fat loss. If you want to do even MORE walking, thatā€™s pretty awesome: Iā€™m a big fan of that. But I wouldnā€™t try to swap out the walk of Easy Strength with hardcore conditioning. Iā€™d make sure to get in the walk, then get in a meal and THEN do the conditioning, if thatā€™s really important.


Great stuff in here (as always).

I have a plan for you to achieve your goal rapidly. Becoming more trouble is hard work, so you could always try being worth less.

Iā€™ll see myself out now.


Thanks man!
Doing the workout fasted is really hard. Just shakes will be okay but fasted is really hard because i can train at 6 at night at earliest. Not sure how to tackle things

Ah yeah, the most ideal situation would be to train in the morning. You say you do IF: what your fasting window? Are you able to time it so that you finish training when your window opens? The workouts are thankfully not hard.

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Started last week with IF. I eat at noon till around 8 at night. Training isnt really doable around noon because of work.

Btw I am training right now and easy strength aint as fast paced as i thought. I awkward use mostly new exercises

Edit: I am a bit at a loss how i want to train. I want something with more frequency, a change of pace from 531 for further fatloss phase.

Next edit: man i am screwing something up. The workout is running 45 min with these rest times

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Is the great Pwnisher a fan of ginger tea?

@tlgains Those are plants :wink: I do have 2 VERY watered down green teas each day, and Iā€™ve been drinking a lot of hot water with electrolytes.

@Panopticum Yeah, Easy Strength DEFINITELY isnā€™t fast paced. Very much the opposite. It lives up to itā€™s name.

The workout is running 45 min with these rest times

Definitely. Really shouldnā€™t need a whole lot of rest between sets on the movements. It might not be easy enough it seems. You really shouldnā€™t be struggling.

Any possibility of moving the eating window to the right? If not, I imagine you can still make Easy Strength for Fat Loss work WITHOUT the fasting beforehand. Youā€™ll still burn up some fat with the workout and the walk. Another option would be to do the fasted walking first thing in the morning. If you have a kettlebell or similar object at home, you could get the swings AND weighted walks knocked out beforehand, and break up your Easy Strength workout like that. Dan has talked about how the original Easy Strength he ran took like 45-60 minutes, because he was doing stuff between the exercises, like cooking dinner and knocking out chores.


Thank you so much for all your help. When I am switching program, i feel so damn lost hahah. Not sure what I am gonna do. Your option is pretty hard to fit into my life right now.

I am rereading some posts about fatloss of yours for some ideas.
All over, feeling a bit lost, but i will figure it out

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Always happy to chat dude. Fat loss, in general, isnā€™t terribly complicated: itā€™s controlled undereating. For this most recent discussion, Iā€™m just talking about Dan Johnā€™s method in particular, but you can definitely lose fat WITHOUT using that approach.

Training when losing fat is actually SO much simpler than it is when trying to gain: you just have to train hard enough to maintain muscle while losing fat.

As far as the nutrition goes: itā€™s about finding a way that works FOR YOU. I dig carnivore for that: totally suits me. Some people are flexible dieters: it suits them. The only issue is when you try to put the square peg in the round hole. When we try to force a diet on ourselves that doesnā€™t work, the end result is a binge as the body will find a way to ā€œcorrectā€ itself. You see this a lot with crash dieters: they lose 10lbs, regain 15.


Appreciate you swinging by dude!

Becoming more trouble is hard work, so you could always try being worth less.

Hah! Believe me: the equation has entered my mind. Itā€™s one of those ā€œDonā€™t go gentle into the good nightā€ sorta things. Iā€™ll decline: but Iā€™ll still be more trouble the entire time. Much like the story of 2 kids trying to mug Jack Dempsey


You are the man Jared!

I think for tomorrow, I will change my 531 SSL cycle which I used to maintain/drop a little weight to a FSL one with +sets. As always, tons of giant sets to get a ton of hard volume in. Maybe best not ā€œovercorrect courseā€ right now.

I will keep you posted


Happy to help man! Thatā€™s a fantastic pivot for fat loss there: PR sets let you push as hard as you can for THAT particular day. And giant sets work well with the FSL sets.


AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell
2.8 mile walk at 3.0 mph pace w/80lb vest
85x270 reverse hypers


Short walk w/both dogs


  • If ever there was a time for a tonic workout, this was it. And like bitter medicine, I never want it, but I know Iā€™m better for doing it. This is probably one of the most positive things Iā€™ve included in my training.

  • Really felt like I was hustling on the walk, but at one point I hit a jagged part of the sidewalk, flew forward 5 steps and nearly ate it which, with a weight vest on, is pretty terrifying. It didnā€™t feel too terribly great on my back. After that point, I imagine I throttled back a little subconsciously and ended up keeping the 3.0 pace.

  • Reverse hypers felt good on the back/hips. Iā€™m mostly recovered, but still stiff.

  • Speaking of mostly recovered, still holding onto some of the illness. Iā€™ve actually got a little pooch of water on my lower abdomen right now: itā€™s kind of funny to see, since my abs are still well defined. Body is just holding inflammation. Also had my carb up yesterday, so Iā€™ve got some water.

  • Tang Soo Do is on the schedule tonight, but my Valkyrie got hit hard with whatever it was that I had. I may stay home with her and play nurse. This is when weā€™re supposed to get our new belts, so there is a chance sheā€™ll attend just to receive that and bow out: weā€™ll play by ear.