Short version: Has anyone noticed more muscle soreness and joint pain while on blast, compared to while on TRT doses (other variables being constant)? If so, were you able to control/improve it by some means?
Long version for folks who like details:
My training age is 25 years, my chrono age is 44 years. I’ve competed in powerlifting for 2 years and have a Class 1 total. This powerlifting season, I’ve run Test at TRT amount (140mg/wk) until I start meet prep. When I start meet prep, I up the dose to 300mg/wk. No AI or other drugs during either dose. Training, diet, and sleep are almost identical between non-prep and prep. Only difference is during prep, I actually train less intensely, focus on technique, and leave 1-2 reps in the tank. Somehow, beyond my comprehension, as soon as I raise the Test dose to 300/wk, I get pain all over my body. I feel like an old man when I wake up in the morning, old injuries start to hurt again, the weights feel heavier, and sharp pains shoot across various regions of my body when lifting 50% of 1RM or higher.
Any experience with this would be greatly appreciated.