Montreal Body Parts [More F'd Up News]

There are videos and they are extremely EXTREMELY and DISTURBING graphic:

fuck that noise.

omg is that a video of the killing?? I’m not watching that. ugh

What a fucked up news week. Seriously.

How bad are the videos? There is no way I can watch that shit.


[quote]stefan128 wrote:
How bad are the videos? There is no way I can watch that shit.[/quote]
Don’t watch.

Yeah, that video is pretty fucked up. Has music that sounds like

I don’t know if the killer was playing that or if someone else added it in, but fuckin’ creepy nonetheless.

This is the song

After seeing that, I’m probably going to have a sleep paralysis episode when I go to bed tonight.
Anyone else ever get those? Feels like someone is in your room or house and you’re about to be slaughtered, but you can’t move.

[quote]stefan128 wrote:
How bad are the videos? There is no way I can watch that shit.[/quote]
It’s pretty bad. The guy appears to be dead when he starts stabbing him with the icepick in the video.

It is bad but, the way it is filmed it almost looks fake. I have seen a lot worse (Cartels are fucking insane).

[quote]maverick88 wrote:
It is bad but, the way it is filmed it almost looks fake. I have seen a lot worse (Cartels are fucking insane).[/quote]
Sadly I have as well

Ct. Rockula had something to do with this.

I am not seeing that, but I have to ask why someone post shit like this on here wtf.

New order is good 80`s pop-rock filled with the geyz btw :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

shit’s gotta be fake unless he bled the guy dry before he started cutting

I’m not squeamish, but I’m not watching the vids either.

[quote]fr0IVIan wrote:
shit’s gotta be fake unless he bled the guy dry before he started cutting[/quote]

there was blood everywhere bro

Also…a mattress will soak up A LOT of the blood/body fluid.

Death Penalty. I don’t give a fuck about rights and insane, criminal liability whatever, just get that THING of this planet and out of society