[quote]actionjeff wrote:
If you were to read the article and discussion I linked you would know that, but unlike you I don’t expect someone to spend 15 minutes reading an article to be worth talking to. I have 0 interest in going through the 600 page misrepresentation of facts and cherry picked studies that creates make believe physiology to fund an egotistical jackass with no formal background at all in training, physiology or nutrition, that is the book you recommended, and think said book is one of the larger disservices towards those who wish to improve their health in recent years. Complete garbage.
bholiday wrote:
actionjeff wrote:
A total cholesterol of 210 is fucking high as shit, and if her doctors told her that she needs to lower it, then that opinion is far more relevant than your anecdotal anti-carb pro-saturated fat recommendations that could be potentially harmful.
This is the real world, not anecdotal, zero carb fantasy land, and a REAL person you are giving advice to. The reality of the situation is that the doctor TOLD HER cholesterol is too high and that she has a HEALTH RISK because of it. Get with the picture. They said it’s too high, I’ll take their word.
Guess what, a young, active person who lifts is going to respond a lot differently to various dieting protocols than a 40+ year old woman under who knows what stresses. And since odds are she ain’t going to want to experiment with a ketogenic diet, the combination of high saturated fat and lots of high GI carbs has an even WORSE effect on blood lipid profile.
Which goes back to the general recommendation: lower the saturated fat, eat more fruits and vegetables, cut out more of the processed crap and see how that works after consulting with a doctor, then reevaluate. Something that’s actually PRACTICAL, based in reality, and most importantly of all- actually likely and even easy for his mom to implement!
Here’s a great article/discussion I read recently that delved into some of the issues that I think most anyone here will find very informative, useful, and applicable to themselves:
You have a lot of faith in Doctors…unfortunately too often they don’t know what the hell they are talking about. Read the book I recommended…then lets talk.
According to bholiday, if your mother’s doctor says her cholesterol is high and she is at health risk, you should just assume he’s full of shit and you know better than him.
According to everyone else, someone who went through medical school that you are paying to advise you on your health might be worth listening to when it’s your life on the line.
I guess TomRocco is just going to have to decide which of these viewpoints makes more sense.
If she has a doctor who knows what he is doing…he will understand that the total cholesterol of 211 is meaningless as far as a risk factor for Cardio Vascular Disease.
He will be more concerned with the ratio of triglycerides to HDL. He will also want to check if the LDL are the large “fluffy” ones, or the small dense ones.
He will also know that the fastest way to decease triglycerides and to increase HDL is to significantly decrease carbs and increase fats in the diet.
I am familiar with the leangains article.