This is all I have…enjoy
CT- Sets & Rep Schemes
Christian Thibaudeau: 6s, 3s, 2s and 1s: 6s build MUSCLE and strength, 3s build STRENGTH, muscle and density, 2s build DENSITY, strength and improve your capacity to showcase your strength into a max effort, 1s improve your capacity to showcase strength and build density while also building some strength (actually inferior to 2s and 3s in that regard).
Christian Thibaudeau: MY CURRENT SETS AND REPS SCHEME: I love the 6-5-4-3-2-1- scheme. But I’m IN LOVE with 3 x 6, 1 x 3, 1 x 2, 1 x 1… it makes it easy to progress. First work on increasing load on your sets of 6. When you can lift 10-20lbs more on all sets of 6, work on adding weight on your set of 3. When that is up by 10-20lbs, work on the 2. When the 2 is up by 20lbs re-test your max
Christian Thibaudeau: PROGRESSION ON 3X6, 1X3, 1X2, 1X1: The 6 are done so that the highest average load is achieved. Most of the time I will take 2-3 gradually heavier preparatory sets which will help me select the weight for the first work set, which is challenging but on the conservative side. I add 10-20 lbs for the second set (unless the first set felt perfect) and most of the time I use the same weight for the third set unless the second felt too easy. I add 20-30lbs for the 3, 10-20 per set for the 2 and 1.
Christian Thibaudeau: SETS AND REPS SCHEME CHANGES: My current key sets and reps scheme respect the same breakdown. The 3 key ones I use are (1) 3 x 6, 3 x 3 (2) 6-5-4-3-2-1- (3) 3 x 6, 1x3, 1x2, 1x1… if you notice they all have 3 sets in the 4-6 range and 3 sets in the 1-3 range. I find that pattern to be best for max growth. So you could also use 6, 5, 5, 3, 3,2 or 6,6,5,3,1,1 for example. Really, 3 sets in the 4-6 range anf 3 in the 1-3 range. These can be rotated at will in no specific order.
Christian Thibaudeau: 6,5,4,3,2,1 LOAD PROGRESSION: This scheme is very simple. You add weight and drop a rep on every set. Each set should be equally hard meaning that every set is performed with a weight that is challenging for the required number of repetitions without having you use bad technique. As for 6,6,6,3,2,1 I discussed it last week.
Christian Thibaudeau: CLUSTER 5: This is one of the most effective strength-building technique as well as a very powerful muscle-building stimulus for more advanced lifters. Basically each set has 5 total reps done with a weight you would normally lift 3-4 times. But you take 7-10 seconds of rest (replace the bar on the support or pins after each rep) between each of those reps.