I feel like a child with my little peptides while everyone is on about their tren n shit but I mean everyone starts somewhere. I want to start taking mk677 but I have no clue where to start. I also have a few questions.
I am 18 220lb 5’10ish
Ideally I’d be doing 25mg a day for I guess 4 or so months. This is my first time trying any form of PED so I’m open to any form of feedback… I’m lost.
So ig first off, how long and how often should I be cycling on and off? I’ve heard a few people say that anything under a 16 week cycle is pretty much useless. I also have no clue how long the break should be in between.
I’ve heard one of the side effects of MK is a glucose sensitivity, should I be monitoring my blood sugar frequently? Also is there a way to mitigate or lessen this side effect?
It’s pretty common to increase the user’s appetite, I’m wondering if it’s still okay to use it on a cut. Or is the appetite increase enough to the point that it would be unbearable on a cut?
Lethargy is another concern, is it best to take it directly before bed? Is sleeping through the initial ingestion going to lessen it’s beneficial effects?
I guess in general is there any sort of vitamins or supplements I should be taking with it? Someone on reddit said I believe vitamin B should help with any GH complications though I have no clue how accurate that is.
Also is taking MK even gonna do anything? Since I’m still a teen, my GH should be fairly high regardless. If I can improve it, of course I’d want to and I have no problem doing so at my age, though if the effects are going to be close to nothing, I’m not exactly financially stable enough to just blow 80 bucks a month for no reason.
Honestly I’m just trying to be as safe as possible through this. I’m very new to this whole thing. If y’all could help me out that’d be great. Any feedback or information helps a lot. Thanks.
From a physiological perspective you are, you haven’t finished developing, brain and body still have changes to make, to mess with PEDs at this point is as you’ve already identified, pretty much pointless and carries higher risks.
What’s your training history, body comp and diet? What were you hoping to achieve by using MK?
You don’t need anything but hard training and correct diet.
You don’t mention either of these in your post. What do they look like?
No, MK677 is not good for dieting.
Why don’t you start a training and diet log so we can help you get to your goals.
how long do you need to be on it for? that depends on your goals and timelines. take it as long as you need to take it
of course
sure, if you don’t mind being super hungry. some guys are fine with that.
I did, but it fucked my sleep up. was very stimulating for me
what are you deficient in? take that
ok this should be at the top of your post, because of course you don’t want to fuck with your hormones as a teen. you’re at the prime, why screw that up? to drop a couple pounds? who cares.
I’ve been lifting for about 2 years at this point.
335 B
425 S
600 D
At this point I’m around 5 1/2 months into my bulk. Just from bf% comparison photos I’m likely sitting around 18% bf. In terms of diet, it’s complete shit. 4400 kcal, 220g protein, 495g carbs, 171g fat. I eat anything in front of me tbh.
I just wanna get huge, sounds immature but I see hella people on insta literally my age that are jacked asf, stronger, way leaner, and a lot of them of course are fake natties so my thought process was just why can’t I be not natty too. I really don’t give a fuck abt my natty status, I’m not looking to compete in any regulated sports nor do I give a fuck about being a fake natty influencer. I just wanna get huge yk.
I train hard, most set go to failure or fairly close, usually 1 rep in the chamber. I like lower rep high weight usually sitting in the 4-6 rep range. I like 6-8 sets per muscle group and I’m running a PPL split with a rest day after each kinda rotation. I try to take my training as hard as I reasonably can.
My diet is pretty shit, I eat anything I can get my hands on. Chocolate milk is the goat on a bulk. Currently eating 4400 kcal, 220g protein, 495g carbs, 171g fat.
Thank you and everyone for the insight. I’m still researching and nothings final yet. If I don’t take anything now, is there like a certain age where MK would be more acceptable, like 25 or pushing 30. Not sure how my GH levels look rn anyways so I’ll see if theres a way for me to find that out.
Yea thank you again for the help I really appreciate it Still gotta work some stuff out, I don’t wanna hop on completely blind without any forethought. Uhhh thank you again again lmao.
In terms of your goals, getting huge MK just isn’t going to do that for you. I’d correct your eating first, it’s simple enough to eat 4.5k cals without just resorting to junk. You need to remember that this will take a long time, it isn’t a race, force feeding yourself junk will only serve to make you huge in the wrong way, unless you’re meaning strongman huge, but since you’re talking about influencers I’m assuming lean also plays a part!
At your age there’s a lot of development still happening, best advice is train hard (looks like you’ve got that ticked off with that numbers within 2 years) and get the diet nailed down, if you’re dead set on drugs, wait until 25 (brain development in males finishes around then) and see how you feel, if you still want to then you know you’ve done everything right and will be in a much better place to make that decision.
Thank you for the advice I think I’ll wait. I still need a lot of consideration but yea I see your points. Thank you again idrk what else to say. gracias lmao
Oh shit I didn’t know this even existed. I’ll start tracking this definitely. I’ve tried using a journal but I genuinely hate writing with a pen and my hand writing is god awful, literally incomprehensible lmfao. This is dope :0
Before i started using the RPStreangth app i would just use google sheets to program my WO split and then you can use it on your phone at the gym to fill in the WO’s.
What are your thoughts on the RP app so far. I was thinking getting it.
It’s between RP strength and the Joe Bennet hypertrophy coaching App.
My mountain dog training has been great. But, after 18 months I’m ready for a change!
The RP app IMO is much better as you can use a PC to set it up.
I don’t believe the barnett app has that option. I used it for 2 days and went with the RP.
You can either use their stock training plans which are great. Or you can modify their plans or do your own programming and the app will still do the progressions.
I’ve done 2 MD plans with RP so far. They have a money back trial for 2 weeks I think. If the cost doesn’t bother you I would highly recommend.