I work with a guy who is basically obese. He is obese, he is a big guy tho, but still too fat.
Anyways, I’ve taken him lifting with me, and shown him how the game works, he likes it alot, and wants to make a serious transformation in himself.
I calculated he is going to have to burn an excess of 350,000 calories in order to reach 200 lbs.
We talked and he said he’s going to do a 1,300 calorie diet and get it out of the way in like 6 months or something.
It’s strange but a diet of 1,300 calories didn’t actually look that sparse on paper.
Anyways, I am not a dietician or a nutritionist, I can only show the guy how to do a good work out and hold his hand through it the first couple times.
To me it seems like, 1,300 calories will basically waste his time lifting. I know from personal experience that trying to build muscle and cut fat is difficult, however, cutting fat through lifting weights and getting very few calories is a waste of time.
Do you guys think sticking with a 1,300 calorie diet with an hour weight lifting, and then an hour and 1/2 of cardio, 4 days a week split is reasonable for fat loss, or is the weight lifting a waste of time?
Do you think he’d be better off, with a 1,700 calorie diet, with very intense lifting, and then running, and he’d actually gain muscle and lose fat in this period?
What do you think?
What’s really befuddling me, is if he burns x amount of calories weightlifting, and it goes into deficit, but is in a fat burning mode (through calorie deficit and low carb diet) will he litterally convert his fat stores into the material he needs for muscle recovery and gain?
I might sound like a fool here but I’m just trying to help this go out and learn something for myself.