I am over my ideal weight and I want to change that. I am what people call skinny-fat. I will be posting my training sessions and diet.
Currently these are my maxes:
-ATG Squat: 1 rep 340 lbs (tested in summer), 8 reps 285 lbs (recent)
-Bench: 3 reps 225 lbs (recent)
-Deadlift: 3 reps 330 lbs (tested in summer)
I am roughly 172 lbs and 5’6-5’7.
[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
How old are you?[/quote]
I just turned 20 and I live in residence.
My training is going to be kind of screwed up for a bit. I will be going back to Montreal next week for winter break and will be training in an Olympic Weightlifting facility. It is a great facility and we have a great coach. I will not be able to predict the training sessions there.
As far as training in Halifax goes a friend of mine might be able to hook me up with a log press and a sled.
The training in Halifax should look something like this:
Day 1:
Push Press
Lunges or Leg Curls
The two days would be max effort work, anytime that I train other than that would be accessory work and training with strongman equipment.
Farmer’s Walk
3x100 feet w/ 140lbs
Pull up switch grips
3-4 sets
Hanging Knee Raises
What are your goals besides losing the fat?
[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
What are your goals besides losing the fat? [/quote]
Get stronger.
First day back at Gadbois after 4 month break from weightlifting.
5x1 70kg
Clean and Jerk
5x1 90kg
3x3 125kg
Push Press
3x3 60kg
Decent day, it’s good to see the club again.
I moved to go to school, at school they don’t have the necessary equipment or space. I started working on general strength and fixing my weaknesses, it seems to have worked fine.
Military Press
3x10 70lbs
Romanian Deadlift
2x20 70lbs
Light extra work.
3x3 65kg
Clean and Jerk
3x3 85kg
Front Squat
2x6 90kg
1x8 90kg
1x3 65kg
1x3 70kg
1x3 75kg (PB)
1x2 78kg (PB)
1x1 80kg (old PB, easy)
Clean And Jerk
1x3 85kg
1x3 90kg (PB I think)
1x2 95kg (PB)
Chinese Jerk
3x5 50kg
3x2 70kg
light technique work
Clean and Jerk
light technique work
My joints hurt. I was going to go heavier but my coach advised me to not to and save my energy for my true max effort days.
Trained once without posting it, and took a break for personal reasons.
Training for today
Front Squat
1x4 135 lbs
2x4 185 lbs
4x4 205 lbs
Bent Over Row
3x10 135 lbs
Incline Bench Press
3x10 95lbs
After Workout
Swim- a few laps
Yeah everything is light, tomorrow I start training program.
5 minutes bike
Bench Press
1x5 135 lbs
1x5 155 lbs
1x10 175 lbs
5 minutes bike
Incline Bench Press
3x10 135 lbs
Db Tricep Extension
3x10 20’s lbs
Sit up with feet anchored
3x10 b.w.
For PM workout triceps started to fail on 3rd set of incline bench, never had that happen before.
1x5 135 lbs
1x5 205 lbs
1x5 225 lbs
1x10 245 lbs
1x50 b.w.
10 minutes
Front Squats
3x10 135 lbs
1x10 155 lbs
1x10 175 lbs
Leg Press
1x20 1pp
1x20 2pp
1x20 3pp
1x20 4pp
Leg Curl
i don’t know, but not near enough
I will be posting my training program, any recommendations and changes would be welcome.
Day 1
Bench 5/3/1
Dips 4x max
Incline Bench 5x10
DB Triceps Extensions 3x10
Day 2
Squat 5/3/1
Box Jump/Lunges 2x50
Front Squat 5x10
Leg Press 3x20
Leg Curl 3x10
Day 3
Deadlift 5/3/1
Pull-Up 3xMax
RDL 3x5
DB Row 3x20
Shrugs 3x10
Day 4
Push Press 5/3/1
Goodmorning 3x10
One Legged Curls 3x15
Military Press 2x10
I cannot do all the volume right now. As I get in better shape I will bring up the amount of sets. Any recommendations are welcome.
1x5 135 lbs
1x5 185 lbs
1x5 225 lbs
1x8 275 lbs
Hammer Curls
1x6 30 lbs
2x6 40 lbs
This training has to be completely redone. By this time in the day my grip is dead.
I am also hung over, shitty day.