Mike_mike's Training Log

This is my training log. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

So, let’s start a training log. I’m Mike, 34 years old and have been doing physical activities for more than 10 years. Some basic facts about me - 190 cm and about 90 kilograms.

I have been doing various martial arts since childhood, and started to lift weights seriously around the age of 20, even tried my hands on competitive powerlifting at an amateur level and some Strongman training. Today I’m trying to consider myself as a more of an all-round athlete.

I hope you will enjoy my training log!


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My first training log post on T-nation

FRIDAY, 2023-03-03

Dumbbell Incline Bench Rows
5 x 10 - 24 kg
3 x 10 - 32 kg
1 x 15 - 36 kg

Dumbbell Lawnmower Rows
50 x 10 - 10 kg

Seated Single Arm Machine Rows
3 x 10 - 70 kg / each sides

3 x 10 - bodyweight

3 x 10 - bodyweight

Seated Dumbbell Hammercurls
3 x 10 - 14 kg / each arm

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
20 minutes of Treadmill Walking

Low intensity, normal heart beat, more about to add steps to my smartwatch. I have a step goal of at least 10 000 steps daily.

I had a headache today and felt a bit nausea. Was supposed to go to a jiu-jitsu class but rested instead, and went to the gym.


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SATURDAY, 2023-03-04

Kneeling Cable Crunches
4 x 10 - 36 kg
3 x 10 - 38 kg

Oblique Crunches in Abs Machine
3 x 10 - 15 kg / each side

Declined Situps with Medicine Ball
5 x 10 - 5 kg

Regular Situps with Medicine Ball
AMRAP (30) - 2 kg

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
10 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Moderate intensity, total distance - 3,15 km.

Some mobility drills and some stretching, primarily focus on lower back and hips.


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SUNDAY, 2023-03-05

Muay Thai
Total time: 90 minutes
Summary: Warm-up, calisthenics, clinch, low roundhouse kicks on kicking shields and various combinations on thai pads.

I truly love the art of eight limbs. Great cardio!


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MONDAY, 2023-03-06

Approximately time: 1 h 45 min
Total distance: Approximately 10 km
Summary: Moderate intesity. Been to naprapathic treatment today, loosing up hips and lower back with joint adjustments, pressure points and massage, a bit sore so no lifting today, or martial arts.

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Yesterday was rest day - no lifting or martial arts, just my daily 10,000 steps goal…


Parallel Grip Pullups
5 x 10 - bodyweight

5 x 10 - bodyweight

Parallel Bar Dips
5 x 10 - bodyweight

Barbell Behind The Back Wrist Curls (with 3 seconds squeeze at the top)
3 x 10 - 40 kg

Dumbbell Thumbs Up-Down Wrist Curls
5 x 10 - 3 kg / each arm

Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curls
5 x 10 - 3 kg / each arm

Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls
5 x 12 - 10 kg

I had to kill some time before tonight’s Muay Thai class, went to the gym and it was crowded with people. So I did the best out of it - some bodyweight exercises, and some wrist conditioning. Because I do martial arts it’s important to have strong wrists and a strong grip. An old coach of mine said, “If you want to punch hard, you gotta have strong wrist.” Also, my late materal grandpa, one of my role models, had a grip like a vice - never went to a gym but did hard labor since childhood as a farm hand and later as a plumber - old-school strength. He always said, “A strong handshake takes you far in life.” That message has stuck in my mind ever since.

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
10 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Moderate intensity, total distance - 2,92 km

Some stretching, primilary focus on hips, hamstrings and groin area

Muay Thai
Total time: 60 minutes
Summary: Warm-up, some calisthenics, shadowboxing, roundhouse kicks on thai pads, some boxing combinations, kicking drill - 50 roundhouse kicks on thai pad with rear leg, and then 50 roundhouse kicks on thai pad with front leg, with as little rest as possible - then finished with approximately 100 situps, with as little rest as possible.


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FRIDAY 2023-03-10

Various Grip Pullups
3 x 10 - bodyweight

Standing Reverse Cable Flyes - Upper region
5 x 10 - 7,5 kg

Standing Reverse Cable Flyes - Mid region
5 x 10 - 2,5 kg

Bent Over Cable Reverse Flyes
3 x 10 - 3,8 kg / each side

Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns
3 x 10 - 26 kg

Single Arm Lateral Cable Raises
3 x 10 - 3,8 kg / each side

Front Cable Raises
3 x 10 - 12 kg

Reverse Machine Flyes
3 x 10 - 50 kg

Single Arm Shoulder Machine Presses
3 x 10 - 12,5 kg / each side

Seated Dips
5 x 6 - 80 kg

Standing Overhead Triceps Extensions
1 x 10 - 21 kg

Tired today, and starting to feel a bit sick - probably a cold or something. Primarily low weights to get good muscle contraction, except for a few heavier exercises. Felt a bit of pain in my right elbow while doing the overhead triceps extensions so stopped.

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
20 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Moderate intensity, total distance - 6,5 km

Some foamrolling to loose up the whole back


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Back after two rest days…

MONDAY 2023-03-13

Kneeling Cable Flyes
6 x 10 - 27,5 kg

Standing Cable Flyes
6 x 10 - 17,5 kg

Seated Machine Chest Press
5 x 10 - 20 kg

Single Arm Machine Chest Press
3 x 10 - 12,5 kg / each side

Seated Dips
3 x 10 - 80 kg

Dumbbell French Press
3 x 10 - 17,5 kg

Declined Situps with Medicine Ball
10 x 10 - 2 kg

Kneeling Cable Crunches
5 x 10 - 39 kg

Parallel Pullups
Did as many pullups in a row until failure as a nice finisher. Total amount: 9 strict ones with bodyweight.

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
20 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Moderate intensity, total distance - 6 km

30 minutes of Treadmill Interval Running
High intensity, total distance - 3,6 km

Summary: 10 minutes warm-up walking, then 5 rounds of 3 minutes running, 1 minute recovery walking.

Heavy Bag
20 minutes of Tabata style routine.
Moderate to high intensity

Summary: 20 rounds of 30 seconds go, 30 seconds rest. Basic boxing combinations, some teep (push kick) and roundhouse kicks. Primary focus on solid, good technique rather than power.


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Yesterday was a busy day, had planned to workout but there wasn’t enough time…

WEDNESDAY 2023-03-15

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
30 minutes of Treadmill Jog/Run
Moderate to high intensity, total distance - 4,11 km

Summary: 5 minutes of warm-up walking - speed at approximately 5 mph, incline at 0%, then 20 minutes of jog and run - speed at approximately 8 mph to 10 mph, incline 0%, 5 minutes of cool-down walking - speed at approximately 3,5 mph.

Some mobility and flexibility and foamrolling.

Muay Thai
Total time: 60 minutes
Summary: Warm-up, some calisthenics, shadowboxing, some combinations on thai pads - jab/cross/hook/rear leg roundhouse kick; jab/cross/slip/cross - then finished with 100 bodyweight squats, with as little rest as possible. An very intense class. Felt abit sore in my lower back muscles so must do more mobility and flexibility job.


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THURSDAY 2023-03-16

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
20 minutes of Treadmill Jog
Easy to moderate intensity, total distance - 2,4 km

Some foamrolling to loose up the back and massage the glutes…

Wide Lat Pulldowns
5 x 6 - 50 kg

Standing Cable Upright Rows
3 x 10 - 15 kg

Dumbbell Incline Bench Rows
3 x 6 - 30 kg
2 x 6 - 35 kg

Monkey Bar Pullups with a Neutral Grip
Total five reps - a nice finisher to challenge myself with…

Today I’ve had plenty of walking too…


Approximately 45 minutes - 4,06 km
Approximately 52 minutes - 4,64 km
Approximately 38 minutes - 3,26 km

I literally love walking, sure I own a car, but gas prices is high and you get plenty of sunshine, fresh air and exercise by walking. Typical “everyday fitness,” or how you should call it.

Finished my day with a nice sauna…


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SATURDAY 2023-03-18

Dumbbell Inclined Chest Press
2 x 10 - 30 kg warm-up
5 x 6 - 40 kg

Single Arm Machine Chest Press
5 x 12 - 40 kg

Cable Crossovers
3 x 10 - 30 kg

Close Grip Smith Machine Bench Press
5 x 6 - 30 kg

Hanging Knee Raises
10 x 10 - bodyweight

Seated Cable Crunches
5 x 10 - 52 kg

Wrist Roller
2 x 5 - 5 kg

Reverse Plate Wrist Curls
4 x 20 - 2,5 kg

Monkey Bar Pullups with a Neutral Grip
Total ten reps - always strive to be better… even when you’re tired.

Of course, plenty of walking today too…

Approximately 20 minutes - 1,95 km
Approximately 75 minutes - 6,88 km
Approximately 70 minutes - 6,71 km


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TUESDAY 2023-03-21

10 x 10 - bodyweight

Reverse Hyperextensions On Exercise Ball
5 x 20 - bodyweight

Kettlebell Goodmornings
5 x 10 - 12 kg

Plate Ground to Overhead
5 x 10 - 15 kg

Inclined Dumbbell Bench Rows
5 x 10 - 25 kg
5 x 8 - 30 kg
5 x 6 - 40 kg

Seated High Machine Rows
5 x 10 - 50 kg

Rear Delt Machine Flyes (with palms outwards)
5 x 10 - 12,5 kg

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
60 minutes of Treadmill Walking
Moderate intensity, total distance - 5 km

30 minutes of Treadmill Jog
Low intensity, total distance - 4 km

Battle Ropes
3 x 30 seconds activity, 30 seconds rest

Also, walking today…

60 minutes - 5,15 km
48 minutes - 4,35 km

Busy day indeed, but felt good. Helped my stepbrother with some groceries 'cause he caught a stomach bug, hopefully I’m safe…


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WEDNESDAY 2023-03-22

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
20 minutes of Treadmill Run
Moderate to high intensity, total distance - 2,70 km

Muay Thai
Total time: 60 minutes
Summary: Warm-up, calisthenics, some shadowboxing to loose up, pad work - working on the switch kick - then combinations of switch kick/cross/hook; switch kick/cross/hook/rear leg roundhouse kick, partner drill - one is standing in plank position and the other is jumping over and crawling back underneath the partner - believe me, it’s tougher than it sounds! An intense Tabata-style shadowboxing drill - 3 minutes of throwing jabs and crosses at high intensity, with short rests between the rounds - then finished with 50 bodyweight squats, without rest. A really cardiovascular hour of Muay Thai! Loved every minute of it!


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THURSDAY 2023-03-23

Cable External Rotator Cuff Rotations
5 x 10 - 1,25 kg / each side

Cable Lateral Shoulder Raises
5 x 8 - 3,8 kg / each side

3 x 10 - 13,8 kg
3 x 8 - 16,3 kg
3 x 6 - 18,8 kg
3 x 3 - 23,8 kg

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
1 x 10 - 10 kg warm-up
5 x 6 - 30 kg

Seated Dumbbell Shrugs
5 x 12 - 30 kg

Barbell Behind The Neck Shoulder Press
3 x 8 - 30 kg

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
25 minutes of Treadmill Jog
Easy to moderate intensity, total distance - 2,9 km

20 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Easy intensity, total distance - 5,8 km

Also, two decent walks today… listening to podcasts, crime documentary and some audio book…

Approximately 60 minutes - 5,75 km
Approximately 90 minutes - 8,13 km

My legs are sore from yesterday Muay Thai session, and my general energy level was low, but it worked out in the end…

Also, a long hot sauna after the gym…


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After three rest days over the weekend, with plenty of food, sleep and rest it was time to workout again…

MONDAY 2023-03-27

Inclined Dumbbell Chest Press
5 x 6 - 40 kg

Inclined Barbell Chest Press
5 x 8 - 40 kg

Dumbbell Pullovers
5 x 10 - 12,5 kg

Seated Cable Crossovers
5 x 10 - 22,5 kg

Seated Dumbbell French Press
3 x 10 - 20 kg

Standing Overhead Triceps Extensions
3 x 10 - 12,5 kg

Straight Leg Raises Over Medicine Ball
5 x 10 - bodyweight

Knees to Elbows Situps with Plate
5 x 10 - 5 kg

Machine Crunches
5 x 6 - 35 kg

Standing Cable Rotations
3 x 10 - 11,25 kg / each side

Side Bends on Hyperextension Bench
3 x 10 - bodyweight / each side

5 x 10 - bodyweight

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
30 minutes of Treadmill Jog
Moderate intensity, total distance - 4,05 km

20 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Moderate intensity, total distance - 6,58 km


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TUESDAY 2023-03-28

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Total time: 60 minutes
Summary: A friend asked if I wanted to join him at the jiu-jitsu class - why not? Some basic rolling, nothing fancy. Trying out some techniques, like the scissor sweep, guard escape, kimura from side control, americana from side control.

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
10 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Moderate intensity, total distance - 2,76 km

10 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Moderate intensity, total distance - 3,08 km


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WEDNESDAY 2023-03-29

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
20 minutes of Treadmill Run
Moderate to high intensity, total distance - 2,53 km

Muay Thai
Total time: 65 minutes
Summary: Warm-up, calisthenics, basic fighting stance and movement, shadowboxing with burpees, some clinch sparring, including up against the wall, with knees to legs and rib area, some pad work - an combination of jab, cross, switch, knee.


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THURSDAY 2023-03-30

Wide Grip Machine Rows
5 x 10 - 23,6 kg

Seated High Cable Rows
5 x 10 - 33,75 kg

5 x 10 - 21,25 kg

Dumbbell Incline Bench Rows
5 x 10 - 30 kg

Single Arm Rear Delt Flyes
2 x 10 - 20 kg / each side
3 x 10 - 23,75 kg / each side

Front Cable Shrugs
5 x 12 - 32,5 kg

Hanging Knee Tucks
10 x 10 - bodyweight

Declined Situps with Medicine Ball
5 x 10 - 5 kg

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
50 minutes of Treadmill Jog
Easy intensity, total distance - 5,04 km

20 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Moderate intensity, total distance - 6,34 km

Felt some pain in my left knee after the treadmill… hopefully nothing!

A long nice sauna session after the workouts…


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After two rest days…

SUNDAY 2023-04-02

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
24 minutes of Treadmill Jog
Easy to moderate intensity, total distance - 2,25 km

Because of I felt some pain in my left knee I took it very easy, more like a warm-up…

Muay Thai
Total time: 90 minutes
Summary: Warm-up, calisthenics, plenty of shadowboxing with burpees, squats, pushups and situps, and little or none rest between rounds. Pad work - low kicks, and an combination of jab, cross, slip, cross, hook, rear roundhouse kick. Some light sparring.


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MONDAY 2023-04-03

Machine Biceps Curls
3 x 12 - 30 kg
2 x 12 - 32 kg

Cable Biceps Curls with Rope
1 x 10 - 15 kg
4 x 10 - 17,5 kg

Standing Overhead Triceps Extensions
3 x 8 - 21,3 kg

Triceps Pushdowns with Straight Bar
3 x 8 - 12,5 kg

Triceps Pushdowns with Rope
3 x 8 - 12,5 kg

Machine Crunches
6 x 5 - 50 kg

Machine Oblique Crunches
3 x 12 - 10 kg / each side

Kneeling Cable Crunches
5 x 10 - 40 kg

Cable Side Bends
3 x 10 - 15 kg / each side

Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
20 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Moderate intensity, total distance - 6,5 km

Approximately time: 90 minutes
Total distance: 8,67 km
Summary: A friend texted and asked if I wanted to go for a walk. Sure why not, some low-intensity cardio is always good, and some “fresh” city air.


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