Yesterday was rest day - no lifting or martial arts, just my daily 10,000 steps goal…
Parallel Grip Pullups
5 x 10 - bodyweight
5 x 10 - bodyweight
Parallel Bar Dips
5 x 10 - bodyweight
Barbell Behind The Back Wrist Curls (with 3 seconds squeeze at the top)
3 x 10 - 40 kg
Dumbbell Thumbs Up-Down Wrist Curls
5 x 10 - 3 kg / each arm
Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curls
5 x 10 - 3 kg / each arm
Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls
5 x 12 - 10 kg
I had to kill some time before tonight’s Muay Thai class, went to the gym and it was crowded with people. So I did the best out of it - some bodyweight exercises, and some wrist conditioning. Because I do martial arts it’s important to have strong wrists and a strong grip. An old coach of mine said, “If you want to punch hard, you gotta have strong wrist.” Also, my late materal grandpa, one of my role models, had a grip like a vice - never went to a gym but did hard labor since childhood as a farm hand and later as a plumber - old-school strength. He always said, “A strong handshake takes you far in life.” That message has stuck in my mind ever since.
Cardiovascular/Endurance/Aerobic Activity
10 minutes of Stationary Bicycle
Moderate intensity, total distance - 2,92 km
Some stretching, primilary focus on hips, hamstrings and groin area
Muay Thai
Total time: 60 minutes
Summary: Warm-up, some calisthenics, shadowboxing, roundhouse kicks on thai pads, some boxing combinations, kicking drill - 50 roundhouse kicks on thai pad with rear leg, and then 50 roundhouse kicks on thai pad with front leg, with as little rest as possible - then finished with approximately 100 situps, with as little rest as possible.