my first log on here.
stats- 5,9 170lbs
chest 42in
legs 23in
waist 33in
arms 14in
forearms 12in
monday me upper-bench press 20kgx5 50kgx3 70kgx3 80kgx3 90kgx3
bar dips 2xbw+9.5kgx10 bwx10
chin ups 2xbw+7.5x8 neutral grip 2x5
seated power cleans 2x10x15kg 1x10x10kg
leg raises 3x10
wed me lower- squat 20kgx5 60kgx3 100kgx3 110x3 120x8.
lunges 3x8x60kg
leg press 3x10x120kg+weight of the machine
ham curls 2x10x35kg 1x10x40
grip plate pinches 20kg x15seconds
bench press 80kgx6 60kgx12 60kgx10
pull ups bw+9.5kgx8 chin up bw+9.5x5 neutral grip 2xbwx5
tricep extension 3x10x30kg
hammer curls 3x8x15kg in each hand
shrugs 3x12x22.5kg in each hand
10-yard starts - 6 sprints with 1 minute rest between sprints
20-yard starts - 2 sprints with 1 minute rest between sprints
20-yard shuttle - 3reps with 1-2 minutes rest between sprints
3x (vertical jumps x5 Horizontal jumps x5)
Kettlebell swings 3x12
bench press 5x20kg 3x50kg 3x80kg 3x85kg 4x90kg
dips 2xbw+9.5kgx8 bwx8
bent over rows 3x8x60kg
seated power cleans 10x10kg 2x10x15kg
hanging leg raises 3x10
squat 5x20kg 3x60kg 1x100kg 1x120kg 5x125kg
leg press 130kg+machine weight x10 x8 x8
lunge 60kgx8 x6 x6
ham curl 30kgx12 35kgx12 40kgx8
bench 80kgx8 60kg x10 x8
chin ups 12.5kg + bwx5 7.5kg + bwx3 bw3x3
recline row 2x8
tricep extension 3x30kgx8
hammer curls 30kg x10 x12 x10
db shrugs 60kg 3x12
going to start hct 12 next week , monday thursday and friday . ill also try get a day of conditioning on tuesday
chin up bw+7.5 x6 x2x2x2
bent over row 70kg x6 x2x2x2
bench press 80kg x6 x2x2x2
military press 50kg x6 x2x2x2
dips bw+12.5kg x6 x2x2x2
front squat 90kg x6 x2x2x2
rack pulls with clean grip 150kg x6 x2x2x2
calf raises 92.5 x6 x2x2x2
cable crunches 55kg x6 x2x2x2
precher ez curls 25kg x6 x2x2x2
bench 82.5kg x6 x2x2x2
dips bw+20kg x6 x2x2x2
chin ups bw+7.5 x6 x2x2x2
rows 72.5kg x6 x2x2x2
military press 55kg x6 x2x2x2
front squat 95kg x6 x2x2x2
rack pull 120kg x6 x2x2x2
calf raises 95kg x6 x2x2x2
cable crunches 60kg x6 x2x2x2
ez preacher curls 27.5kg x6 x2x2x2
hill sprints 4x45yrds
chin ups bw+9.5kg x6 x2x2x2
bent over rows 80kg x6 x2x2x2
bench press 85kg x6 x2x2x2
military press 57.5kg x6 x2x2x2
dips bw+20kg x6 x2x2x2
front squat 100kg x6 x2x2x2
rack pull 130kg x6 x2x2x2
calf raises 100kg x6 x2x2x2
cable crunches 62.5kg x6 x2x2x2
ez preacher curls 32.5kg x6 x2x2x2
chin ups bw+7.5kg x6 x2x2x2
bent over rows 82.5kg x6 x2x2x2
bench press 85kg x6 x2x2x2
military press 60kg x6 x2x2x2
bar dips bw+25kg x6 x2x2x2
front squat 102.5kg x6 x2 x1
rack pulls 130kg x6 x2x2x2
calf raises 100kg x6 x2x2x2
ez precher curls 35kg x6 x2x2x2
cable crunches 62.5kg x6 x2x2x2
chin ups bw+9.5kg x6 x2x2x2
rows 85kg x6 x2x2x2
military press 62.5kg x6 x2x2x2
bench press off pins 80kg x6 x2x2x2
dips bw+25kg x6 x2x2x2
front squat 95kg x6 x2x2x2
rack pulls 120kg x6 x2x2x2
calf raises 95kg x6 x2x2x2
cable crunches 67.5kg x6 x2x2x2
ez preacher curls 35kg x6 x2x2x2
military press 65kg x6 x2x2x2
bent over rows 85kg x6 x2x2x2
bench press 80kg x6 x2x2x2
chin ups bw+9.5kg x6 x2x2x2
dips bw+27.5 x6 x2x2x2
front squat 95kg x6 x2x2x2
rack pulls 130kg x6 x2x2x2
calf raises 100kg x6 x2x2x2
cable crunches 70kg x6 x2x2x2
ez preacher curls 35kg x6 x2x2x2