powdered BCAAs is the way to go! 20g+ w/ the post workout shake!
take some casein before you go to sleep. will prevent catabolism (assuming you don’t sleep 12 hours or something like that). it’s not that waking up to take supps or eat isn’t productive, but it’s a pain in the ass that i’d avoid at all costs… i guess i’m just lazy
I keep a water bottle by the bed, and a small glass with Biotest BCAA tablets. IF I awaken naturally (usually, since I hydrate a decent amount in the evenings), I’ll pop a few.
[quote]TShaw wrote:
I keep a water bottle by the bed, and a small glass with Biotest BCAA tablets. IF I awaken naturally (usually, since I hydrate a decent amount in the evenings), I’ll pop a few.[/quote]