Mexico Vacation

Well, I’ll be going on a family vacation to Mexico next week (Puerto Vallarta and Cabo). Anyone have any pointers on good places to do some “shopping?”

When i have been to Mexico, i just shopped til i found one that were interested in business. They usually are receptive n their info, but you ask for anabolicos, and the ones that are cool will bring you in and explain.

The best results, or response, were from pharm’s that i knew what i was talking about or wanting. If you seem to know your shit, they seem to be more open to giving your gear! Just beware, it seems that each pharmacy tried to give me B-12 or some other crap until i stood my ground. After that, they let me go to the restroom to inject! Good luck bro!

Dose anyone know if roids are legal in the Czech Republic I’m going there over Easter

Walk around a look for guys with donkeys taking guys into “Boys Town”. Ask them for Testosterona or Anabolica. They will show u the local pharmacias. The large “Walgreen” type pharmacias will spot a foreigner right a way and try to rip u off. Go to the smaller pharmacias and tell them what u want but dont show them ur money until u have the product in hand. The good pharmacias will have menus with the labels on them while others will have empty bottles in their pockets to show u what they can get.

Most of the guys are “runners” who go to the larger pahrmacias that just tried to rip u off and get the bottles real cheap. The doctor then pays them for their efforts. Once u get your gear, check the crimp and make sure that it isnt loose. Also, turn the bottle over and make sure there is no discoloration. Sometimes they put peanut oil in there to rip u off. Never buy a perscription–it is a rip off. If u want to know how to get it back across, hit me up with a PM. be safe bro.

Behind McDonalds at the Malacon in PV there is a Veterinary clinic. Ask for Supertest. Its 450 pesos per bottle. Thats where I get all my juice. PM me if you need directions