Message to pkradgreek. figure it out!

After reading your comments on Yoga. Nothing else that you write will ever matter. try something before you say anything about it. I hate to drag this topic over to this board but I need to cut this Tumor(pkradgreek) off right now before he infects anyone else. YOGA. The literal defintion means UNION. plain and simple UNION. There are several different kinds of yoga. All of which will help even the novive bodybuilder. Perhaps the most beneficial is Bikram’s Yoga. Bikram was an olympic power lifter for india before bringing his style of yoga to the states. Olympic Power Lifter. Say that out loud pkradgreek. You think yoga gets you in touch with demons? Bikram’s style yoga is done in a hot room. Fucking hot… starts at 96 and moves up to 106 throughout the ninety minute session. It is a systematic attack on your every bodily function. You will stretch and hold every movement with precision in an order that makes any circuit set w/o pale in comparison. This type of yoga has been known to heal almost any ailment, because if you have a weak spot you can work around it and it will catch up. If you have a sickness you will flush it out. Bikram Yoga is possibly the best supplemental exercise a bodybuilder could do. Increased flexibility, strength, focus and less toxins. I live in S. Cali. And I garauntee you pkradgreek that Yoga will make you face your demons. It is to bad that you are such a pussy that you can’t stretch a little bit without feeling like a girl, so you tell everyone Yoga is no good. You are an idiot and Karma will catch you and put you out of your misery. All bodybuilders should do Yoga if not religously then periodically just to know the stretches.

i decided not to get involved with that thread. first, although this wasnt directed toward me, there isn’t such thing as an “olympic power lifter.” They don’t exist. also, how is yoga any better than meditation. Most everything you offered is very objective. Note: this isn’t supposed to be an attack. So don’t get all rowdy in your response. Later.

Whoa!! Easy does it there killer!!

Yoga is good exercise no doubt. It does help people with poor posture and back troubles feel better, but the idea that it somehow “detoxifies” and cures disease is a bit off the mark. The liver and kidneys pretty much detoxify most of the body with the toxins etc. going out the usual orifices. Yoga, or any other exercise, does nothing to increase liver or kidney function. Sweating doesn’t detoxify anything, you lose some water, minerals and that’s about it.

Oh, pkradgreek, don’t worry about him; he’s just another
one of those “loony fundamentalist wackos!”…D_END, for
some f#@%ed-up reason, they need to shove their system
of “GOD” down everyone’s throat!..Perhaps it’s our karmic
payback for something we did in another life ?(ha-ha)
Maybe, just maybe in a twisted sort of way, people like
“pkradgreek” are our greatest teachers; kinda like mirrors
exposing to us that which is “still” ignorant in ourselves!
Personally, I don’t think you needed to expose his foolishness;
he was doing a good enough job on his own!..It’s a shame
goofballs like him still need to have demons!
(Remember: light doesn’t have to overcome darkness ; it just
has to be itself!)…Joey Z.

The term Yoga seems to have become the "brand name’ for stretching and often used to describe any stretching routine, but don’t confuse the two. Yoga is in fact a form of prayer to eastern gods and the postions such as the cobra etc. are in homage to these gods. The stretching is only a part (admittedly a big one) of the whole package as with any true eastern physical activity (yoga, tai chi etc) the spiritual aspect is very important.

Antonio Krastev was at a contest & saw all the American weightlifters stretching & ruptured his spleen laughing so hard. He was plenty flexible from all the weightlifting & didn’t see how a weightlifter would need any dumbass stretching routine.

Listen…SUCKAS I don’t know where you guys grew up, maybe in Waco Texas. The only Gods us SO.CAl people worship is ourselves. Yes there are many forms of yoga. BIKRAM"S BIKRAM"S BIKRAMS. Yes it cures and yes it detoxifies and yes it takes time and intensity and dedication, and dedication and dedication. If you try it you will know. What do you call the pain in your bicep as you lower the dumb bell on the preacher? Do you call that your pagan god? You guys are way off. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people who do yoga naked with blood of a virgin all over them, but here in so. cal we just have a bunch hot chicks around us and for that I will sacrafice. It is what everyone wants a quick fix? Yeah if you can stick with it.

gee, first chill alitle. it can cure “almost any ailment” I would love a list of HIV or cancer patients it has “cured”. second, I have recieved my share of personal attacts but I still do not believe that is ever going to be the way to make a point. you want to comment on what someone says, fine go ahead, but you do NOT KNOW THESE PEOPLE, next time your car brakes down someone you call a pussy may be the same person that goes out of their way to help a stranger out, comment on what people SAY not WHO they are, just my opinion. peace

i don’t think alexyev did yoga…