
[quote]yorik wrote:
StevenF wrote:
Man, you guys take your tanning seriously!


People who really do take their tanning seriously know that proper exposure to the sun is actually GOOD for you. (Do the research on PubMed.) They would never use shit like Melanotan ™.

BTW, if somebody can’t tan in the sun, he or she probably needs tyrosine supplementation. (PowerDrive anybody?) Maybe a tiny bit of copper too.

Don’t get me started.[/quote]

What about a fairskinned redhead with freckles? Would you still feel the same way?

[quote]yorik wrote:
StevenF wrote:
Man, you guys take your tanning seriously!


People who really do take their tanning seriously know that proper exposure to the sun is actually GOOD for you. (Do the research on PubMed.) They would never use shit like Melanotan ™.

BTW, if somebody can’t tan in the sun, he or she probably needs tyrosine supplementation. (PowerDrive anybody?) Maybe a tiny bit of copper too.

Don’t get me started.[/quote]

I’d love to see you “get started”. I’d like to see some proof that melanotan is shit.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
jsbrook wrote:
I am thinkin of using Melanotan I. Virtue of less sides. For those of you who’ve done it, how does this sound?:

I was thinking 5mg a day. So reconstituing with NaCl or bacterial water. A 30mg vial splitt into 6 different syringes frozen. I guess the best way to reconsitute is to mix it entirely with water and then draw into the 6 different syringes?

I would steer clear of the bac water. Seems that there may be a connection to it and increased bad sides.

BA is some bad stuff. [/quote]

Thanks for the tip. NaCl it will be when the time comes.

[quote]yorik wrote:
StevenF wrote:
Man, you guys take your tanning seriously!


People who really do take their tanning seriously know that proper exposure to the sun is actually GOOD for you. (Do the research on PubMed.) They would never use shit like Melanotan ™.

BTW, if somebody can’t tan in the sun, he or she probably needs tyrosine supplementation. (Power Drive anybody?) Maybe a tiny bit of copper too.

Don’t get me started.[/quote]

Actually, Melanotan has many benefits beyond the cosmetic, including enabling people with various types of skin disease to be in the sun when they otherwise couldn’t. Helping fair-skin people burn less easily and tan better. It’s also been shown to decrease the mutagentiy of skin cells exposed to sunlight. When it hits the market, it will be huge. And dermatologist-recommended.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
yorik wrote:
StevenF wrote:
Man, you guys take your tanning seriously!


People who really do take their tanning seriously know that proper exposure to the sun is actually GOOD for you. (Do the research on PubMed.) They would never use shit like Melanotan ™.

BTW, if somebody can’t tan in the sun, he or she probably needs tyrosine supplementation. (PowerDrive anybody?) Maybe a tiny bit of copper too.

Don’t get me started.[/quote]

Dammit! You got me started.

Just go surfing around on PubMed and follow article cross-references left and right until you can’t stand it anymore. That’s where I get most of this information. PubMed medical article database!

[quote]Interesting POV… I would say that people who take their ‘natural’ tanning ‘seriously’ are setting themselves up for premature skin ageing, plus putting themselves at a high risk of skin cancer. The use of something like melanotan allows development of a great tan, but with minimal exposure to harmful UV radiation. How can that be a bad thing?

In fact the availability of a melanocyte stimulator pretty much makes anyone who still tans by a process of prolonged exposure to UV, mildly retarded, wouldn’t you say?[/quote]

You’re both right and wrong. Prolonged over-exposure to the sun is always a bad thing, but I NEVER SAID THAT. You’ve tried to alter the proposition so you could make a point.

In fact, it would be retarded to use a foreign chemical to stimulate melanocytes when proper sun exposure does it in a manner that we actually evolved for and works naturally in the body.

That’s a pretty simplistic view of vitamin D. For one, “D” is actually more like a hormone, not a vitamin. The endocrinological properties of “D” go far beyond that. For example, “D” is also a mood regulator, cellular growth regulator, and has been proven to restrict the growth of internal cancers, and seems to be particularly effective against colon cancer. They knew this way back in the 50’s! The dermatologists never tell you that, do they? Maybe because they don’t look inside the body?

Oh, by the way, melanin stimulating hormone, which is the NATURAL way to stimulate a melanocyte, is also a major factor in lipolysis. That’s right, fat loss!

Which would you rather have? A cancer eating away inside of you with no symptoms, or a cancer than you can find just by having a doctor look at it? And yes, that’s a simplistic argument too.

I don’t know where that number came from, but there’s a huge difference between adequate (ie. rickets preventative) and optimum levels. Do you consider the RDA adequate? That level is set solely to prevent rickets. The optimum level is unknown. What IS known is that the body will produce only so much vitamin D naturally, and then the feedback system kicks in and prevents more from being made. Can you say the same for chemical melanocyte stimulants?

Hey you certainly don’t need more than the adequate minimum level of 200ng/dl of testosterone do you? Hmmm, I didn’t think so…

Time to put away the soap box. Maybe I’ll write an article one of these days.

[quote]hockechamp14 wrote:
yorik wrote:
StevenF wrote:
Man, you guys take your tanning seriously!


People who really do take their tanning seriously know that proper exposure to the sun is actually GOOD for you. (Do the research on PubMed.) They would never use shit like Melanotan ™.

BTW, if somebody can’t tan in the sun, he or she probably needs tyrosine supplementation. (Power Drive anybody?) Maybe a tiny bit of copper too.

Don’t get me started.

What about a fairskinned redhead with freckles? Would you still feel the same way?[/quote]

I know a red-headed, freckled girl with a pretty deep tan. She did it in the sun but I have no idea how, or whether she did it safely or not.

Feel free to experiment with your own body, but I won’t even consider telling you how!

I was pale as a ghost for most of my life until I learned the secrets of proper supplementation for tanning. I started very slow and used a lot of care. That’s about all I can say.

Actually, I don’t even care about the tan; I get sun exposure for mood enhancement and to prevent depression year round.

I take my own risks, but I know the trade-offs pretty well. Time will tell.

[quote]StevenF wrote:
Man, you guys take your tanning seriously! [/quote]

Hardcore is the only way to go! I wouldn’t know though, I’m a pale Norseman with freckles.

Yorik reads pub med. He must be a genius.

List some of the reasons MT is dangerous.

FYI - MT is an analog peptide hormone alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone.

Hardly a foreign substance, but rather the business end of a hormone that occurs naturally in the body.

Please stop with the “read pub-med and decide for yourself” BS. Cite your proof. You are taking the lazy man’s way out of a debate. That is, if your not too busy getting lost in Pub Med, or waiting in line at the fake-n-bake store.

[quote]jsbrook wrote:

Actually, Melanotan has many benefits beyond the cosmetic, including enabling people with various types of skin disease to be in the sun when they otherwise couldn’t. Helping fair-skin people burn less easily and tan better. It’s also been shown to decrease the mutagentiy of skin cells exposed to sunlight. When it hits the market, it will be huge. And dermatologist-recommended.[/quote]

Yeah, get your stocks now. When this hits market, there will be a huge, HUGE profit.

anyone what drug who owns the patent and might go commercial with it.

[quote]PharmD Pete wrote:
anyone what drug who owns the patent and might go commercial with it. [/quote]


[quote]rainjack wrote:
Yorik reads pub med. He must be a genius.

And you won’t even bother. You just resort to ad hominem personal attacks. What does that say about you?

It says everything that people on these boards need to know about you and your ilk.

Long live TC!

Now I’m even more grateful that I naturally get very tan (I’ve never had a sunburn in my life).

I use a number of vitamin supplements daily. As we get into summer I add Tyrosine. While it’s purpose is to help with neurotransmitters in your brain, it’s extra effect is to increase the reaction to the sun, and you will get a better deeper tan.

With reference to the supposed damage from the sun. A Doctor friend makes the following point. Imagine a globe of the world 5 ft. in diameter. Wherever there is a case of MS in the world put a pin in the map. The further away from the equator you get the more pins in the globe. He reasoned, and research confirms that the lessening sunlight contributes to that particular desease. He recommends 30 minutes in the sun three times a week. Working out doors and/or fishing I get this all summer. ero skin trouble. I also use Proanthanol Bio Comples and a product called forever young(a sking pill)

I had a lady friend who tanned a lot, used the above supplements, and all her skin looked and felt great!!!

[quote]yorik wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Yorik reads pub med. He must be a genius.

And you won’t even bother. You just resort to ad hominem personal attacks. What does that say about you?

It says everything that people on these boards need to know about you and your ilk.

Long live TC!


It’s not an ad hominem attack. You’re the one who is hiding behind pub-med, You have been asked on more thn one occasion to cite your proof that MT is “shit”, and the best you have offered is, “I read a lot on Pub Med, you should try it sometime.” You offer no proof to back your position. I am not about to do the reading for you. My remark about pub med was a slam at your inability to provide any proof whatsover to back your position.

In most debates, the antagonist has the intellectual ability to provide the proof to those he antagonizes. You don’t.

But seeing how you have ducked every invitation to prove your position, I can see how crying about a phantom ad hominem is about right for you.

Now - how about some of that Pub Med proof?

[quote]yorik wrote:
It says everything that people on these boards need to know about you and your ilk.


My ilk? And you are accusing me of ad hominem?

I know this is an exercise in futility, but please elaborate on what my “ilk” would be.

I am sure you will be as eager to answer this as you are to back up your bullshit statement that MT is shit.

There are doer’s, and then there are whiner’s. I hope you are one day able to quit the latter and join the former.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
However since you only need around 15 minutes of exposure, three times per week to provide adequate amounts of vit D…[/quote]

Is that even possible in the UK?