Meds Cause Anxiety and Depression?

I have been on TRT for little over a year now. I was first diagnosed by my family doctor, after complaining to him about ED,little to no sex drive and Low blood sugar. He did all the necessary test and referred me to a Urologist and an Endocrinologist. The Endo was of no help and told my number where fine, and that I should have more sex and exercise to get my testosterone levels up. My Testosterone levels where at the time TT =10.3nmol Reference Range 8.4-28.7nmol, TF =14.4pmol Reference Range 31.0-94.0pmol. I saw the Urologist a few weeks later and he told me that my Testosterone levels where low and prescribed Testosterone Unicode, which is a pill form of testosterone that is available here in Canada. The testosterone pills did nothing for me so I decided to do some research and I found this site, which opened my eyes to the world of TRT.

I then searched and found a TRT Clinic in the Toronto area. This new doctor was up to date on TRT treatment and we decided on a treatment protocol, we first tried creams for a few months and that didn’t work so we are now trying HCG 250UI 2 times a week and 1ml of testosterone cypionate subq 3 times a week. I have been on this protocol for a few months now and was trying to dial in the dosage. But for the pass 6 week it been hell it seems like my body is rejecting the treatment. It started with really severe headache and now has progress on to extreme anxiety and depression. I have tried lowering the dose for testoserone cypionate and Hcg. My doctor even added arimidex 3 week ago to bring down my E2, but the symptoms still persist. I even went back to topical cream and still the symptoms persist. I am now trying to eliminate the meds one by one to see which one is the culprit. But so far no luck. Do you guys have any ideas of what could be causing this? My labs are as follow

age =34
Hight =6.0 feet
weight =175lbs
Waking body temp =98.2
Evening body temp =97.8
Glucose =4.7nmol(3.6-6.0)
Creatinine =78umol(62-115)
eGFR =100()
AST =24U/L(7-37)
ALT =20U/L(12-49)
Alkaline Phosphatase =72U/L(45-129)
Cholesterol =3.10mmol/L()
LDL =1.56mmol()
HDL =1.24mmol()
HDL Ratio =2.5mmol()
Triglycerides =0.67mmol()
Testosterone =15.3nml (8.4-28.7)
Testosterone Free =46.0pmol(31.0-94.0)
DIHYFROTESTOS =2292(860-3406)
Sex Hormone bind =28(10.0-70.0)
Estrodiol =147(<150)
TSH =1.31mIU(0.30-4.00)
LH =5IU(2-6)
Total Prolactin =11ug(2-18)
Vitamin D =64nmol(75-250)
PSA =0.53()
Zinc =13.2umol(8.7-19.1)
Hemoglobin =154(135-175)
Hematocrit =0.46(0.40-0.50)
White Blood Cell =3.9(4.0-11.0)
Red Blood Cell =5.25(4.50-6.00)
MCV =86(80.0-100.0)
MCHc =29.3(27.5-33.0)
RDW =14.5(11.5-14.5)
Platelet Count 170(150-400)
Absolute Neuts =1.5(2.0-7.5)
Lymph =1.8(1.0-3.5)

Do you guys think that E2 could be causing all the the anxiety/panic attacks I have been having lately? I just did some blood work to check if my cortisol levels are out of balance, but other than that I dont know what to do. I am dead without trt, but I cant handle the extreme anxiety so I had to stop treatment today to see if my mood would settle down.

I wouldn’t blame the TRT so quickly. I’m willing to bet that something else is at play here.

Thanks for the reply, but I am just wondering what else could I have been overlooking. I think I have done all the necessary blood work.