Cutting now on TRT and am 187lbs 5’9; on carnivore diet around 25-3000 calories a day
Love this way of eating so far; Blood sugar fasting is under 80. Never been under 100 IN MY LIFE
Would be like my 3rd cycle
I’m roughly 14% if that. Will not stop cutting until 8% or lower.
Cycle starting about a month from summer will be: 750mg Test Cyp 500mg Primo 400mg Npp 3iu HGH/ day
4-5000 calories per day. Meat only. 4-5lbs of beef, pork, Salmon. I react to carbs negatively: allergy symptoms, fatigue, brain fog etc
Training: 4 days a week. Will hit every muscle group 2x a week and aim for 16 sets per muscle group each time (32 sets per week)
Thoughts? I don’t usually need more than 12.5mg aromasin a week on that dosage of test.
Should I bother upping Primo to 700mg and HGH to 4iu?
Would throwing in Anadrol if I want to see some strength and numbers increase be worth it. Would run it about 7 days before a beach day for the full ness as well
Unfortunately the fatigue I get from like 90% of foods I used to eat sort of makes going to the gym pretty hard. I literally have mood and anxiety issues to the extreme when I’m not on this keto or carnivore diet. Not sure what’s wrong hopefully I can reintroduce a good clean carb source like sweet potatoes I will most definitely be trying.
Either way I will be eating the correct amount of calories to gain so I will either gain weight or get leaner I suppose? 4-5000 from meat should be that easy to consume but I can imagine it’d have to lead to some great muscle development even if my workouts aren’t 100% ideal
Lol… Notwithstanding the dosages to “cut”, that’s gonna be a pretty watery cut. If you want to maintain muscle mass and simultaneously lose fat 200-300mg of X/wk is probably more than enough.
Yeah I edited post title to clarify the way I worded it was confusing.
I’m basically cutting and doing carnivore diet off a failed blast where I got to 207 and was having massive leaps. Unfortunately my autoimmune issues made life unbearable and keto or carnivore make my day to day existence so much better.
Once this cut is over I’m going to run this cycle maybe the last week of may through the entire summer into August and if going well I’ll continue
going to get official diagnosis because I’ve neglected visiting docs but all my aunts and sister have hashimotos, a few of them have gluten sensitivity that flares it up. I mostly line up with they all describe feeling and tested hypo as a teen but haven’t seen a doctor for anything in years.
I want to preface this by saying i got sick with covid 1 year ago and have just never been myself since.
I should not say 100% I have autoimmune diagnosis but almost ALL foods and carbs I eat cause me to have the following issues:
Itchy eyes
Itchy and sore throat
Water retention and bloat (5lbs lost in 2-3 days after already being 20g of carb a day keto for nearly 2 months and losing 5 lbs then aswell)
Joint pain and arthritis
Nausea/morning sickness feeling
Indigestion and GERD
Sleep disturbance/sleep apnea
Heart palpitations (resting will be 70 one day and 95 the next with no stimulant usage on either day)
Bathroom irregularities
Extreme fatigue(eyes feel like I could nap while driving etc) - when I try to sleep though I can’t haha
I wake up everyday feeling like I haven’t slept even with a CPAP machine and it’s miserable
I would say I feel 50-60% better since embarking on this diet already
I am a very motivated person and I WANT to be doing stuff etc I just feel like I have damn Lyme disease lately or something…all after I got the covid. Actually I’m just now getting my sense of smell and taste back over the last month! Plain Coffee actually has an amazing taste suddenly
@ georgiepecker I have really enjoyed this post. Thank you. I suffer from many of the things you speak of and I just might try your approach. May I ask do you take any vitamins or minerals to supplement this carnivore diet?
Lots of sodium(5-8000mg a day on this diet) and magnesium and for vitamin b1 I take Salbutiamine 300mg every other day
I also used oil of oregano caps and 1-2tbsp of coconut oil daily aswell as NAC 1800-3600mg a day and 1200+Mg of berberine to try and disrupt the candida. It will only work if you are low to no carb though
Seems to me like a boogie man for everything, if you read on the internet.
I don’t know if there is such a thing actually, maybe just a bad gut bacteria population or maybe something completely different?
I would really like to know as I’ve never even heard of somebody being actually diagnosed with candida overgrowth and I’ve seen a lot of people getting their medication. Aside from one time in a child with actual candida in the mouth, I never heard of anyone.
I’m really interested in what you are saying as I have some autoimmune and also inflammation problems myself, can’t seem to fix it. But candida always seemed like a very long shot to me.
Well the only thing I can go off of is treatment for it is also working for me. There are a couple tests via stool and other ways doctor can check for candida levels.
My main thing is the white fuzzy tongue going away after I do candida treatment, then when I up it or add another antifungal my tongue goes back to fuzzy white white until it dies down again and clears up as well as all the symptoms of die off: sinus completely blocked, hangover like headache (when candida dies it releases acetaldahyde), itchy eyes, terrible sugar cravings
I just assumed based on being on 6-10 courses of antibiotics per year for my childhood, being a a C section baby, antibiotics for my skin, and taking accutane for a year some months ago I clearly could’ve created the conditions for candida to get out of control
Most humans have some form of Candida albicans in their body, albeit it is under control due to other good bacteria being in check.
When I got sick with covid last year I took another 2 courses of strong antibiotic and prednisone and never really recovered completely. That’s when I noticed I could no longer eat gluten, dairy, oatmeal, etc. I was constantly craving donuts and sugar, and I just felt like 8 hours of sleep was literally useless
I don’t have any tests confirming candida but doing treatment for it has certainly improved my symptoms and general life right now by a huge margin
Candida is a fungus so whether it’s candida or another form of SIFO all I know is only antifungal works for it and antibiotics make it worse for me
If you have autoimmune issues you have nothing to lose trying an extreme carnivore elimination diet for 4 weeks and see how you do. If you feel way more crappy then you think you should maybe some bad gut stuff is dying off inside. Look up candida die off and you’ll see how’s reported to be very similar to a hangover due to the chemicals released
You got a lot in your anamnesis that differs from mine and can cause a lot of shit. The only thing I did was a Keto VLC diet for nearly a year and the problems arose. Was probably because of stress.
Or maybe it’s because this diet contains nearly no readily usable energy. I may be trying it in the future though.
I just started some liposomal curcumin and I’ll see what that does. I wish you good luck and recovery.
I am in ketosis using this diet not sure what you mean by no usable energy do you mean carbs??
I am definitely in ketosis despite the high protein. Gluconeogenesis in my experience cannot kick you out of ketosis, at least not without the presence of carbohydrates.
In fact my blood sugar drops after I eat 1/2-1lb of Protein it’s amazing. I believe because the protein releases some insulin but their is lack of carbs so idk what’s going on. Either way my weight loss has not stalled one bit and I have not added cardio at all yet
Since gluconeogensis is not supply driven but rather done as a need by the body. I love to read about the people in YouTube comments saying too much protein kicks out of ketosis hahah you can test your blood (urine test is useless) and ketones can be just as high as keto diet with 250-350g of protein from meat only
I wonder if 500mcg BPC-157 a day would help my gut recover?? Used it to get off kratom a awhile ago and it had some CRAZY side effects I had to pull out after about a month; I was on my usual 6-700g of carb bulk at the time lol and shitting 5x a day
I mean that there’s no readily usable energy in your food. Ketones have to be synthesized and gluconeogenesis is a slow process. Serotonin gets lowered, Cortisol heightened. You likely feel like shit
I feel much better than on carbs at least
I would think keto diet users would feel like shit too or is the 20g of carb a day enough readily available energy? Maybe it is I will most likely end up back on keto after my cut