I started my PCT this Saturday, after a 4 week run of MDrol (20/20/20/20). I gained 10-12 pounds of muscle, which is good considering I ran into some lower back issues along the way.
Is Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) supposed to make you feel like a lump of shit, or is this the normal way Nolva feels to get test levels up? I’m taking 20mg (1mL) in the morning, and 20mg at night, and have never felt so out of whack. I have a constant feeling of nausea, at least one headache a day, and can’t get out of the mental funk that MDrol put me into about the third week. I really have no motivation to do anything but eat and sleep. I just did poorly on a test today (usually an A student), then came home and slept for 2 hours. Just wondering if I can do anything differently to avoid killing my semester, I literally can not think when I need to.
I’m 29 years old, 6’1" 235 lbs. Probably 15% bodyfat. Here’s my original post listing what I had taken:
Bonez is right, the body is currently out of whack. It got use to not having to produce its own supply of test so now it has to hopefully reset and start production again.
Nolva is known to cause some emotional side-effects associated with increased E. I’ve seen it vary from almost no effects to bawling up over those “Feed the children” commercials (not that it ever happened to me…).
Clomid did it to me personally, think Jack Johnson, gigantic lifted Super Duty, big ass guy crying over the lyrics and his dead relationship. Funny shit.
Yeah, after bombing my chemistry test, I almost teared up with frustration. Any idea how long this will last? Although I was pleased with my strength and size gains, I don’t plan on taking PH’s anymore. They aren’t worth the headaches, stomach aches, joint aches, indigestion, nausea, and feeling drained for 4 weeks! Lethargy is an understatement too BTW, I’ve never had to drink so much coffee. I could take a nap at any given time. There are days I wake up tired, and never get out of the fog.
[quote]jermag27 wrote:
Yeah, after bombing my chemistry test [/quote]
This is unfortunate, and personally, not something I would brag about. Chemistry is a subject that helps logical thinking and problem solving, I would work on it. Nature consists of key patterns, if you can figure them out, the subject gets much easier. Feel free to PM me, if you would like some help.
[quote]egnatiosj wrote:
jermag27 wrote:
Yeah, after bombing my chemistry test
This is unfortunate, and personally, not something I would brag about. Chemistry is a subject that helps logical thinking and problem solving, I would work on it. Nature consists of key patterns, if you can figure them out, the subject gets much easier. Feel free to PM me, if you would like some help. [/quote]
I’m not bragging about it, I got a C which is failing in my mind. I carry a 3.9GPA, and am pissed I did poorly. I have enjoyed Chemistry so far, it definitely helps answer some of life’s questions. Thanks for the offer.
The weird thing is, I haven’t had a drop off in libido. Guess my being horny as a dog all the time was no match! I just can’t wait to finish PCT and get my energy back.
[quote]Nominal Prospect wrote:
Why does anyone still use first gen SERM’s?[/quote]
As in what…clomid and nolva ?
Nolva is fantastically effective for its cost, especially with PH’s and dealing with minor estrogen rebound’s most undesired effect…gyno.
Many guys try to recover from a PH cycle using tribulus and milk thistle. Using any SERM is a giant leap froward.
Nolva is perfect for this. Its not the best SERM out there, but 4-6 weeks of relatively low dose oral isnt going to cause as much HPTA suppression as most think.
But its fine to keep estrogen in check and prevent it from supressing the HPTA while attempting to restart.
And on that note, nolva is tried and true, people have used it for years, we know pretty much everything about how to use it in relation to steroids.
Clomid is dead, obviously, doses required are too high, side effects are terrible.
Torefemine is the new kid on the block, I use it for real cycles, but its more expensive, and nolva will do fine for such limited suppression.