McCain Booed By Own Supporters

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
rainjack wrote:
pookie wrote:
If only McCain had put his foot down and run his campaign like that from the beginning… It’s a bit late to bring back the real maverick who doesn’t like playing political games.

Which is why many conservatives are angry. I know. I am one. Obama is nothing but bad news for this country. Anyone who wants to take more of my money and give it to worthless fucks who don’t pay taxes in the first place is nothing more than a fucking thief.

Conservatives are sick of the republicans and dems currently in office who use our wallets, and our future like it is theirs. McCain should have come out swinging after the convention and calling a spade a spade. He should have voted against the bailout, and ran his campaign like he was mad as hell not willing to take another minute of the bullshit.

The lying piece of shit Irish hasn’t a fucking clue what he is talking about.

Don’t be hatin cause you’re losin.[/quote]

Not hating. You are a fucking piece of shit liar.

Just telling the truth, my pretty-mouthed little bitch.

[quote]rainjack wrote:

Don’t be hatin cause you’re losin.

Not hating. You are a fucking piece of shit liar.

Just telling the truth, my pretty-mouthed little bitch.


What did I lie about again?

You got so many crying points with me that I’ve lost track of them.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
rainjack wrote:

Don’t be hatin cause you’re losin.

Not hating. You are a fucking piece of shit liar.

Just telling the truth, my pretty-mouthed little bitch.

What did I lie about again?

You got so many crying points with me that I’ve lost track of them.[/quote]

I’m not crying. I hate liars, and you are a fucking liar.

What the fuck is a crying point anyway? Some yankee twink-boy slang?

[quote]rainjack wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
rainjack wrote:

Don’t be hatin cause you’re losin.

Not hating. You are a fucking piece of shit liar.

Just telling the truth, my pretty-mouthed little bitch.

What did I lie about again?

You got so many crying points with me that I’ve lost track of them.

I’m not crying. I hate liars, and you are a fucking liar.

What the fuck is a crying point anyway? Some yankee twink-boy slang? [/quote]

Kind of like “talking points” except for nancy fucks like you. You don’t talk. You cry. So they’re crying points.

[quote]Big_Boss wrote:
skaz05 wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
So much underlining hate going on by the “average” American voters…

You mean those hickbilly, fucktard, white trash McCain supporters, right?

The average Obama voter is a kind, intelligent, caring thinker that only wants what is best for the world. No Obama supporter would EVER wish violence on someone else simply because they have a different opinion… Right?


Nice one Skaz, throw his own logic in his face.

Great comeback there big_boss- Why don’t you refute his statement?

[quote]RebornTN wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
skaz05 wrote:
Big_Boss wrote:
So much underlining hate going on by the “average” American voters…

You mean those hickbilly, fucktard, white trash McCain supporters, right?

The average Obama voter is a kind, intelligent, caring thinker that only wants what is best for the world. No Obama supporter would EVER wish violence on someone else simply because they have a different opinion… Right?


Nice one Skaz, throw his own logic in his face.

Great comeback there big_boss- Why don’t you refute his statement?[/quote]

You can’t be serious. LOL<----all that is needed. Mufasa did the rest for me. :slight_smile:


[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
rainjack wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
rainjack wrote:

Don’t be hatin cause you’re losin.

Not hating. You are a fucking piece of shit liar.

Just telling the truth, my pretty-mouthed little bitch.

What did I lie about again?

You got so many crying points with me that I’ve lost track of them.

I’m not crying. I hate liars, and you are a fucking liar.

What the fuck is a crying point anyway? Some yankee twink-boy slang?

Kind of like “talking points” except for nancy fucks like you. You don’t talk. You cry. So they’re crying points.[/quote]

Please - even a little sawed-off girl-lipped midget like you should know how lame it is to copy cat insult.

If you can do no better than that, then my estimations of you are quite correct.

Since when is a hatred of liars considered crying? I guess the answer is when a pig-squealing, cock-sucking dwarf like you is the one doing the lying.

LOL. So are you going to tell me what put your panties in a bunch nancy?

I don’t think I’ve lied at all.

It’s official. McCain and Palin are diehard, hardcore, dyed in the wool RACISTS!

Or is it just anyone who supports McCain and Palin are hardcore racists?

McCain is a nazi sympathiser!

This is FUN!

And pig squealing? That’s a redneck term if I ever heard one. Christ.

[quote]Mufasa wrote:


You’re working VERY hard on that “StrawMan of the Month” award…



Bah! Why can everyone else do it and not me?

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
LOL. So are you going to tell me what put your panties in a bunch nancy?

I don’t think I’ve lied at all.[/quote]

Evidently. But like most everything, you think wrong.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
And pig squealing? That’s a redneck term if I ever heard one. Christ.[/quote]

And the word dwarf is definitely a world of warcraft term if I ever heard one. Definitely.

@ FightinIrish26:

What is it about big government socialist policies that turns you on? I’m asking in all sincerity. All I’ve ever seen from you is THAT you do, but never WHY.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Please - even a little sawed-off girl-lipped midget like you should know how lame it is to copy cat insult.

If you can do no better than that, then my estimations of you are quite correct.

Since when is a hatred of liars considered crying? I guess the answer is when a pig-squealing, cock-sucking dwarf like you is the one doing the lying.

I have to say, those are some really creative insults. I mean fuck, I couldn’t string’em together like that and sound coherent.

[quote]RebornTN wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
And pig squealing? That’s a redneck term if I ever heard one. Christ.

And the word dwarf is definitely a world of warcraft term if I ever heard one. Definitely.[/quote]

You would know. Definitely.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
You would know. Definitely. [/quote]

Set myself up for that one I suppose.

[quote]RebornTN wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Please - even a little sawed-off girl-lipped midget like you should know how lame it is to copy cat insult.

If you can do no better than that, then my estimations of you are quite correct.

Since when is a hatred of liars considered crying? I guess the answer is when a pig-squealing, cock-sucking dwarf like you is the one doing the lying.

I have to say, those are some really creative insults. I mean fuck, I couldn’t string’em together like that and sound coherent.[/quote]

It’s a talent I have had since I was a child. Irish is in over his head if he thinks he can hang with my ability to invent insults.

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
@ FightinIrish26:

What is it about big government socialist policies that turns you on? I’m asking in all sincerity. All I’ve ever seen from you is THAT you do, but never WHY.


The kid is in his 20’s. He’s a New Jersey guido who has never even contributed to society.

What else could he be but a raving socialist, wealth redistributionist?

As soon as he gets a job, a family, and gets a real life, he will change his tune.