MattShadows BJJ + 5/3/1

Hi, I’m new on this forum. I’ve been reading articles for many weeks, then I decided to open my own training log here :slight_smile:

Here we go, in the beginning few information about me, my goals, training and diet :wink: I’m from Poland, so it’s easier for me to post weight in kilograms, but I’ll do this in both ways. Sorry for my language too, I do mistakes and I know it -_-;;

age: 22
height: 188cm // 6’2’’
weight: official at weight-in 89kg // 195.5 lbs.
predicted max (didn’t max at training ;O)
deadlift: 150kg // 330 lbs
bench press: 82,5/85 kg // 187 lbs
squat: 100kg // 220 lbs
front squat: 82,5 kg // 181,5 lbs.
power clean: 75 kg // 165 lbs.
military press: 58,5/60 kg // 132 lbs.

I dont really know my real max, but my training will be oriented on slow strengh progression, so it’s better to be fresh, than overtrained - imo :wink:

Ok, in subject I added ‘BJJ’, in reality, BJJ is my the most important goal, lifting is only addition to my training. I need to be stronger than I’m now, I have couple problems in my weight class at competitions and sometimes in class. I think the best way to increase my strenght and power will be 5/3/1 powered by Jim Wendler :slight_smile:

I’m going to train 3 times per week at class, 3 times at gym. Before big competition I will decrease number of trainings at gym, and increase those at class :wink:

Day 1:
a) squat 3 x 5/3/1
b) bench press 3 x 5/3/1
c) dips 3 xmax or 10
d) pull ups 3 xmax or 10
e) db press 3 x 10
f) abs

Day 2:
a) power clean 3 x 5/3/1
b) dead lift 3 x 5/3/1
c) db incline bench 3 x 10
d) biceps curls 3 x 10
e) abs

Day 3:
a) front squat 3 x 5/3/1
b) military press 3 x 5/3/1
c) row 3 x 10
d) decline bench 3 x 10
e) abs

after trainings I will want to do some cardio, but if weather is better, I run at morning :slight_smile:
I want to do some change in diet, I have been living on low carb for a couple months, today i decided to change to carb cycling :slight_smile:

Lifting days: high carb
BJJ days: low carb
Free days: no/low/mod/high carb It depends on my current weight :wink:

My goals - lifting more and more and more kilograms of steel, weighting max 205-210 pounds (because of weight cutting before competitions ;( ) and be better, faster, stronger in bjj :slight_smile:

First day of new diet, new cycle, new me.

Yesterday I was in hospital, and I gave my blood for people who need it (about 500ml), so since yesterday midday i’ve been feeling weakly, but I had to go to gym :slight_smile:

Day 1:

  1. Squat
    5 x 60 kg/132 lbs
    5 x 67,5 kg/148,5 lbs
    8 x 75 kg/165 lbs

  2. Bench press
    5 x 50 kg/110 lbs
    5 x 57,5 kg/126,5 lbs
    8 x 65 kg/143 lbs

      1. Pull ups + Dips
        7 + 8 reps
        5 + 7 reps
        5 + 7 reps
  3. db press (weight is for one hand, I do both hands in same time)
    10 x 18 kg/39,5 lbs
    10 x 18 kg/39,5 lbs
    10 x 18 kg/39,5 lbs

  4. abs

about 15 minutes of light cardio, tomorrow in my schedule I have bjj class at the evening :slight_smile:

Yesterday I was at bjj class, great training with conditioning at the end :wink:

Day 2:

  1. power clean
    5 x 45 kg / 99 lbs
    5 x 50 kg / 110 lbs
    10 x 57,5 kg / 126,5 lbs

  2. dead lift
    5 x 87,5 kg / 192,5 lbs
    5 x 100 kg / 220 lbs
    6 x 115 kg / 253 lbs

  3. db incline bench
    10 x 24 kg / 53 lbs
    10 x 24 kg / 53 lbs
    10 x 24 kg / 53 lbs

  4. biceps curls
    10 x 13 kg / 28,5 lbs
    10 x 13 kg / 28,5 lbs
    10 x 13 kg / 28,5 lbs

  5. abs

after training 20 minutes cardio

Day 3:

  1. front squat
    5 x 47,5 kg / 104,5 lbs
    5 x 55 kg / 121 lbs
    10 x 60 kg / 132 lbs

  2. military press
    5 x 35 kg / 77 lbs
    5 x 40 kg / 88 lbs
    7 x 47,5 kg / 104,5 lbs

  3. row
    10 x 80 kg / 176 lbs
    10 x 80 kg / 176 lbs
    10 x 80 kg / 176 lbs

  4. decline bench
    didnt do

  5. abs

without cardio, tomorrow at 12 o’clock I have bjj class :wink:

I was so f*** tired today, so I did only main lifts.

Day 1:

  1. Squat
    3 x 62,5 kg/137,5 lbs
    3 x 72,5 kg/159,5 lbs
    8 x 80 kg/176 lbs

  2. Bench press
    3 x 52,5 kg/115,5 lbs
    3 x 60 kg/132 lbs
    8 x 67,5 kg/148,5 lbs

  3. dips

Day 2:

  1. power clean
    3 x 47,5 kg / 104,5 lbs
    3 x 55 kg / 121 lbs
    8 x 60 kg / 132 lbs

  2. dead lift
    3 x 95 kg / 209 lbs
    3 x 110 kg / 242 lbs
    5 x 120 kg / 264 lbs

  3. db incline bench
    10 x 27 kg / 59,5 lbs
    10 x 27 kg / 59,5 lbs
    10 x 27 kg / 59,5 lbs

  4. biceps curls
    10 x 15 kg / 33 lbs
    10 x 15 kg / 33 lbs
    10 x 15 kg / 33 lbs

  5. abs

At the morning I was jogging for a couple minutes :slight_smile: :wink:

Day 3:

  1. front squat
    3 x 52,5 kg
    3 x 60 kg
    8 x 67,5 kg

  2. military press
    3 x 37,5 kg
    3 x 45 kg
    8 x 50 kg

  3. row
    10 x 90 kg
    10 x 90 kg
    10 x 90 kg

  4. decline bench
    10 x 60 kg
    10 x 60 kg
    10 x 60 kg

Day 1:

  1. Squat
    5 x 65 kg
    3 x 77,5 kg
    4 x 85 kg

  2. Bench press
    5 x 57,5 kg
    3 x 65 kg
    4 x 72,5 kg

  3. pull up dips
    5 10
    4 8

  4. db press
    10 x 19 kg
    10 x 19 kg
    10 x 19 kg

Day 2:

  1. power clean
    5 x 50 kg
    3 x 57,5 kg
    4 x 65 kg

  2. dead lift
    5 x 100 kg
    3 x 115 kg
    2 x 130 kg

  3. db incline bench
    10 x 25 kg
    10 x 25 kg
    10 x 25 kg

  4. biceps curls
    10 x 15 kg
    10 x 15 kg
    10 x 15 kg

Day 3:

  1. front squat
    5 x 55 kg
    3 x 62,5 kg
    6 x 70 kg

  2. military press
    5 x 42,5 kg
    3 x 47,5 kg
    5 x 52,5 kg

  3. row
    10 x 95 kg
    10 x 95 kg
    10 x 95 kg

  4. decline bench
    10 x 65 kg
    10 x 65 kg
    10 x 65 kg

Hey Matt, sounds like a good idea starting the log. I finally did as well this weekend after reading on this site for the last year. Just to clarify, is BJJ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? And that’s what you compete in?

Sounds pretty badass.

5/3/1 is a good program, I’ve been running it since January and really enjoy it. Plenty of people around here either run it or have plenty of experience with it, so if you have any questions I’m sure you’ll find all the help you need.

Good luck with the lifting and the BJJ.

Thx man for posting here, I’m back today, after deload and small ill ;(

BJJ is brazilian jiu-jitsu, you’re right, I need to build big strengh and condition for summer camp at the end of august, and after that for championship at november :slight_smile:

This training plan is really great, I dont feel bored like during other plans :wink:

Today I go to training at gym, I have problems with car, and must solve it in the evening :wink:

Month 2 Week 1 Day 1:

  1. Squat
    5 x 65 kg
    5 x 72,5 kg
    4 x 80 kg

  2. Bench press
    5 x 52,5 kg
    5 x 60 kg
    7 x 67,5 kg

    1. Pull ups Dips
      5 10 reps

I’m weaker than before -_-

Month 2 Week 1 Day 2:

  1. power clean
    5 x 47,5 kg
    5 x 55 kg
    7 x 60 kg

  2. dead lift
    5 x 95 kg / 209 lbs
    5 x 110 kg / 242 lbs
    5 x 120 kg / 264 lbs

  3. db incline bench
    10 x 27,5 kg
    10 x 27,5 kg
    10 x 27,5 kg

  4. biceps curls
    10 x 17 kg
    10 x 17 kg
    10 x 17 kg

Month 2 Week 1 Day 3:

  1. front squat
    5 x 52,5 kg
    5 x 60 kg
    5 x 67,5 kg

  2. military press
    5 x 37,5 kg
    5 x 45 kg
    5 x 50 kg

  3. row
    10 x 90 kg
    10 x 90 kg
    10 x 90 kg

  4. bench press / for tricep
    10 x 60kg
    10 x 60kg
    10 x 60kg

Month 2 Week 2 Day 1:

  1. Squat
    3 x 67,5 kg
    3 x 77,5 kg
    3 x 85 kg

  2. Bench press
    3 x 55 kg
    3 x 62,5 kg
    6 x 70 kg

  3. Pull ups Dips
    5 10
    4 10

  4. db press
    10 x 20kg
    10 x 20kg
    10 x 20kg

Month 2 Week 2 Day 2:

  1. power clean
    3 x 50 kg
    3 x 57,5 kg
    6 x 62,5 kg

  2. dead lift
    3 x 100 kg
    3 x 115 kg
    3 x 125 kg

  3. db incline bench
    10 x 27,5 kg
    10 x 27,5 kg
    10 x 27,5 kg

  4. biceps
    10 x 36 kg
    10 x 36 kg
    10 x 36 kg

  5. abs

Month 2 Week 2 Day 3:

  1. front squat
    3 x 55 kg
    3 x 62,5 kg
    7 x 70 kg

  2. military press
    3 x 40 kg
    3 x 47,5 kg
    7 x 52,5 kg

  3. row
    10 x 100 kg
    10 x 100 kg
    10 x 100 kg

  4. decline bench
    8 x 65 kg
    8 x 65 kg
    8 x 65 kg

Month 2 Week 3 Day 1:

Day 1:

  1. Squat
    5 x 70 kg
    3 x 82,5 kg
    2 x 90 kg

  2. Bench press
    5 x 60 kg
    3 x 67,5 kg
    4 x 75 kg

  3. pull up dips
    5 10
    4 10
    3 8

  4. db press
    10 x 20 kg
    10 x 20 kg
    10 x 20 kg

Month 2 Week 3 Day 2:

  1. power clean
    5 x 55 kg
    3 x 60 kg
    4 x 70 kg

  2. dead lift
    5 x 110 kg
    3 x 120 kg
    2 x 135 kg

  3. db incline bench
    10 x 27,5 kg
    10 x 27,5 kg
    10 x 27,5 kg

  4. biceps curls
    10 x 36 kg
    10 x 36 kg
    10 x 36 kg

Month 2 Week 3 Day 3:

  1. front squat
    5 x 60 kg
    3 x 67,5 kg
    6 x 75 kg

  2. military press
    5 x 47,5 kg
    3 x 52,5 kg
    4 x 57,5 kg

  3. row
    8 x 100 kg
    8 x 100 kg
    8 x 100 kg

  4. decline bench
    8 x 70 kg
    8 x 70 kg
    8 x 70 kg