Maťo's Training Log

17.08.2024 week 2 day 4

Overhead press
3 x 27,5 kg, 3 x 32,5 kg, 10 x 35 kg, 16 x 27,5 kg

Chinups 5 x BW, 1 x 5 + 5 kg, 4 x 5 + 10 kg, 5 x BW
DB rows 3 x 10 with 31 kg
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 20
Hyperextensions 1 x 50

Press felt heavy today from start to finish, took more rest between reps than usual.

Calories intake: 2700 kcal
Protein: 178 g, Carbs: 350 g, fat: 68 g



Running: 6,8 km
Time: 39 minutes

Calories intake: 2800 kcal
Protein: 179 g, carbs: 230 g, fat: 128 g


19.08.2024 week 3 day 1
5 x 55 kg, 5 x 65 kg, 12 x 70 kg, 20 x 55 kg

Hyperextensions 3 x 12 with 10 kg
Triceps pushdowns 5 x 10
Face pulls 50 reps
Hanging leg raises 20, 15, 10

Pain occurred during squat at my left elbow, probably from the pushing the elbow down, during the squat down.

The last two reps were a little slower with 70 kg in the middle of squat, but I forced my hip to push forward, so I add some speed from this sticking point.

Calories intake: 3000 kcal
Protein: 212 g, carbs : 334 g, fat 85 g


20.08.2024 week 3 day 2
5 x 47,5 kg, 3 x 55 kg, 10 x 60 kg, 15 x 47,5 kg

BW Pullups 4 x 10
Seated row machine 3 x 10 => 35 kg
BW dips 20, 15

What a day, never did more than 5 reps with 60 kg. It is something special for me, like when someone hit 100 kg on benchpress first time. Yeah that is not much, especially for someone who are going to the gym regulary. But who cares, there is one old saying: somewhere is a little Chinese girl warming with your max.

Calories intake: 2900 kcal
Protein 196 g, carbs: 335 g, fat: 80 g

Started to prepare pancakes for breakfast:
2 whole eggs, 300 ml milk, 80 g oats, 30 g protein powder, 1 banana, cinamon + 40 g penaut butter = 1000 kcal on breakfast.

Sometimes I add 3 eggs and 100 g oats, if I want to eat more calories.


22.08.2024 week 3 day 3

Trap bar deadlift
5 x 97 kg, 3 x 107 kg, 10 x 117 kg, 15 x 97 kg

Hyperextensions 1 x 40
Band face pulls 1 x 50
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 20
Hanging leg raises 2 x 20
Cable crunches 2 x 30

I had to to do trap bar with 90, 102 and 114 kg, but decided to lift more. So I loaded 97, 107 and 117 on trap bar. The last working set I had to reset after 8 th rep because the bar started to slip from the right hand. Then I pulled 2 more reps.

Calorie intake: 2800 kcal
Protein: 171 g, carbs: 296 g, fats: 101 g


23.08.2024 week 3 day 4

Overhead press
5 x 30, 5 x 35, 7 x 37,5 kg, 16 x 30,

Chinups 10 x, 4 x 6 ( + 10 kg),
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 20 supersetted with
EZ curls 2 x 20
Hyperextensions 1 x 40

Calories intake: 2750 kcal
Protein: 185 g, carbs: 320 g, fat 74,1 g

That was last training of 5/3/1 and widowmakers template. Really enjoyed this template and get new PR on main lifts.

Here are numbers before BBS from june and after 2 cycles of BBS and 1 cycle of widowmakers.
Squat 5 x 70 kg => 12 x 70 kg
Benchpress 5 x 60 kg => 10 x 60 kg
Trap bar deadlift 5 x 117 kg => 10 x 117 kg
Overhead press 5 x 37,5 kg => 7 x 37,5 kg

Now I have a week or maybe week and half, before we are going somewhere on the vacation, we didn’t find out where and when, but me and my GF have two week vacations.

I will start 5/3/1 BBB tomorrow and maybe finished 2 weeks before go on vacation. Will add 2.5 kg to all my lifts.


Running 14.45 km
Time: 1 hour and 25 minutes

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Boring but big

25.08.2024 week 1 day 1

5 x 50 kg, 5 x 55 kg, 5 x 65 kg
5 x 10 with 50 kg

Face pulls 50 reps
Triceps pushdowns 4 x 15
Hanging leg raises 2 x 20
Cable crunches 2 x 30
Hyperextensions 1 x 40

Calories intake: 2750 kcal
Protein: 172 g, carbs: 226 g, fats : 114 g

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27.08.2024 week 1 day 2
5 x 42,5 kg, 5 x 50 kg, 5 x 57 kg,
5 x 10 with 40 kg

Pullups 4 x 8
Triceps pushdowns 3 x 15
Hyperextensions 1 x 50

29.08.2024 week 1 day 3
Trap bar deadlift
5 x 82 kg, 5 x 92 kg, 5 x 102 kg
5 x 10 with 82 kg

Hanging leg raises 3 x 15
Hyperextensions 1 x 60
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 20
Face pulls 1 x 50

31.08.2024 week 1 day 4
Overhead press
5 x 27 kg, 5 x 32,5 kg, 5 x 35 kg
5 x 10 with 25 kg supersetted with BW chinups 4 x 10, 1 x 7

Triceps pushdowns 2 x 20
Band face pulls 1 x 50
Hyperextensions 1 x 50

Running 6,4 km

02.09.2024 week 2 day 1
5 x 55 kg, 5 x 62,5 kg, 5 x 70 kg
5 x 10 with 45 kg

Hyperextensions 1 x 50
Hanging leg raises 2 x 20
Face pulls 1 x 50
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 20

Calories intake: 3000 kcal
Protein: 197 g, carbs : 288 g, fat: 115 g


Just catching up, some awesome results. Well done!

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03.09.2024 week 2day 2

5 x 50 kg, 5 x 55 kg, 5 x 60 kg
5 x 10 with 45 kg supersetted with BW pullups 5 x 10

DB rows 2 x 10 with 26 kg
Triceps pushdowns 3 x 15
Hyperextensions 1 x 50

Running 6 km = 31 minutes

Trap bar deadlift
5 x 87 kg, 5 x 97 kg, 5 x 107 kg

Face pulls 50 reps
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 20
Hanging leg raises 2 x 20
Hyperextensions 1 x 50

Overhead press
5 x 30 kg, 5 x 35 kg, 5 x 37,5 kg

5 x 10 with 27,5 kg supersetted with BW chinups 5 x 10

Triceps pushdowns 3 x 15
Hyperextensions 1 x 50

Calories intake was around 2600 ~ 2800 kcal per day according to the app. The problem with left elbow persist, the pain is present during squat workout and when I start the first reps on triceps pushdowns.


We flew to the Cyprus with my GF, where we are staying for our vacation till saturday in hotel. So we have plenty of food for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even some snacks between. The hotel has a small gym in the basement, where you can find benchpress, 3 pairs of dumbells ( 12 kg, 16 kg, 20 kg), incline bench, hyperextensions bench, 2 piece of lat pulldown machines, non-functional peck deck with rear delts fly machine, another peck deck with non-functional left side, lying leg curl machine. No squat rack, limited plates, so I decided to go for split this week.

Also took running shoes with me, so will definitely run, but I have to go sleep earlier.


Swimming in the open water 2 x 30 minutes. Watch showed me, that I swam for 3600 metres. I started to swam from the shore about 300 metres to the buoy and then swam along the buyoes. On the way back I headed more near beach and then to the starting point. I have respect for open water.

International chest day
Benchpress 3 x 10 with 50 kg ?
Incline bench press with DB 3 x 8 with 16 kg
Flat DB benchpress 2 x 8 with 20 kg
DB curls 3 x 10 with 10 kg
DB hammer curls 3 x 10 with 10 kg


Back + triceps + swimming

Pullups 4 x 10
DB rows 2 x 25 with 20 kg
Lat pulldown 3 x 10
Close grip lat pulldown 3 x 10
DB overhead triceps extensions 3 x 12 with 16 kg
Cable triceps pushdowns 2 x 10 with 15 kg

After gym we had some time before dinner, so we went to the beach and swam 1500 metres for 27 minutes. At first my back and triceps were tired, but that feeling was presnt during 2 minutes.

I wanted to do triceps extensions with more weight, but I found out, that cable is out of pulley, so its more challenging.



Swimming + Legs + shoulder

Swimming 32 minutes + 17 minutes

Goblet squats 5 x 20 with 20 kg DB
Romanian deadlift 2 x 20 with 20 kg DB
BW split squats 2 x 15 on each leg
DB seated press 4 x 10 with 16 kg
DB arnold shoulder press 3 x 10 with 10 kg
Front plate raises 2 x 15

From monday my heart rate goes up and was about 74 ~ 80. Normally my hear rate is about 56 ~ 60 during rest. I thought, that is from higher temperatures and cruise on ship, where we were from 09 a.m. till 3 p.m. ( of course without t-shirt). I started to feel soreness in my throat on tuesday, so I went to the pharmacy and bought some spray.

I woke up yesterday with serious pain in my throad but I managed to recover from that with spray and gargling salt water.


Swimming 24 minutes

Chest + biceps
Benchpress 4 x 10 with 35 kg ?
DB incline bench 4 x 10 with 16 kg
Flat db bench 3 x 10 with 16 kg
DB curls 3 x 10
DB hammer curls 2 x 15

Swimming 45 minutes

I woke up with headache and cold. I went to beach after breakfast, swam for 24 minutes and before I went to the lunch, I visited to gym. At gym I felt pretty weak. After lunch my body temperature raised up and I felt pretty beat up, so I get pills to drop raised temperature of my body and slept till 5 p.m. After 5:30 p.m. I went to the beach again for some swimming. Also bought vitamin C.

Wanted to do some running, but if I would be in same condition as yesterday, I will not any running. The combination of air conditioning everywhere and drinks with ice, my body cannot withstand. Also sleep is not great, because as I am writing this text, there is 1 a.m. in Cyprus and I am not able to go to the bet and sleep, due the loud music coming from bar near our hotel. Next time I will pack some ear plugs .



Swimming in the open sea 41 minutes, then swimming for 35 minutes.

Back + tri

Pullups 4 x 10
Lat pulldown 3 x 10
Close grip lat pulldown 3 x 10
DB overhead triceps extensions 5 x 10 with 16 kg
Cable triceps pushdowns 2 x 10 with 15 kg


Running 5 km in 26 minutes and 30 seconds.

On the flight from Cyprus, we had to do emergency landing in Athens International Airport, because according to the captain, we had some technical problem with plane and it was no safe continue - ok no problem with that.

But I had a problem, because we had to stay in airplane for 6 hours without option to leave the airplane. The comunication between staff and passengers, was really bad. At first they said to us, the service technician will come within 20 minutes and they will try to fix the problem. After 1 hour there was no single technician on aboard. First technician came after 1 hour and 30 minutes, captain said, wait for 15 minutes and we give you information, if we can take off from airport with same airplane or we have to wait on another airplane.

Funny thing, after 2 hour toilets in the back of airplane were out of order, people were complain on the smell, that started to spread from rear side of the airplane. You knw, there were 177 passengers on the aboard and they need to visit toilet after while.

After 3 hours of waiting, they gave us information, so we can buy the water from the staff. Some people get really upset, so they gave us at least 2 dcl water per passenger. The food was not present on the airplane, they had only snickers bar, croissant and potato chips = again you could buy from staff. I didn’t feel hunger, had really good breakfast, but I was sorry for another passengers like older people and children.

Finally we get info from captain, that crack on the window in the cockpit is located from the outside and that not represent safety risk. Then they told us, we have to wait on the man, that will refill fuel for plane. That took another 1 hour, instead of 30 minutes…meanwhile one older passenger collapsed, they called ambulance and took her in the airport. After 1 hour she came back, so we took off from airport and flew 2 hours to the home.

Although I am not feeling well, I will take a rest from lifting this week. I started to cough a lot from saturday and mucus is slowly get out from my body.