I’m just finishing up my 2nd cycle of 350 mg test prop/wk. (first cycle was 8 weeks, this cycle was 6 weeks). The thing I’ve changed this time around was dosing arimidex at 0.5 mg eod instead of 0.25 mg eod. As a result of this I’ve experienced only minor gyno this time around, but I still hold significant amounts of water (especially in my face), to the point it’s very noticeable to others.
That’s why this time around, I wanted to gain some quality mass WITHOUT the bloat by running the following for 6 weeks:
wk 1-6: Masteron 200 mg eod (650 mg/wk)
wk 1-6: hCG 350 IU e3d (700 IU/wk)
wk 7-9: Clomid frontloaded then 50 mg ed
wk 7-9: Nolva frontloaded then 20 mg ed
This was suggested by Bill Roberts in the following link: Masteron - Steroids Profile , to keep test and estrogen at decent functional physiological levels.
I hope to gain about 6-8 lbs of muscle by eating 10% above my maintenance at the end of the cycle (current stats: 5ft10, 180 lbs, 10% BF).
You seem to be very prone to aromatization, experiencing estrogen side effects with relatively low doses of testosterone even while using Arimidex. Labs prior to the cycle would’ve been useful to confirm this. If you are still on cycle, I would suggest you get lab work done to see where your E2 levels are. Could provide useful information for the future.
In light of this, I think it would be a good idea to keep track of your E2 levels while you do the proposed cycle.
Finally, I think some would say the cycle is too expensive for the results it can give and that you would be better served by doing a testosterone based cycle using a higher dose that before (500-600/week) and either elevating the dose of Arimidex or using Letrozole to make sure E2 doesn’t raise too high. This is obviously entirely up to you.
Since masteron is purported to prevent aromatization of other compounds being used, I would still throw test into that cycle. Should give a decent boost to your gains. Since you seem prone to aromatization, I would still run an AI, albeit at a lower dose (maybe go back to 0.25 EOD from your first cycle).
[quote]Cheesesteak wrote:
Masteron doesn’t aromatize so why are you running clomid and nolva?[/quote]
that’s PCT, ya moron…[/quote]
C’mon Cyc, I was trying to make him figure that out for himself![/quote]
so you basically said:
“I know that, I was just testing him!”
Riiiight… Anyone who has spent about 10 mins reading should know the difference between a SERM and an AI, and the purpose of each. Im not gunna spoon feed him.
[quote]Cheesesteak wrote:
Masteron doesn’t aromatize so why are you running clomid and nolva?[/quote]
that’s PCT, ya moron…[/quote]
C’mon Cyc, I was trying to make him figure that out for himself![/quote]
so you basically said:
“I know that, I was just testing him!”
Riiiight… Anyone who has spent about 10 mins reading should know the difference between a SERM and an AI, and the purpose of each. Im not gunna spoon feed him.[/quote]
oh sorry, I thought you’d made the comment about them doing zero for aromatisation. It was that cheesesteak guy. My apologies