I work out first thing in the morning so on those days, my first meal is Surge (i.e. P+C) as I’m driving to the gym. Otherwise, since the article says to make most of your P+C meals in the 4-6 hours PWO, the answer to your question should be pretty obvious.
[quote] Not sure what Massive Eating article you read, but JB doesn’t mention C&P meals anywhere!!
Since I doubt you’re implying Berardi is using Boolean algebraic expresions, what do you think he (JB) means when he says P+C?
Not sure what Massive Eating article you read, but JB doesn’t mention C&P meals anywhere!!
Since I doubt you’re implying Berardi is using Boolean algebraic expresions, what do you think he (JB) means when he says P+C?
From Massive Eating Reloaded, Part II:
From this discussion it should be pretty clear that a couple of P+C meals should be ingested during the few hours after your training session (whenever that might be). Not only will you get a superior anabolic response, but you?ll probably continue losing fat as well. (emphasis added) http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/nutrition/masseating_rl_2.htm[/quote]
OOOPS! I meant to say JB doesn’t mention P&F meals anywhere per Hawksons original post and NOT P&C like I stated in my post. Thanks for the correction.