If my priorities were in this order
Would this be a good routine to help me develop those areas.
incline bench- 6x3
pullup- 6x3
dips- 3-4x7
seated row- 3-4x7
power clean- 5-6x3
back squat- 6x3
good morning- 3-4x7
leg curl- 3-4x7
box squat- 8x2, 45%1RM
deadlift- 6x3
leg press- 3-4x7
1 leg hyperextension- 3-4x7
I would do this split for 3 or 4 weeks, then change the exercises around and use the same rep scheme, then after that i might move to 5x5 and 3x10 along with the speed work. What does everybody think, cause when i start my mass phase i’m one of those guys that have to have everything dialed in to make gains. So would give me 12 to 16 weeks of workouts, my goal would be to gain about 7 to 10 lbs along with some strength and keep speed and power. ANY SUGGESTIONS AT ALLLLL PLEASE??
I used to work arms directly and i never saw a fucking gain one day of my life. I followed my lord and savior CW’s advice and ever since my arms have grown much bigger then they have ever been. I’ll never waste my time by working my arms directly again.
I started it, but because of time restraints i had to quit, i have no time to workout with my current schedule, all i get in now is alot of body weight stuff. But atleast its something. But i will probably same that program for when i get in a rut, it would definately be a huge rut buster.
Can you gain size doing sets of three reps? I suppose you can as many powerlifters have. However, it has been shown that through the ages most men gain the most size when they work in the 6 to 12 rep range.
You did state that size is not your only goal so give your system a try. I have noticed through the years that the lastest Guru’s routine is not set in stone. Sometimes they work as is. Sometimes you have to tweak them to suit your own needs.
This biggest mistake that any of us can make is to take any Coaches advice, or routine as gospel.
zeb you do gain size. When doing 3 or 4 sets of 3 reps you wont gain size but, when you do 10 you will. It’s not as much of a strength exercise as it is a hypertrophy. however, you do get stronger.