Lock 3 Shoulder Routine
Supine Breathing: 10
Heel Sit Neck Nods + Turns: 8/4ea
Hip Internal Rotation Twists 10 each side
Monster Walks
Thoracic Spine Extension with Foam Roller
Banded Ankle MOB
Spiderman Lunge: 8 ea
Toe Touch Squat to Stand: 8
Norwegian 4×4 training method
Rogue Echo Bike
4 minute warm up 50, 55, 60, 65 rpm 144 bpm
3 minute rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 149 62 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 151 62 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 151 62 rpm
3 minutes of active rest
4 minutes working up to 90% of maximum heart rate 153 62 rpm
3 minute cool down (easy walking)
2 sets of 15 Reverse Hypers 120#
Supported Cossack Squat
Couch Stretch
Deep squat hold