This is not a thread asking if marijuana is bad for bodybuilding and it is not a thread based on its legality. This is simply a place where all pot-lovers can express how they feel on this wonderful plant. Please tell me makavali won’t be the only one to post…
Doesn’t do much for me, just clouds my mind.
I like getting drunk more than getting high.
I think its complete bullsh*t that a man can sign a waver to fight until knockout for the sport, but a stoner cant light up a blunt for the pleasure. I mean common at what point did this become a “victimless crime”? Its completely unnecessary. In the case of marijuana laws, let me tell you that the punishment does WAY more damage to people’s lives than the “CRIME” committed.
I personally disagree with most arguments against it with the exception that yes, it is harmful to smoke… but its harmful to smoke ANYTHING and cigarettes are perfectly legal. Not to mention that cigarettes contain a very addictive chemical stimulant (nicotine) which is comparable to crack and causes hardcore withdrawals. I know because I smoked cigarettes and quit for good almost a year ago. Marijuana does not contain any addictive substances.
Ive smoked it almost every day for years HOWEVER i have gone for months and weeks at a time not smoking and never experienced withdrawal. Its more of a recreation. Something to do with friends, like drink a beer! Don’t even get me started on alcohol. That stuff kills so many people and ruins so many lives, how many people died from weed? none. It grows natural too, thats why its called weed, its got lots of seeds when furtalized and disperses everywhere.
Its basically like someone outlawing dandelions or ragweed. I am an AB college student at a MAJOR university so it obviously dosen’t make you dumb. I get really upset with marijuana laws as you can see. I can rant on for days and argue anybody on any myth that is widely circulated such as it being a “Gateway Drug”. Are you kidding me? in that case lets just ask how many drug users drank alcohol as their first drug yet thats legal.
Its just a way for the local governemts to make money. It should be legal in my opinion but restricted to those over 21 like alcohol. I mean how much money has been spent in the past 30 years to keep drugs off the street? Yet its still so easy for kids in school to get them between classes. It goes on and on and on and on. Im going to go burn one because im a stoner and thats what I like to do, and NO it doesnt get in the way of anything in my life, and YES you can hit it if you jump in rotation
elano for President
Elano for paragraphs
yes we can
haha im glad you guys feel me. As Kat William said “Look at tylenol, its perfectly legal but if you take 13 of those motherf*ckers it will be your last headache”. The first marijuana laws actually started in Texas as a discriminatory way to keep out the new Mexican immigrants who smoked the stuff. Our country’s jails have more prisoners than any other country. It seems drug offenders spend more time in jail than murders and rapist and 90% of those are possession charges, not for selling. How about getting the drug users out of prison and into rehab to make room for the rapist, molesters, and killers.
[quote]elano wrote:
haha im glad you guys feel me. As Kat William said “Look at tylenol, its perfectly legal but if you take 13 of those motherf*ckers it will be your last headache”. The first marijuana laws actually started in Texas as a discriminatory way to keep out the new Mexican immigrants who smoked the stuff. Our country’s jails have more prisoners than any other country. It seems drug offenders spend more time in jail than murders and rapist and 90% of those are possession charges, not for selling. How about getting the drug users out of prison and into rehab to make room for the rapist, molesters, and killers.[/quote]
then where will the government funding for the jails go to
if we get rid of all of the non-voilent drug offenders?
prisons today are nothing more than a revenue source and alot less for detering crime or rehabilating criminals.
which is again why I think it shou8ld be legal
tabaco is a huge money maker with taxes and all.
if you think about it how many tabaco smokers are also pot smokers.
now think about how many non-tabacco smokers are pot smokers.I think there are more pot smokers than there are drinkers or tabacco smokers,the potential for revenue is also huge.
and it is safer studies have shown.
then again if it is legalised then how many other chemicals will be in the manufacture of it and also what kind of taxes will be attached to it.
will a nic cost you 80 dollars or something.
[quote]Nich wrote:
prisons today are nothing more than a revenue source and alot less for detering crime or rehabilating criminals.
which is again why I think it shou8ld be legal
tabaco is a huge money maker with taxes and all.
if you think about it how many tabaco smokers are also pot smokers.
now think about how many non-tabacco smokers are pot smokers.I think there are more pot smokers than there are drinkers or tabacco smokers,the potential for revenue is also huge.
and it is safer studies have shown.
then again if it is legalised then how many other chemicals will be in the manufacture of it and also what kind of taxes will be attached to it.
will a nic cost you 80 dollars or something.
That is a good point and the laws can’t really be enforced either. Just look how much weed smoking you see in movies these days and all the songs talkin’ about it all over the radios. How can police enforce a law against something so popular? Really, if every person who ever committed the “crime” of smoking some grass was caught in the act and arrested, I think over half the country at least would have a criminal record for drug offenses.
Weed = good times
Weed + GF = Unreal sex
what no pics?
Hey ay aay ayy…
Saying weed is a gateway drug is like saying forks are a gateway to obesity. All drugs should be legalized and regulated by the gov’t, not drug cartels. Check out LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)
Since it’s been discussed a billion times, I’ll simply say I smoke every day and I’m still a functioning human being! Wierd.
Time for a picture party!
Just a few pictures for some eye candy.
My goodness… those pics don’t even look real… We get good stuff in NY but thats something I doubt I’ll ever see