Today a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go to an olympic weightlifting class with him. I’ve always wanted to learn weightlifting so I jumped in! I still performed the main lifts of my programmed training in the afternoon.
Main lifts
Stiff leg deadlifts 5 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
There were a bit harder than two days ago, but I managed to perform them using shorter rest periods.
Close grip bench press 5 sets of 10 reps with 185lbs (83.9kg)
Just like tow days ago, that last set was a grinder.
The Weightlifting class
We (two friends of mine and I) arrived 45 mins earlier so we can warm up and do some mobility work before the class began. The class took place in a crossfit box and it was really hot and humid. This can sound negative, but I personally like it. It allows me to warmup much faster. By the end of the warmup the coach asked us to perform snatches with an empty bar and I was pleased to hear that he was impressed by how mobile I am. Following that, the class started and we began with snatch technique. The coach corrected my grip length and the four positions he calls Start position, below the knee, top of the knee and power position. Them we moved to the clean and jerk and he corrected my overhead position at the end of the jerk.
All of this was VERY instructive, I would go back anytime. Although we didn’t move heavy weights at all (75lbs on the Snatch and 185lbs on the Clean and Jerk), it was a good workout. To ensure technique was good, we did a lot of eccentric work and I seriously think about adding snatch deadlifts to my assistance exercises as well as squat jerks.
Today I was still really exited about yesterday’s weightlifting class so I started with some technical work on my snatch. I practiced what the coach taught me. I really enjoyed it and it warmed me up for my squat session:
High bar squats 5 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
These felt good, I did those sets without any problem. It took me about 20 mins which is a good pace for me. I think I’m ready to add another set to my squat training.
Strict overhead press. 5 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs (43.1kg)
I incorporated some things that I learned for my jerk last night in this lift and I think it paid off. It was feeling good.
Assistance work
Front squat 4 sets of 3 reps with 225lbs (102kg)
I decided to go a little (very little) heavy with my assistance work. Even though my legs were already toasted, it felt good to challenge my nervous system a little bit.
Press complex with an empty bar.
Then again I practiced a few things I learned last night and it was enough to finish my shoulders. I did a few presses from a bottom squat position, both from a front rack and behind the neck. I also did a few squat jerks
Stiff leg deadlift 5 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
These were not hard at all, but I was kinda out of my game. My lower back was more pumped than I liked, and I attribute this to bad form. It wasn’t aweful form, but I could have been better.
Close grip bench press 5 sets of 10 reps with 185lbs (83.9kg)
These were hard, as usual, but I finished the 5 sets and I’m happy with it.
Assistance work
One legged leg curl (sets of 10 reps)
First time I did those (new equipment in a new gym). It’s not an exercise that I hate, nor one that I like. I think next time I’m gonna stick with the regular leg curl
One hand machine rows (sets of 10 reps)
Normally I would have done barbell row, but I wanted to spare my lower back
Dips 4 sets of 20 reps
These were much harder that usually. I’m It’s because I used a dip machine with a wider grip. It felt good. Working harder is a good thing
Day12 (29th of August)
It’s time to add another working set on my main lifts!
High bar squat 6 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
I guess that yesterday’s rest day was efficient cause my squat warmup felt awefully good! I worked my way through those squats in about 24 mins which is a good pace for me. I’m happy with it.
Overhead strict press 6 (or 7??) sets of 10 reps with 95lbs (43.1kg)
By the end of those I lost my focus and count of my sets and I’m not sure whether I did 6 or 7 sets. My triceps really worked on those.
Todays for my assistance work I decided to practice my snatch… again. I really enjoy those and I feel worked up after so I might keep doing it for a while.
I did a snatch complex which looked like this:
A snatch deadlift with slow eccentric portion
A full snatch
A drop snatch
Then a couple of overhead squats
I did this snatch complex for a couple of sets of a couple of reps. Then I finished with some face pulls and some reverse machine flies. It was a good workout
Stiff leg deadlift 6 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
That last set was challenging. My glutes and hamstrings were on fire. It felt really good.
Close grip bench press 6 sets of 10 reps with 185lbs (83.9kg)
I almost not finished my 4th set, then I realised that bar placement (on my chest) has a huge impact on the lift. Turns out I was lowering the bar to high on my chest because for the two last sets I lowered it a bit and it felt like I was warming up.
Technical work
Squat jerk
I’m slowly getting the hang of it. It war a little hard with my triceps pumped up though.
Snatch grip deadlift.
I really focused on shrugging up the bar at the top of the movement. Also I felt my quads firing up. I think that this movement can be a very good strength builder.
High bar Squat 6 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
Today’s squat went very well. I did them under the 24 mins I allow myself. I’m becoming really accustomed to the weight. Actually I’m getting sick of that weight, I can’t wait to go heavier, but I’m gonna have to suck it up. I need to get to that 10x10 volume, either to build workload capacity or to prove myself I can do it. Anyway, so far so good, next week I’m gonna add another set for sure.
Overhead press 6 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs (43.1kg)
Those went ok. I still have issue being stable during the press. Maybe it is due to my weakened legs after the squat volume. The weight really doesn’t feel that heavy.
Technical work
Snatch grip deadlift: I decided to go a little heavier this time and it was awesome. I worked up to a couple of triples with 255lbs (115.7kg). My reps were fast, everything felt good.
Strength work
I decided to add a little strength work in my training to keep my ability to move heavy weights and not to bore myself out. The volume part of my training stays my priority though.
Front Squat: I worked up to a single at 325lb (147.4kg) which is pretty good for me considering that I was weakened from my squat volume and that this is my previous all time PR on the front squats. I was quite happy with this.
Inclined dumbbell press: I worked up to a top set of 5 reps with 90lbs (40.8kg) dumbbell and then I went down for a few back off sets. I hadn’t done these in a while so it was quite fun!
Finally I did some hanging ab crunches.
I am quite pleased with this training session, I’m gonna sleep like a baby tonight!
These training are getting easier. Everything is going according to the plan, muhahahah!
Main Lifts
Stiff leg deadlift 6 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
My glutes were on fire after those sets! I really think the movement is targeting the right weakness.
Close grip bench press 6 sets of 10 reps with 185lbs (83.9kg)
These were much easier than two days ago.
Technical work
Today for my technical work I did snatches from the start position. I used light weight and focused on shrugging with my traps, not pulling the bar with my arms and getting under the bar quickly. I’m slowly but surely learning the movement.
Assistance work
I did some heavy barbel hip thrusters. I did sets of three holding the last rep up for about 5 to 10 seconds. I worked up to 315lbs (142.8kg) for the last few sets. Then again, I could really feel my glutes working hard!
Dumbbell rows. I did a few sets of 10 reps with an 80lb (36.3kg) dumbbell.
Today I had to train in the morning which is a big deal for me. I don’t perform in the morning, but all things considered, everything went well.
High bar Squat 6 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
That last set was hard, but nothing to cry for.
Overhead press 6 sets pf 10 reps with 95lbs (43.1kg)
I think I did those at a good pace. Everything felt right, like my form is finally getting into place. Also I found out that by keeping a little bend in my knees I was much more stable during the press.
Assistance work
High bar squat with wraps
I decided to do squats with knee wraps so I can load my back a bit without killing my already dead quads. I worked up to a triple with 365lbs (165.6kg) which is not bad for me.
Inclined dumbbell press.
I didn’t have much time less because I needed to go to class, so I played around with 85lb (38.6kg) dumbbell. I think my top set was 4 reps with a failed 5th rep.
Although I wasn’t in the gym for long, I had a blast!
High bar squat 7 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
Those were a blast. I managed to finish the 7 sets in 25 mins. That last set got me weak on my legs. This was really challenging. I loved it, I can’t wait to add another sets next week and see what will happen!
Overhead press 7 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs (43.1kg)
These were easier than expected. I’m beginning to really enjoy that movement. It used to be one of the exercise I suck the most at (it probably still is) but I’m getting better at it!
Technical work
Snatch grip deadlift. I worked up to a triple at 275lbs (124.7kg), then I did some volume with 185lbs (83.9kg).
After that I was starving, so that was it for today.
Yesterday I had some lower back pain in the day and I couldn’t get arround it so I decided to take an unexpected rest day. I did some stretching trying to find out where that pain would come from and I think that it because my hip flexors are too tight. This might be because I got back to school and I sit a lot. Today I was feeling a bit better so I did my stretching and got to the gym. I’ll continue to do those stretchings daily and hope that it’ll get better quickly. So today I decided to keep going with my squat training instead of doind yesterday’s workout because I don’t want to slow down my progress on the squats and overhead press.
High bar squat 7 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
Then again, today it was challenging. I loved it. My legs where on fire and I couldn`t walk straight after my last set. I’ll hit my limit soon, but maybe I’m gonna be able to add that 8th set next week.
Overhead press 7 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs (43.1kg)
Those felt good, I’m definetly gonna add a set next week. My shoulders and triceps were really worked up.
Heavy work
To give my lower back a chance to recover, I decided to go heavy with my upper body, so I did some competition style bench (relatively wide grip and arched back). Turns out this training cycle has already been paying off, because I hit my old 1 rep max from when I was fat (I should say that I’m back to being though). So that was a single at 315lbs (142.9kg) paused, which is good for me considering the pre-exhaustion from the overhead presses.
Yesterday I skipped the stiff leg deadlifts again and I performed some psoas release and stretching. It really paid off. I have no more lower back pain at all. Today I couldn’t perform my programmed squat workout because I had to participate in a “Squat competition” to promote my University’s Barbell Club. It was very fun, we squatted up to a 3RM outside under the bright sun for everyone to see. I squatted low bar for the occasion. I personally ramped up to a 405lbs triple, a 415lbs triple and a 425lbs triple (I missed the last rep). Considering the hangover and the lack of sleep (yeah I’m ashamed) I think I did ok.
Tomorrow I’ll resume my training with my squat training session. Next week I’ll add another on my squat workout and I’ll advise in place and time for my deadlift training sessions.
Finally I’ll try to keep performing psoas release and stretchings daily. I might not hurt anymore, but I’ve had pelvic anterior tilt for years now. It’s time I get that fixed.
High bar squat 7 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
These were a little bit more challenging than on wednesday, maybe because of yesterday’s heavy squats. Also, the mid portion of my back was really sore and honestly I don’t really know where that comes from.
Overhead press 7 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs (43.1kg)
I decided to these a little faster than my squats and I brought the challenge up. My triceps where on fire after that 7th set.
Assistance work
Earlier today I was watching a video of a strongman/powerlifter that had an interesting theory about the squat. He said that to him, the squat is primarily a core exercise and that would be why everybody put more on the leg press than on the squat. In a leg press you take the core out of the equation and the weight realy on your lower body only. I think there is a lot more to it, but this simple explanation makes a lot of sense. With that in mind, I decided to put aside my personnal beleifs regarding the leg press and try it out!
Leg press: I worked my way up with sets of 5 reps starting with two 45lbs plates on each side. From what I saw in every gym I trained to, it is common practice to perform half reps only. I may be able to step on my ego, but I have principles, so I made sure to hit some decent debth anyway. I ended up doing three top sets of 5 reps with 7 plates on each sides. After all this, I may have changed my mind about the leg press. I could feel my legs working hard, and it was nice to handle that kind of weight. I may give that movement a shot on a regular basis in the future.
Dumbbell shoulder press: I did one top set of 5 reps with 70lbs dumbbells, but that last rep took me forever to complete, so I dropped to 65lb dumbbells for two more sets of 5 reps.
Today my university’s powerlifting club activities resumed for the fall semester, so I trained with the guys and it was pretty nice. It was a good thing because my squats where hard and I could scream my way through it. Seriously, I had a blast!
High bar squat 8 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
Those were hard, I was walking funny after the last set. I did keep my pace though. I did them under 32mins (4min per set including the set itself).
Overhead press 8 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs (43.1kg)
These are becoming easier by the week. I don’t get it, I thought that adding a set every week would make it harder, especially since this lift is one of my weaknesses. I did reduce my time per set from 4mins to 3mins (including the set itself), but maybe this is still to much recovery time for a small muscle group.
Assistance work
When I train with the powerlifting club we train in a much bigger area than my usual gym, so I had plenty of room to perform the master of all assistance exercises. I’ve been dying to do these for a couple weeks.
Barbell farmer’s walk: The gym’s length is 25 meters (82 ft.) I think and I did 4 round trips, so about 4 x 50 meters with a break in the middle to turn arround. I used two 95lb (43.1kg) barbells. I like to use barbells instead of dumbbells, I think it’s harder on my grip strength that way. (Don’t worry, we have plenty of barbells, so I’m not a jackass using all the equipment for myself)
I think that training session set a good tone for this week.
Stiff leg deadlift 8 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
That was much easier than expected. There is really nothing more to say about it. I had a nice glute pump, but it was not nearly as challenging as yesterday’s squats.
Close grip bench press 8 sets of 10 reps with 185lbs (83.9kg) (actually I got 9 reps on the last two sets)
These, on the other hand, were really hard. I went to failure on my last two sets getting only 9 reps on those. My arms and chest were on fire.
Assistance work
I decided to to some sumo deadlifts since it has been a while. I worked my way up to a couple of triples with 405lbs (183.7kg) and a single at 495lbs (224.5kg). These reps were much slower than I’m used to, be I won’t worry about it for now. Also, I felt that my core was the limiting factor in speed. It might be a good idea to focus on that.
Then I did some squat jerks playing around 135lbs (61.2kg) and a couple of triples on the push presse with 185lbs (83.9kg)
I think that my shoulders and triceps will be pretty sore tomorrow.
Day23 (14th of september) I always think that it’s gonna be harder than it actually is
I noticed that recently, every time I begin a workout and I reach my first set of squats, I think to myself: ohh this is going to be rough. And it never is. Well it’s always not as hard as I thougth it would be. I think that this is me learning to work hard. It’s good thing, but it’s also sad because I’m realising that I never really worked hard since I started lifting. I’m experiencing different kind of pains and I have the feeling that I only uncovered the tip of the iceberg. That makes me happy because even if this training cycle doesn’t bring my squat in the 500 club, I will have learned a few things.
Main work
High bar squat 8 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
These got me a little spent, it is still a good challenge. My form might have been a little off. I might have shifted forward on a few reps.
Overhead press 8 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs (43.1kg)
These might have been a little harder than expected. I grinded my way out of my last set.
Assistance work
For my assistance movement I did some snatch grip high pulls for sets of 6 to 10 reps. I might have to work that one a little bit more before I get comfortable doing it, but it was fun!
Today was a short training session. I got into the gym late and I didn’t to get home to late and miss some sleep. Because of that I didn’t have time for assistance work.
Stiff leg deadlift 8 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
The last two sets were definitely harder than two days ago.
Close grip bench press 8 sets of 10 reps with 185lbs (83.9kg) (I missed a rep on my last two sets)
Just like two days ago, I missed a rep on both my last two sets. I think I’m going to have to stay at 8 sets next week until I can complete it and move to 9. I also noticed that since two days ago, my arms get numb around the 6th or 7th set and it doesn’t go away during my rest periods, like something is restricting the blood flow out of my arm muscles.
High bar squat 8 sets of 10 reps with 295lbs (133.8kg)
These were really. I trained in the morning and it had a huge impact on my performance, but I did get through.
Overhead press 8 sets of 10 reps with 95lbs (43.1kg)
Just like the squats, these were harder than previously this week.
Assistance work
Cable close grip rows. I did them in sets of 10 reps increasing the weight until I find something good to work with for a few sets.
Lateral raise. I did those in sets of 15 reps for a couple of sets.
Today I decided to do some olympic style weightlifting and lift some heavy(ish) bars.
Clean & Jerk
The jerk being the limiting factor here, I worked up to 175lbs (79.4kg). I did 3 jerks for one clean. Note that I performed squat jerks.
Clean complex with 175lbs (79.4kg). The complex was 1 power clean from the floor, one power clean from the top of the knee and one clean from one inch off of the floor, all without dropping the bar. It was both technically and physically hard for me.
Conventional deadlift. I worked my way up with triples. I went through 135lb, 225lb, 315lb, 405lb and 455lb (206.4kg). That’s a three rep PR. I was hard, but I think that it would have smoked up with a belt. The limiting factor was definitely my core strength.
Assistance work
Super set:
Dumbbell press 5 reps with 100lbs (45.4kg) dumbbells.
Pull ups 7 reps with with bodyweight
I did this super set for 5 sets. The hardest part was the pull ups. I definitely need to get better at doing those.
(At that point a really cute girl showed up in the gym and it got me quite distracted. It is relevant to this log as it may explain the unusual load of assistance work).
Assisted one hand rows. I did those in sets of 10 reps each side.
Seated assisted dips. I did those in sets of 10 as well.
Farmer’s walk. I carried the 100lb (45.4kg) dumbbells for something like 20-25 meters (that would be an arguably accurate guess). I did 4 rounds of these.
Barbell curls. These got me nostalgic (as I am an “ex-chicken legged-douche bag”. I know, shame on me). I did a few sets of 8-10 reps with a 90lb (40.8kg) bar.
After that my hormones finally calmed down (the cute girl got out of my sight) and I went home. All things considered, it was nice to do a variety of movements. I’ll add more assistance work when I get to the intense phase of my training cycle for sure.