Managing Supps, Suggestions?

Hey all,

Bulking up right now (so far experiencing a 12lb gain so far :D) and would like to know your thoughts on managing supplements.

I don’t want to take to many supplements, but only want to take the ones that are “ideal” for body composition and strength goals. Anyways, if it matters, I’m 16 years old am CURRENTLY taking:

Biotest Surge
Biotest Micronized German Creatine Mono
ON 100% GS Whey

However, I was just wondering on your thoughts on this:

Surge already costs me an arm and a leg basically, but I know it is ideal to have. Also, due to classes and living off the school’s chow hall (Boarding school) I have to rely on shakes for around 2 maybe 3 of my meals a day. I currently am using some FREE mrps my friend gave me, but will be out by the end of this week, sadly. So I was wondering, in order to keep my supplements low, costs as low as possible, but making the best supplement choices, would this be ok?

Biotest Surge
Biotest’s Creatine
ON 100% Whey
ON Fish Oil // NOW Flax Oil, which one?
and…Muscle Milk (for when I don’t have access to cottage cheese before bed) or should I invest in a couple containers of Metabolic Drive, or Grow! …?

I want to make this the best to achieve best results possible on my bulk,but keep the supplement bill low enough that I can afford these supplements year around.

Always use fish oil over flax oil. Higher in EPA and DHA (the important fractions in Omega 3 fatty acids). Both Now and ON are decent brands, esp cost wise.

As for the muscle milk - pass. Go with either AST’s Muscle XGF (my preferrance)or Biotest’s Metabolic Drive Complete (my 2nd choice). It may cost you a bit more, but it’s worth it.
Tuna, chicken, eggs for whole foods are cheapest. Beef gets to be a little expensive unless you stick to extra lean ground; but don’t neglect beef intake because it’s crazy anabolic.

I have to say though at 16, you’re spending a bit too much on supplements. You could probably get away with just Surge, fish oil and a multi as long as you ate quality food all the time.


At 16 years of age, you’re getting a little carried away with your supplement routine.

I recommend that you cut back to just using Flameout and a protein powder such as Grow! Whey when needed.

Hey thanks for the replies guys!

I feel the creatine doesn’t hurt ( I mean 13$ for 3 months basically? Why not, it’s recommended highly and I can afford it)

As for protein I have decided:
Biotest Surge
10lb ON 100%
Tons of ON Fish Oil

That should last me well into the summer and then all I will need during XC season is Fish Oil and ON 100% and will uptake my Surge again when it’s price will go towards weight gain instead of weight maintenance lol.

[quote]friedrice683 wrote:
Hey thanks for the replies guys!

I feel the creatine doesn’t hurt ( I mean 13$ for 3 months basically? Why not, it’s recommended highly and I can afford it)

As for protein I have decided:
Biotest Surge
10lb ON 100%
Tons of ON Fish Oil

That should last me well into the summer and then all I will need during XC season is Fish Oil and ON 100% and will uptake my Surge again when it’s price will go towards weight gain instead of weight maintenance lol.[/quote]

A great and IMO better option the your original muscle milk idea would be simple milk whole or 2%.

other than that solid simple supps


Thanks guys :smiley:

During my cardio session today I did think of something that I should have realized earlier…I originally got the Whey for PWO nutrition (mixed with maltodextrin), until that is I got Surge. So now I just take the Whey in morning, after cardio, and in meals that for one reason or another lack protein (PBJ sandwhich for instance).

So I thought…whey isn’t ideal except PWO, and I have Surge. So why not get a protein blend instead of Whey? Would this be ideal or no?

If yes, what affordable protein blend do you recommend that I could use maybe 1-3 times a day and still have money left in my wallet?

Other than that my current supps then will be:
Protein blend recommended, or Whey if not ideal
Fish Oil

Fish Oil I will get from ON because I can purchase 100capsules for under 4$, so will just buy like 10 bottles for the whole year. Creatine, dirt cheap. Surge unfortunately equals 30$ a month and other than that, need a quality, cheap protein blend or if not ideal, then just stick with 10lbs of ON.


Was that 12lbs real or imaginary weight gain?
