[quote]SeanParent wrote:
Well if that is her bf then he is the biggest fucking coward I’ve ever seen on screen…hands down.
If my girlfriend was ever assaulted when she was pregnant carrying my child all fucking hell would break loose. No exageration there either…even if it meant spending a couple of years in prison thats a whole lot better then having a baby born with problems because someone disgusting excuse for a human being hit the mother. Jesus what a fucking pussy I’m actually more disgusted with the bf then with the black chicks who attacked her. And believe me I feel as though those woman should of been arrested for attempted murder [/quote]
How is he a coward for trying to protect his girlfriend?
[quote]critietaeta wrote:
I guarantee if the white guy had knocked the black girl out, all those black guys standing around saying “Awwww shittt, white boy crazy” would have jumped on his ass.[/quote]
And, if I was the white dude, this would have lasted after I told her to stop please and drawn my weapon. I might have to put a few bullets into legs.
[quote]critietaeta wrote:
I guarantee if the white guy had knocked the black girl out, all those black guys standing around saying “Awwww shittt, white boy crazy” would have jumped on his ass.[/quote]
[quote]clip11 wrote:
I hate to say this, but if this had been some white teens attacking a black person, it would be national news with Al and Jesse leading marches.[/quote]
Poor guy i feel really sorry for him,what a horrible thing to happen and no one helped…i would have helped him and would have said something i can not believe people wouldn’t.
[quote]critietaeta wrote:
I guarantee if the white guy had knocked the black girl out, all those black guys standing around saying “Awwww shittt, white boy crazy” would have jumped on his ass.[/quote]
No doubt. He did the right thing. Everyone else is an asshole.
[quote]clip11 wrote:
I hate to say this, but if this had been some white teens attacking a black person, it would be national news with Al and Jesse leading marches.[/quote]
You’re DEFINITELY HeadHunter.
The internet can’t hide the intent in his words.[/quote]
I’m not sure if I would have helped or not. Like others have said, I don’t know the context of the situation, and I’d expect the guy to be able to handle himself. Especially since it was a girl. I might have followed the girl afterwards and called the cops. Not sure.
I’m fairly certain most of the keyboard warriors here would be exactly the same way. Not sure of what to do to help, and then bam, it’s over and you did nothing. Don’t be such judgmental cunts.
I have been in this type of situation before and i did help so i’m not judging anyone just speaking for myself and also if i was in that situation i would hope somebody would help me or my mother,nieces,friends etc…
[quote]clip11 wrote:
I hate to say this, but if this had been some white teens attacking a black person, it would be national news with Al and Jesse leading marches.[/quote]
yep. if not for drinking with bob on youtube “Beat Whitey Night” would’ve never even become a “news” story per se.
I’d like to say I’d keep my cool if I was being attacked, but I probably would have severely hurt the people involved.
“Probably” isn’t involved in the description for the pregnant girlfriend part. I would have snapped every limb I could get a hold of. You do NOT fuck with family.
I feel like defending the guy with the pregnant girlfriend. Considering his size what he did was pretty smart. Using his body as shield as opposed to trying to fight the girls which would escalate the situation and leave his grilfriend open to further attack.
[quote]clip11 wrote:
I hate to say this, but if this had been some white teens attacking a black person, it would be national news with Al and Jesse leading marches.[/quote]
You’re DEFINITELY HeadHunter.
The internet can’t hide the intent in his words.[/quote]
Plus dated. Mannn no one listens to Jesse anymore.
It was hard to watch that. I’ve been at that station many times and I’d never imagined seeing anything like that there. That could have easily been me with my head in a book. That video would have been shocking anywhere, but it was especially so in that area.
I’d like to flex my internet muscles and say I’d have done something different than that man did, but I would have probably been in shock. Did I read that right that it was just kids? (I’m on an old computer and had to close the site 'cuz it was doing some weird things to my computer). Just mentally processing that random attack would have been quite difficult.
Also, as others have said, I think the real threat was the boys standing around. He probably did the smart thing in being so calm and composed.
What’s really shocking is that no one did anything. Where were the MEN?
[quote]Gambit_Lost wrote:
It was hard to watch that. I’ve been at that station many times and I’d never imagined seeing anything like that there. That could have easily been me with my head in a book. That video would have been shocking anywhere, but it was especially so in that area.
I’d like to flex my internet muscles and say I’d have done something different than that man did, but I would have probably been in shock. Did I read that right that it was just kids? (I’m on an old computer and had to close the site 'cuz it was doing some weird things to my computer). Just mentally processing that random attack would have been quite difficult.
Also, as others have said, I think the real threat was the boys standing around. He probably did the smart thing in being so calm and composed.
What’s really shocking is that no one did anything. Where were the MEN?
If your ever there on a friday, sat, sun night. Its no suprise. That place is the crossroads of party people. Either coming from a club or going to a club. So you will get a mixture of people coming off the dif trains. And if this was the yellow or green line that is the spot where you will find the most young people on.
I’m hearing most of the people on here saying if it was me this or me that. To be honest most big guys or guys that carry themselves in a certain way are not going to be approached the way this guy was.
They pegged him as a target and reacted as such. Even kids can spot a weak target. His best reaction should have been to walk fast to the booth and yell for the cops. No shame in knowing when to leave a situation like that.
He is not a big guy and from the video was outnumbered so his best option should have been walk fast to the booth. But he confronted there attack and made it worse becuase now it fed whatever anger they had.
That station should always have a police presence during the weekend nights.