For salads…baby spinach. Softer and smaller. It’s a $1.00/bag at Produce Junction. (baby spianch)
My favorite spinach dish is an Italian one: Spinach,Oil and Garlic.
Get a big pan. Rinse the spinach. Heat some olive oil in the pan. Toss the spinach in the pan until it wilts. As it is cooking toss in some chopped garlic. A pound of spinach will make a nice sized bowl for you. Some pepper flakes will kick up the spice a little.
4 ib bags of Spinach are go for about $2 at produce junction Costco has a 5 ib bag for the same money.
heat a pan with ev olive oil, add garlic till the smell is released, add some challot,cook till very light brown is seen on the garlic(don’t overcook garlic!!!) de glaze with wht. wine, 1 oz, add spinach, and a little bit of water(enough to create steam). toss spinach around until wilted.salt, pepper. eat. if you really want to be creative. pound a chicken breat to about 1.5 times original size, add the cooled spinach down the middle.(like your rolling a big fat joint) then roll it up.
tie some cooking twine around in three places,(each end, and one in the middle). in a sautee pan on high, add oil till hot, place chicken roll, seam side down, and cook till golden brown, after you seal the seam, repeat on all sides, remove from pan and put into oven if the chicken has not cooked through in the pan. it probably will if you reduce the heat and let it cook.
if not oven @ 350, for a couple of min until done.remove string before eating, please. that is called a chicken roulade. it’s a cool way to get chicken and spinach in one shot. not to mention it looks tight when you slice it.
I eat raw baby spinach every day. I make a dressing for it out of plain yogurt, olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, splenda, paprika, chilli powder and garlic powder. I like to mix raw spinach with chopped up hard boiled eggs and my dressing.
You could even do the restaurant version of spinach salad which has hard boiled eggs, crumbled bacon, and shredded cheese.
Totally off topic, but remember how I said a while back that I can’t spell? Well I spell checked my last post and it contained 15 spelling errors. If I didn’t spell check every post you guys would all think I’m retarded.