Making Gear at Home

what chemical in what amount do you use when you make your gear at home?

I use 200mg of powder per 1ml of oil. My oil is a mixture of grapeseed oil, BA, BB and ethyl oleate.
ethyl oleate=30%

I found that this mixture is thin and easy to go through the .45 filters.

can anyone recommend any changes

What powder you use will determine how much of it you can get in solution at a given concentration.

You should use 2% BA and 20% BB. That is standard. More BA than 2% is overkill, and can cause very painful injections.

I would not premix any of the oil, EO, BA or BB.

Determine how much of each you will need and add them separate.

Once you learn the math - homebrewing is as easy as making brownies.

thanks so much. is there a way to stream line this process. by that i mean the filter part. this week i am doing 50+ vials and the hardest part is getting the mixture to go through the filters. i do the filtering when the mixture is warm, but it is so time consuming.

lastly i read something about doing the orals in water and BA. what i read said to use 10% BA. do you think that 100mg of powder would be to much per ml. i don’t want anything to settle on the bottoms of the vials. thanks again for your time and input.

nalgene makes a bottle top filter unit. hook up to a brake line bleeding pump and pump away. they are sterile and come in sizes from 125mL to 1L.

Crap - I still use a 60ml syringe, a .20 micron whatman, and a calking gun.

One benefit: Huge fucking forearms.

Why dont you just take them as sepositories(?spelling?that means up the butt)?

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Crap - I still use a 60ml syringe, a .20 micron whatman, and a calking gun.

One benefit: Huge fucking forearms. [/quote]

LMAO, That’s my method too, brother!