Floaters in Gear?

Does anyoanyone know what this shit is inside my vial? Its not been opened seal was in tact. Fucking weird im like do i chuck it or filter it or what?

Anyone else had this

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I don’t take risk with gear I am injecting into my body.

It could be particulates of the powder that did not dissolve properly. You can try heating it to see if they disappear. Hard to tell from the picture.

Personally, I would toss it. Not worth the risk over such a small amount of money.


Sh*t. Throw it out and get a source that takes pride in their work.


I remember having seen something like that from time to time in some cheaper vials. Tren for example, tends to be dark orange and has some orange tiny spots of goo swimming. Not much, just like 1-2 specks of smth. I do agree with @Bauber but since i come from EU where mom just cut off the rotten part of the food and served the “good” part of it, i injected it anyways and it was all good.


Return it for a refund lol.

I’d pitch it.


BBB those mofos with a scathing complaint.


I say either just do what @hankthetank89 said and take it, perhaps just watching the barrel of the syringe as you load it, trying to NOT draw those things in OR, if you are really worried about it…

Filter the entire vial through a whatman filter[a micron filter you attach to the barrel of a syringe] and into a new, clean vial! Problem solved. Yeah, I forget what size whatman, sorry, it’s been a LONG time since I made my own gear. Google that shit.

Not a bad idea if the floaters are your concern. Not sure I’d trust it either way but the place I get my supplies through carry’s those.

@Steele3 Make sure you take a video the first time you try the above. Would be a lively discussion of technique.


It’s a pretty straightforward, easy process (not sure there can be that many deviations): get you a big-gauge needle and affix to a 10cc, or slightly bigger, syringe. Then simply pierce the “bad” vial and withdraw contents. Take off the big needle and affix the whatman filter to the big syringe, and attach probably a 23gauge needle to the other side of the filter-using that needle to pierce into a fresh, sterile vial[also, take a small-gauge needle, like a 25gauge, and pierce it into the clean vial, that way it can help remove the air being displaced by the volume of oil you’ll be injecting. Then SLOWLY…careful to push hard enough to push the contents of the syringe through the tiny filter media BUT pushing slow enough that it does NOT blow out the filter media (you can tell if you blew it out as if your slow stream of oil going into the new vial suddenly turns into a very rapid stream, and it gets way easier to push through the filter, you’ve most likely “blown out” the filter and thus you have to start again because your oil is NOT being filtered any longer).

Of all the stuff I’ve made, I only once blew out the filter when I was filtering trenbolone made from the old finaplex pellets…that oil was THICK due to all of the binders/fillers in the dissolved pellets and rapidly would clog several Whatman filters in making a 10cc vial. I grew impatient at the very SLOW progress one time and really pushed hard, and then boom! Suddenly there was no resistance in the syringe plunger I was exerting force upon to push the oil through the filter.

But in making one’s own gear, it’s very nice to be able to do because you KNOW for a fact that every oil you make, to be injected into your body, has been filtered very well, and since you can control the amount of BB you add, and especially you control the BA content as well-you do NOT get that awful post injection pain like you would get from the animal/vet producers like quality vet or TTokyo! Not to mention you can choose your own strength of hormone [mg per ml], so you can make your stuff more potent on a mg. per mL basis[to a reasonable degree depending on the chemistry of the particular hormone, knowing how high you can go before the hormone “crashes out” in solution]…Aaahhh, fond memories!