[quote]Schwarzfahrer wrote:
Hi guys.
Some of you probably read about what’s happening in Europe these days.
The short version: Months ago a danish newspaper published some cartoons where Mr Superholy prophet Mohammed was depicted.
Eventually, the pictures, along with other material (even meaner cartoons, where M. for example is caricatured as a pig), whose source remains unknown, found their way into the muslim world.
And shit has hit the mosque fans.
There was a mass of protests, death threats, curses et al.
Today, the Danes bottled out and apologized.
Some other newspapers with more spine like France-Soir reprinted the cartoons, claiming: We have the right to caricature god.
What is your opinion?
Is it OK to make jokes about God, Satan, Allah or Thor?
Do you think that the Arabs overreacted?
I think when you go out of your way to piss people off, you should be put on a plane and look them in the eye.
There’s no heroism in sitting in your fancy office and deciding to put these cartoons in your paper.
But of course, SOME Arabs overreacted. Just like some Yanks would overreact when I would claim that the USS Reagan carrier, carries the name of a traitor who negotiated, behind his presidents back, with the enemy (Iran) to hold on to the hostages untill after the election. Not that I’m saying this.
I’m just showing how easy it is to piss people off.
And of course, there’s another thing to consider. Blacks can use the N-word. Others can’t. Jews can make jokes about jews. And so on.
I personaly know some Muslim people and most are very laid back about their religion. There’s only a couple of things you can’t do, and that is redicule Allah and Mohammed. Other than that, you’re ok.