Im about to move from Austrlia to India
i was just wondering if some one could outline how to maintain your muscle mass ???
like can it be done with diet only ?
or do your muscles shrink with out use as well ?
ive just done my first bulk ever and i really dont wanna lose it all. please help
thank you
IMHO, I don’t believe one can maintain their muscle mass (after having built it up with weight training and adequate protein) without the same tension to the muscles and without the building blocks of protein.
So, if you also believe the above, then body weight excercises, while it will maintain tone and perhaps some size for awhile, won’t ultimately keep the size you had gained.
If you are going to live in the country for awhile (a long time), and have a bit of extra money, you must invest in a weight set or some type of home gym. I know this might be out of the question, but this is the only way I can imagine you having a prayer of keeping your hard earned mass.
With respect to diet, I’m of the opinion that you must get your protein. With vegan diets, there are creative ways to combine foods to get a complete amino acide profile. It won’t be optimal, and it won’t be easy. But it definitely can be done.
[quote]Judas wrote:
WhiteCaesar wrote:
Judas wrote:
india is a third world country,im not even sure if there is gyms there
now being the smart black man that you are
I’m not sure why the author of the above quotations feels licensed to call other people ignorant.
what ? that doesnt make sense ?
all i said was the truth, one india IS a third world country ! and two the colour of professor x’s skin is black which i am more inclined to personally but any way its still a fact, and he is a smart man ever one here knows this , so what the hell are you on about ?[/quote]
My problem with your first statement is not the part about India being a Third-World country, but rather the idea that India wouldn’t have gyms. India is industrializing very quickly and while it obviously has some extreme poverty as well as some large undeveloped areas, it also has some very cosmopolitan areas that have restaurants and movie theatres and nightclubs and luxury cars and even (gasp) gyms. Not knowing this or assuming that it’s not the case is ignorant.
The problems with your statement about Professor X are many, but center mainly around the idea that if he were white you wouldn’t have mentioned his skin color. Something about a “smart black man” struck you as funny or strange or rare enough to mention.
Lastly, being of Indian descent doesn’t mean that you can’t be ignorant about India and it certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t be racist. (For one thing, the caste system is based at least in part on skin color – in general, the darker the skin, the lower the caste.)
P.S. – I don’t get into Internet flame wars, so I won’t be responding to your thread anymore (unless of course you say something else so ignorant that I can’t help myself:)).
go buy a 100lb xvest, and traing with it in india doing verious hillsprints,plyometric work,pushups,pullups (basically the little routine i gave you at the top)…try doing goodmornings with that but explosive. I bet you it will still be hard as shit, and best of all you just put it on and do it anywere.
basically all you need to stay freesh is
100lb xvest
pushup handles/ parallel bars
heavy grippers
there just train till your xvest feels like second skin, i bet you after you are done and able to do 50-100 normal pushups with the 100lb exvest you will be in greater shape than now.
Where in India are you moving to? Your dad has a successful business out there that he’s setting you up with…is this successful business based out of a poor village where people are starving, where trucks or trains don’t travel to (where there are no gyms)? Or is it it near Mumbai or some other large city?
mrl179 thats a fucking cool idea, where do i find these vests ? and any idea how much they cost ? i can use a bullet proof vest to do this as well i can get one of those easy i dont know if there 100lbs but.
yeah ok i get you i ussually call it not informed but hey if you say ignorant we’ll go with that. isnt the fact that you find it funny when i say smart black man racist ??? im racist against white people if any thing (not all just rednecks), i grew up in a country town where i was the only brown kid,even to this day if i go to the pub im gonna get in a fight with a big fat redneck fucker, main reason i learnt to box.doesnt bother me cos its been happening all my life. black is beautiful and the the master race my man look at there genes there fucking gods.
have you been to india ? do you actually know what its like there ? or are you just an american with the internet ?
small city 1 hour from new dehli called Ghaziabad, he just works for a company that makes bullet proof vests and ammunitions, its a factory he managers it. ill be testing the vests. i dont know i asked him and he said all the gyms are in dehli which is a 2 hour round trip, but he might just not know. cos he doesnt look cos he doesnt train.
hey in india now
ok there are gyms some of them are serouisly fucked up with equipment from the 70s and rust and dirt and out side, others are modern and great, did a 4 hour mission to get whey protein today went to about 5 different gyms trying to find some one who had it or spoke english and new where to get it, turns out its like 50% more expensive here than in australia which is fucked up cos i ant got much money, 1 kg of whey isolate is around 200$au i just got 1 kg