Magnesium In Wheat Bran

Wheat bran contains about 500mg magnesium/100g, and I thought I could use it as a magnesium supplement. Is it absorbable? In short, is it good?
Thanks, Vlad

Absorption depends on many factors. The significant phytate content of the bran may reduce absorption particularly if uncooked.

Then you have the problem of 42g of fiber in 100g if taken at one sitting. If you were looking for a way to replace the magnesium in ZMA, then I would say it is a bad call. If you are looking to increase magnesium in your diet in general throughout the day and are splitting this up into doses of 20g or so and cooking it, then it will most likely ‘work’ and you will receive other important nutrients as well.

Thank you.

Pumpkin Seeds:

Very high in magnesium.