Magick's Training Log v2

Easy Strength round two day 26
~37 min zone 2 jogging
3x3 KB clean and press with 24kg
3x3, pullup- 20+2kg/20+4kg/20+6kg
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 12kg.

4 back and forth KB farmer’s carry with 24kg.
Didn’t drink coffee before the jog today and I noticed my HR stayed down as I moved faster.
I failed the last rep of the pull-ups.

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Easy Strength round two day 27
~37 min zone 2 jogging
3x3 KB clean and press away with 24kg
3x3, weighted pull-up with 20lb in the backpack.
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 12kg.
Some sort of carry. I forget.

Easy Strength round two day 28
~42 min zone 2 jogging
3x3 KB clean and press away with 24kg
3x3, weighted pull-up with 20lb in the backpack.
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 12kg.
8 back and forth single front rack KB carry with 24kg.
Breathed through my nose and didn’t stop besides to switch hands. Felt fine overall.

I drank my coffee like 10 minutes before jogging today. My HR seemed all over the place. If I jogged at an easy pace it would drop down to 130ish, but if I put even the slightest bit of speed in it went up to 146-148. Point being- found it hard to keep my HR stable today.

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Did Easy Strength round two day 29 on Friday. I forget the specifics; I don’t think it matters.

Didn’t do anything on Sat and Sun.

Did day 30 and 31. Nothing terribly interesting besides that now I’m resting less between the press and pull-ups and the presses feel really easy again. The pull-ups feel a bit tough and that may be because I’m not resting as much?

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Did Easy Strength round two day 32 on Weds. Skipped Thurs for Thanksgiving.

Spent the majority of today on an absolutely amazing date with my wife. Then I came back home and did this real quick-

Easy Strength round two day 33
3x3 KB clean and press away with 24kg
3x3 pul-up
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 12kg.
1x10 hanging knee raise
10 EMOM double KB front rack carry with 24kg+ front squats
x5 on round 1-5
x1 on round 6-9
x3 on round 10

This killed me.

Great way to do something after two days of overeating carbs.

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Sat 11/25
2 mile jog with ~40lb in my backpack.

Sun 11/26
~80 something min zone 2 jogging.
HR began spiking really hard after 3 miles. This hasn’t happened in the last couple of runs.


Easy Strength round two day 34
5 armor-building complex with 12kg KBs.
3x3 KB clean and press away with 24kg
3x3 pull-up with 20lb in the backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 12kg.
1x10 hanging knee raise
Pull-ups felt hard. I definitely gained some flab over the last couple of weeks + inconsistent weight with the pull-ups + fatigue from some challenging days is my guess.

5 rounds of-
2 back and forth 50lb bearhug carry + 20lb in my backpack
10 ‘burpees’ with 20lb in my backpack.
Took ~11:44. I moved at a challenging pace.

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Easy Strength round two day 35
5 armor-building complex with 16kg KBs.
3x3 KB clean and press away with 24kg
3x3 pull-up with 20lb in the backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 14kg.
1x10 hanging knee raise

Armor-building complex with 16kg got a bit tiring at the end. Def. much harder than 12kg.
Pull-ups remain a bit tough. The 24kg presses feel really easy- I’m guessing because of the heavier ‘warm-up’

6 every 30 second back and forth farmer’s carry with 24kg KBs.
This started to get tough around the 4th round. I’m not really paying attention to form, just trying to move through the curvy hallway as fast as I can.

10 rounds of-
10 24kg kb swing
5 burpee pull-up

Started out with dedicated 1 min rest in between and found it to be too much rest by round 3, so I stopped timing it and went with what I can do.

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Easy Strength round two day 36
5 armor-building complex with 14kg KBs.
3x3 KB clean and press away with 24kg
3x3 pull-up with 10lb in the backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 14kg.
1x10 hanging knee raise

Moved to 10lb pull-ups to adjust for the obvious weight I’ve gained. Maybe I should weigh myself.

I don’t even remember what kind of carry I did on this day.

Easy Strength round two day 37
5 armor-building complex with 14kg KBs.
3x3 KB clean and press away with 26kg
3x3 pull-up with 10lb in the backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 14kg.
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel.

26kg presses feel easy. 10lb+ pull-ups feel easy.
Shoulder feels good enough to do ab-wheels again.

10 min of-
back and forth farmer’s carry with 26kg KBs.
5 push-ups
With 30lb backpack on. 1 minute rest in between. Completed 6 rounds. I’ll try this with less rest next time I get around to doing this variation.

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Easy Strength round two day 38
5 armor-building complex with 14kg KBs.
3x3 KB clean and press away with 26kg
3x3 pull-up with 10lb in the backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 14kg.
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel.

A couple standing marches with 24kg KB.

2 mile walk with 30lb in backpack. I jogged the hilly sections for extra stimulus.
Kettlebell mile with 16kg KB. Took ~17:02.
Took ~17:46 the last time I attempted this.

I’m convinced my Apple watch is measuring distance incorrectly when I walk in my house. I did the first half mile or so in a section of my house without the curvy corridor and it says it took over 9 minutes, giving me a over 18 min/mile pace. I found this really dumb and began walking the full ‘back and forth’ distance, and I finished roughly half a mile in under 8 min. I did this entire thing in a slow shuffle and never walked, so this time makes no sense to me. I’m convinced that it should have been somewhere in the 15-16min range.

I forget whether I did the last attempt as a full ‘back and forth’ or in the limited range as today.

Either way, I did finish it faster and after walking some, so I’m taking this as an improvement. Hooray I guess.

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~4 mile run in ~34:45
This began to feel rough starting from the third mile- Going up the hilly section really tired me out and it became all about just maintaining the effort afterwards.

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Easy Strength round two day 39
5 armor-building complex with 14kg KBs.
3x3 KB clean and press away with 26kg
3x3 pull-up with 10lb in the backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 14kg.
1x6, 1x4 standing ab-wheel.

7 every 45 second double KB front rack carry with 26kg.
Felt a tad tiring on the upper body.

I’m nearing the end of this particular run of Easy Strength. I’m going to just reset and redo it. I’m making good physique improvements and I don’t see any particular reason to stop for the sake of stopping.

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Easy Strength round two day 40
5 armor-building complex with 14kg KBs.
3x3 KB clean and press away with 26kg
3x3 pull-up with 10/15/20lb in the backpack.
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 14kg.
1x10 kneeling leg raise.

The armor-building complex felt tough. I barely ate today- the salad I ordered for work wasn’t very filling- and I went in feeling ravenously hungry. I attribute this to why I felt weak at the start.

The rest felt fine for the most part. The 15lb pull-ups felt so easy that I thought I could do 20lb with ease. Sadly not; that felt a bit tough too.

10 every 45 second farmer’s carry with 26kg.
Felt fine. Got my HR up a bit.

10 rounds of 20 second on/40 second off leopard crawling.

Decided hard conditioning is a dumb idea when I’m feeling this hungry so I did Pressing Reset and then some leopard crawling. I tried 30 second on/ 30 second off a couple of weeks ago and that got pretty hard quickly, so I did 20 on/40 off. Was easy but probably just right for today.

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Easy Strength round 3 day 1
5 alternating KB get-up with 8kg
3x3 KB clean and press away with 26kg
3x3 pull-up with 15lb in the backpack.
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 14kg.
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel

10 back and forth with 50lb sandbag bearhug carry
Took ~3:28

This is pretty slow compared to earlier efforts. I’ve done 3 min AMSAP and completed 9 rounds with 11 second, and then 11 rounds in 3:54. I tried going as fast as possible and greatly fatigued myself by round 5. I thought I’d be faster since I’m doing better with the KB front rack carries, but I guess they’re different enough.

8/2/7/3/6/4/5 double KB front squat with 26kg + back and forth.
Been a while since I dedicated some time to actual front squatting. Felt okish.

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Legs didn’t feel anywhere near as sore as I feared when I woke up today. I think the runs and the loaded carries have definitely toughened up my lower body.

Easy Strength round three day 2
5 armor-building complex with 14kg KBs.
3x3 KB clean and press away with 26kg
3x3 pull-up with 15lb in the backpack.
3x3 one-legged RDL; holding the weight on lifted leg- 16kg.
1x10 hanging leg raise to parallel

Presses feel a lot easier with similar movements used for warm-up. Who would have thought.
Pull-ups feel pretty good.
Some very tight muscles on the leg raise, so I think it’s a good idea to do these.

5 rounds of-
back and forth farmer’s carry with 26kg KBs
3 push-ups
with 30lb+10kg in backpack. Took 1 min rest in between. Failed the third push-up on the last set.
This felt pretty tough. I walked very slowly. The backpack felt pretty heavy- the weight pulled way back and didn’t stay stuck on me as it would with lighter weight.

3 rounds of 40 second on/20 second off leopard crawling.
This also felt very tough. I could barely hold on in the last set. That extra 20 second of tension really gets to me.

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So I changed my mind on continuing Easy Strength. I thought of three choices-
Continue Easy Strength
Run Tactical Barbell Base Building
Try a dedicated KB program

And ended up deciding to run a dedicated KB program since, well, they’re all I have. My wife is pregnant and due in May, so I can go back to doing Easy Strength and minimalist/abbreviated programming then. For now I’ll take whatever time I have remaining and do some more hard stuff.

I’m going to do Rite of Passage for until the next couple of months. I started today because I’m impatient and want to get a feel for how it goes. I did a light day today to see how I feel with the snatches.

I plan on doing-
Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun-Carries, other stuff.

3x1,2,3 single KB clean and press with 20kg KB and pull-ups with 10lb in backpack.
Not sure if 10lb is a good weight for this. We’ll find out.
7 min of snatches- alternated between 10L/10R with 16kg KB. Got up to 98 reps. Solid conditioning- pushed the pace but not enough to make it feel hard.

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2 sets of .25 mile KB suitcase carries with 24kg. Alternated hands at after every back and forth.
First set took ~4:27 and second set took ~4:20. 2 min rest in between.

2 mile walk with 30lb in backpack. Walked as quickly as I can, which Apple Watch says is ~15:18ish at its peak.

I’m back at going to work in the office again, which means that I can dedicate some time to walking without worrying. I noticed that I can walk a lot faster now- Apple Watch says averages 14:30ish. I found that pretty cool, and today’s walking pace confirmed that I did indeed improve.

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~36 min zone 2 jogging yesterday. Didn’t have too much time.

Rite of Passage week 2 heavy day (I’m treating the start last week as week 1 because it felt really easy and I don’t want to waste time)

4 ladders of 1,2,3 KB clean and press with 20kg KB and pull-ups with 10lb in backpack.
The 3s pull-ups felt a bit tough, while the 1-2s feel easy.

7 min of KB swings- started out with reps of 25 followed by 12 deep breathes with 32kg KB in an attempt to keep grip fatigue low while keeping effort at a reasonably high level. I did two 30s in between and quickly realized this was a mistake, since my grip started to fatigue.

I think I ended up doing 25+25+30+30+25+25+25+15=200.

My interpretation of Rite of Passage suggested that I should be alternating hands after every single clean and press, but the videos I’m seeing online suggest that you’re alternating after finishing each rungs.

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8 EMOM rounds of KB farmer’s carry with 32kg and 24kg KB + 30lb in backpack.
I originally intended to do 10 but decided to stop at 8. This felt quite rough on my left trap and evolved into being pretty hard on the entire traps and upper back region. I think the uneven nature of it made me work way harder than I anticipated. This is probably a lot better for me than carrying 2 32kg KBs.

8 rounds of-
5 gorilla rows with 16kg KBs
10 push-up
15 goblet squat with 16kg KB
with 20lb backpack on.
I set a timer of 30 minutes and wanted to see how many I can do with 2 min rests in between. Got to 8 rounds at ~28:28 so I called it there.

Goblet squats tired me out more than I’d like to admit.

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Rite of Passage week 2 medium day

4 ladders of 1,2 KB clean and press with 20kg KB and ladders of pull-ups with 30lb/20lb.

I want to try this out and see if it helps with anything. The 30lb pull-ups felt way harder than when I was doing them in Easy Strength.

7 min of one-handed KB swings- alternated 10L/10R then a couple seconds of rest to let the hand rest. Ended with 140+10R, 5L

I’m using whatever pops up on Google first to roll dices for me and I got 7 3 times in a row… If I get 7 again next time I’m going to freak out a little.


10 rounds of-
10 push-up
Goblet carry back and forth + 5 squats with 32kg KB
with 20lb in backpack.

Took ~35:13. I started off with 2 min rests and increased those a bit near the end. This wasn’t easy- everything became progressively more difficult as time passed. Had some pinching aches in my pecs/front delts that disappeared after a while.

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Rite of Passage week 2 light day

4 ladders of 1 KB clean and press with 20kg KB and ladders of pull-ups with 30lb

Upper body felt a bit tired, no doubt from all the weighted push-ups and goblet squats that I haven’t been doing for a while.

9 min of snatches- alternated between 10L./10R with 16kg KB.
Got 136. Again, good conditioning- pushed but not really tired.

I rolled the online dice again and… got 7. I now believe that these programs are designed to give 7 as a default. I rolled a couple more times and saw that it also gave 7 a statistically weirdly amount of times. I rolled it a couple more times and settled on 9.

Maybe I need to get a physical pair of dice.


I mean dice do give 7s more than anything else…


I’ve also been looking through ETK to see if there’s anything about the hand switching and all I’ve seen is “The CAT operator may switch hands as much as he wants; the sum of both arms is the total”. I don’t know if the context is the same. Pavel’s books are hard to use as a reference.

Cool to see you doing this. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone do much Pavel stuff since @furo was around.

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