Magick's Training Log v2

Day 32
5x armor-building complex with 10kg KBs.
3x3 Clean and press away with 24kg KBs
3x3 Weighted pull-up with 20lb+4kg in my backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL with 16kg KBs.
3x3 standing ab-wheel.

total of 8 of kb cross (16kg in front rack, 24kg in suitcase carry) back and forth.
Did 2x back and forth with one side, then switched back and forth on the remaining 4 with some bit of rest in between.

Felt tough to get down to pick up the 24kg KB and this started to get fatiguing after a bit.

Day 33
5x armor-building complex with 10kg KBs.
3x3 Clean and press away with 24kg KBs
3x3 Weighted pull-up with 20lb+4kg in my backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL with 16kg KBs.
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel.

75 24kg KB swing
The swing felt easy and light. Grip fatigue began to kick in around rep 60 or so. I’m sure I could have done more, but I really felt glad to stop.

10 EMOM 100lb ground to alternating shoulders.
8x3, then 1x4, and 1x6
This feels a lot easier done as an EMOM than straight because of the timed rests. I basically did an AMRAP on the last set.

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Today’s conditioning was very disappointing.

WOD Cindy done as a 20 EMOM
Skipped round 7,10,11,13,15,17,19 and got to 3 squats on the last set.

My chest died around set 5. I guess this is what happens when I neglect doing any sort of horizonal push for a while.

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~52 mins of zone two jogging. Or at least… an attempt at it. My HR keeps spiking to 150+ whenever I hits some form of incline, which happens often in the route I’m jogging. Apple watch says average HR was 147.

Day 34
5x armor-building complex with 10kg KBs.
3x3 Clean and press away with 24kg KBs
3x3 Weighted pull-up with 20lb+4kg in my backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL with 16kg KBs.
3x3 standing ab-wheel.

Triceps felt pretty sore at first but they began to feel better. Everything else felt fine and easy.

7 24kg farmer’s walk back and forth.

50 burpee pull-ups.
Took ~8:07

I’m going to be doing a lot more burpees in the near future. I don’t find this drop off in push-up strength acceptable.

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Day 35
5x armor-building complex with 10kg KBs.
3x3 Clean and press away with 24kg KBs
3x3 Weighted pull-up with 20lb+4kg in my backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL with 16kg KBs.
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel.

The first two sets of presses felt tough. My triceps are still sore, so I attribute it to that + fatigue built up from doing these a lot the last couple of weeks.

7 20kg bottom up half waiter’s carry, switching hands at each back and forth.
Rested a bit after each back and forth.

10/1/9/2/8/3/7/4/6/5 double kb front squats with 24kg + 5 burpees
Took ~13:35. Very tough. Oof.

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Day 36
5x armor-building complex with 10kg KBs.
3x3 Clean and press away with 24kg KBs
3x3 Weighted pull-up with 20lb+4kg in my backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL with 16kg KBs.
3x3 standing ab-wheel.

7 every 45 second 100lb sandbag carry back and forth
Tough and good.

I’ll probably call it for this particular run of Easy Strength this Friday and move onto the next planned run.

50 burpee pull-ups.
Took ~8:47

Not surprised it took longer since the bearhug carries tired me out + yesterday’s work left me feeling pretty darned tired. Let’s see what doing this 3x a week however long it takes does for me.

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Day 37
5x armor-building complex with 10kg KBs.
3x3 Clean and press away with 24kg KBs
3x3 Weighted pull-up with 20lb+4kg in my backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL with 16kg KBs.
1x9 standing ab-wheel.

The presses and pull-ups are back to feeling easy. It took a long while to fully recover from WOD Cindy!

I thought I did kneeling ab-wheels yesterday, so I did standing and I attempted to do them straight. Began to get pretty difficult starting from the 7th rep.

5 24kg KB suitcase carry back and forth. 5 burpees with 20lb at every back and every forth.
Not really a burpee because I didn’t jump into the down position or up fluidity. The last time I tried this with weights my wrist hurt, so I’m trying to avoid that while getting a similar effect.

Winded me pretty good.

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Day 38
5x armor-building complex with 10kg KBs.
3x3 Clean and press away with 24kg KBs
3x3 Weighted pull-up with 20lb+4kg in my backpack
3x3 one-legged RDL with 16kg KBs.
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel.

The presses felt pretty good- subjectively better than last week but that may just be because it started off feeling pretty horrible and then got better and better through the week.

The pull-ups felt easy.

Didn’t do loaded carries because the carpet is wet due to washing it. And I don’t have much time and I prioritized the burpee pull-ups over them. I can do loaded carries tomorrow.

10 EMOM of burpee pull-ups.
9x5, then 1x10- basically an AMRAP. The bell rang just as I got up to do the pull up so I’m counting it.

I noticed that I can do 5 in just under 30 seconds and maintain that pace through this entire thing. Let’s see if that improves.

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A bit of a mess of stuff today.

1 mile back and forth with 12kg KB farmer’s walk + 20lb backpack.
Took ~27min? I probably could have gone a lot faster. The floor was still wet from cleaning and there’s non-carpeted portions where I’m terrified of slipping. Still, not a great performance. My grip sucks.

1 mile walk outside.

Then I came in and looked through my log last year to see how I got myself to improve my push-up strength and endurance.

Two things-
Lots of EMOM push-ups
Weekly WALRUS style training.
I apparently did 21 rounds of WOD Cindy at some point in Nov 2022, which is a helluva lot better performance than last week.

So back to WALRUS style training on Saturdays it is and a lot more push-ups on the weekdays.

I did this about 20 minutes after the walk.

10 rounds of-
5 chin-up
10 push-up
20 squat
with 20lb in backpack.
Took ~30:47. This is about on par with what I did back when I started this. We’ll see how things improve from here. Hopefully it comes back quick since I’ve done all this before.

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52 min of zone 2 jogging.
HR stayed around 147ish again. Ever so slightly faster pace than last week. Maybe I’ll bother logging the average pace my Apple Watch logs if I log it while it’s still up.

Easy Strength round two day 1

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.

The pull-up ROM wasn’t great on the last set. Didn’t feel hard though.

3x3 Nordic curl practice
3x3 standing ab-wheel.

Much more bodyweight focused this easy strength run. Dan John talked about the validity of this back in a podcast at some point, so we’ll see how it goes. The dips felt pretty easy, I’ll add weight probably later in the week.

2 rounds of-
2x back and forth 100lb sandbag shoulder carry with each shoulder.
Took 1 min or so rest after each 2x back and forth before doing the other shoulder.
The sandbag began leaking sand. So I opened it up and found that the inner bag is ripped at some place, as I can feel piles of sand inside. Argh. I taped the opening up and it didn’t leak anymore. I hope this holds.

9x6 EMOM of burpee pull-ups
Maintained a steady clip of starting the 6th rep at ~30 seconds until the 6th set or so. Pretty tough.

I should log this too- starting last week I began each day with 25 push-ups and 10 chin-ups. I plan on adding a rep to the chin-ups every other week and a rep to the push-up every week. Let’s see if this helps at all. If nothing else it’s a nice way to get the body warm for the start of the day.

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Easy Strength round two day 2

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 10lb in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.

I might be rushing with adding weight to the dip, but they feel pretty easy so.
The pull-ups are feeling good again.

3x3 Nordic curl practice
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel.

20 EMOM rounds of armor-building complex with 24kg KBs.
This felt great. Never felt fatigued and the presses never felt slow besides an odd one here and there. The cleans felt easy, which really gives me confidence with upping the weight in the near future.

Easy Strength round two day 3

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 10lb in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.
3x3 Nordic curl practice
3x3 standing ab-wheel

I can actually feel my hamstrings fire a teeny, tiny bit on the curls. Great!

7 every 45 second 24kg KB farmer’s walk back and forth
Felt good and feel much lighter on my feet with this now.

9x6 EMOM of burpee pull-ups
right shoulder felt a bit cranky.

Speaking of- my right elbow has been bothering me since Sunday. It felt a bit painful while sleeping yesterday. No doubt it’s due to the sudden increase in pull-up volume. Let’s see if the pain goes away or gets worse.

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Easy Strength round two day 4

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 10lb in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.
3x3 Nordic curl practice
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel

Elbow didn’t bother me while I slept, but it did bother me as I did my dips and pull-ups.

6 EMOM KB cross carry with 24kg KBs.
I noticed that I can clean the KB up with my right arm and then squat down to pick up the other KB with my left without too much trouble, but attempting to do so the other way around causes me to lose control over the cleaned KB.

Wasn’t that hard.

Tabata 50lb sandbag bear complex
Did 3 sets per round. Not terribly hard.

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Easy Strength round two day 5

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 10lb in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.
3x3 Nordic curl practice
3x3 standing ab-wheel

I’m not swinging as much on the pull-ups because I consciously tried to squeeze my butt more.
Maybe a tiny bit better ROM on the Nordic curls.
The ab-wheels felt tough today- It feels like I can extend just a bit more, and with that comes more pain.

10 every 45 second double KB front rack carry with 24kg.
This began to get pretty tiring after the 6th round.

10 min or so to recover, because that double KB front rack carry tired my abs and lower body out a lot.

50 burpee pull-ups in ~8:22*
I deliberately took my time by taking two breathes between each rep. I had to take a call from my wife in the middle, so I’m taking the time with a grain of salt. I had gotten to 30 reps at 5 minute when she called and it started to get pretty tiring after 40 reps, so I’m pretty sure I would have been a couple seconds slower without the extra rest.

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45 or so of zone 2 jogging. I did this in the evening and after my dinner, so felt a bit off.

Easy Strength round two day 6

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 10lb+2kg in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.
3x3 Nordic curl practice
3x3 standing ab-wheel

I thought I did kneeling last Friday. Oops.

3 minutes of AMSAP(As many sets as possible) of 50lb sandbag bearhug carry back and forth
Did 9 total with ~11 seconds left on the clock.

I did this roughly 20 days ago and got roughly the same result. It started to get pretty hard, but I could have done more. I’ll try to do max next time I get around to doing this.

7 EMOM of-
6x7, 1x8 burpee pull-up
Started to feel really hard from set 5 I think. Barely finished the last set on time.

then went on a 2 mile jog that was supposed to be below 145BPM but ended up averaging 150. The burpee pull-ups really jacked up my HR + I went the opposite route, which I thought would be easier because it doesn’t have sudden incline. It turns out that it instead had a small incline for a long stretch, so this is worse on keeping the HR low.

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Easy Strength round two day 7

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 10lb+2kg in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.
3x3 Nordic curl practice
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel

8 every 45 second KB farmer’s carry with 24kg.
Felt good.

5 every 2 min-
2x armor-building complex with 24kg KBs.

I originally thought of doing 10 rounds but realized about 3 rounds in that then I’d colliding with dinner time. And then I lost my balance forward while doing the cleans for the second complex on the fifth round, so I decided that 5 rounds is plenty for today.

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Easy Strength round two day 8

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 10lb+2kg in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.
3x3 Nordic curl practice
3x3 standing ab-wheel

ROM on the standing ab-wheel has improved a lot. The pull-ups felt pretty good today.

8 100lb shoulder carry, alternating side by side.
Done in ~5:51.
Moved pretty quickly in the first 3 or so and then progressively slowed down as I got tired. Good work. I can hear the sand shifting around in the sandbag now, so I guess one of the 50lb sandbags completely burst open. I need to reinforce the opening with a LOT more tape if I don’t want a giant mess on my hands.

And hopefully I get to convince my wife to move to a more permanent house and create better and more sandbags then.

5 rounds of-
5 pull-up
10 push-up
20 squat
with 10lb in backpack. Took ~9:03. Half a mile walk immediately after.

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Easy Strength round two day 8

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 10lb+2kg in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.
3x3 Nordic curl practice
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel

12kg single KB marches

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Easy Strength round two day 9

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 10lb+2kg in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.
3x3 Nordic curl practice
3x3 standing ab-wheel

Pull-ups are feeling easier. Dips feel ok.

Spent 30 minutes wrestling with the adjustable KB-
One of them refuses to open unless I get it just right.
I asked Titan support to give me the plate order as originally shipped and they just told me the plates inside. So I decided to just figure it out on my own. Part of the problem is that the KBs I got were not cut properly or some such, so even if I do find the right order the bells don’t close well.
In the end I figured it out and managed to close them, so I finally go to do this-

7 EMOM farmer’s carry with 32kg KBs.

50 burpee pull-ups in ~08:06.
Two deep breathes between reps. Dropped it down to one deep breath from rep 40-50. Felt good, didn’t get tired at any point.

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10 rounds of-
5 pull-up
10 push-up
20 squat
with 10lb+2kg in my backpack. Took ~31:07. Honestly way harder than I expected it to be. Started to fall off quite a bit starting from round 6 or so.

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52 min of zone 2 jogging.
Proper zone 2 jogging this time. Kept my HR at an average of 140bpm and jogged REALLY slow on the incline to keep it from spiking too high.

My speed eventually gets to the point where I might as well be walking fast. Hopefully it gets better in a couple of months.


Easy Strength round two day 10

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 20lb in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.
3x3 Nordic curl practice
1x10 kneeling ab-wheel

The dip and pull-ups felt great. I’m noticing a theme where I get steadily broken down after the 5 days, and then I come back feeling a bit stronger after two days off.

The armor-building complex feels really easy too. HR and breathing doesn’t feel like it goes up much.

The ab-wheels felt tough, that’s probably because I tried really hard to keep good form with my back.

10 EMOM farmer’s carry with 32kg KBs.
Started to get tiring after round 6.

5x8 EMOM burpee pull-ups
Exhaustion spiked on the last set. Went from consistently finishing with like 20 seconds left on the clock to barely getting it done with the 10 second warning sounding as I do the pull-up on the fifth set.

I notice that my speed improved a bit. I’m finishing 6 burpee pull-ups by the 30 second sounding when I’m fresh, in contrast to starting the 6th rep by the 30 second sounding.

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Easy Strength round two day 11

5x armor-building complex with 12kg KBs
3x3 dip with 20lb in my backpack
3x3 weighted pull-up with 20lb+6kg in my backpack.
3x3 Nordic curl practice
3x3 standing ab-wheel

3 back and forth 50lb sandbag carry with 20lb in the backpack.

10 EMOM armor-building complex with 28kg KBs.
Did 1/2/3/4/5/r/7/r/9/r
Oh man, 4kg jumps gets rough now. Everything felt like a struggle. The cleans don’t feel smooth because I’m not good at transferring force up. The presses feel really hard, and I keep feeling I’m leaning forward on the squats.

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