#1 Enough Calories
#2 Water
#3 Protein Intake
- No type of periodization
- not eating enough
- fear of gain some fat
- lack of recovery
- training to failure on every set
Bill, I just think you need to let people know that EVERYTHING that is associated with bodybuilding needs to be increased!! Caloric intake, protein intake, training volume/intensity, sleep, vitamin intake, mineral intake, EFA intake. You gotta even DREAM about more food, more sleep, and more training!! Oh, and let’s not forget about coming off your cycle of MAG-10. You don’t want people just suddenly cutting out those extra cal’s, sleep and training intensity! They will be thinking it was mostly water weight, so the post-cycle recovery stage is pretty DAM important as well!!
Protein!!! Protein!!! Protein!!! Protein!!!
Seriously throw even those in the know don’t consume enough protein.
One more thing, when using an anabolic substance your training has to be intense, in other words when you think you cannot do another rep. Do it!!!
The same advice also applies to natural or drug free athletes.
Diet without a doubt is number one. Not enough protien, and over all calories. Not enough meals being eaten. They might only eat 2 or 3 meals a day that are great, but thats only half of what they should be getting. They expect the mag-10, or anabolics to do all the work like magic. Anyone can put he the great workouts in that last an hour, but can they make it their lifestyle while trying to get the most out of a cycle. Most people cant and are limiting their gains bigtime.
It is not protein. Everyone who takes this product or AAS knows enough to take in adequate protein. Ample carbohydrates is the limiting factor, it has to do with leptin and overfeeding.
If MAG-10 is as effective as expected, advanced bodybuilders and athletes will benefit greatly. The news of the effectiveness of MAG-10 will likely spread to the more mainsteam fitness enthusiasts (like people who read Men’s Health) and then several things are possible. 1)People will not incorporate proper and consistent diet and training with MAG-10 and get less than optimum results 2)People will take more than recommended dosage of MAG-10 for longer than recommended periods of time and get some mild negative side effects(like doing an 8 week cycle and then not using Tribex/vitex/“M”) 3)High School kids will get hold of it and misuse it and their parents will band together to attempt to get it banned. Maybe I’m being paranoid, but I just hope that this stuff is here to stay. Maybe you should consider just selling it on your site and not to retailers. If its as effective as you guys claim, you have to expect that it will come under scutiny by mainstream society who think we’re a bunch of 'roid heads. I can already see the 20/20 special coming putting you guys under fire. Man I hate mainstream society(sorry for the rant).
1-not training smart, heavy enough, proper form etc.
2-not proper nutrition at crucial points, ie breakfast, post WO and before bed.
3-eating too much! I don’t know about you other guys but I used to be a big guy (110kg @11%, 6’1" (before weights 66kg@13%, 6’1"))and 2500-3000 were more than enough calories.
I agree 100% with Whopper. Fear of fat. You have to put on a little pudge and deal with your ego if you want to make serious gains. Tha abs will come back in time!
Obviously eating enough as key. I don’t think there would be enough room on the label to properly describe the amount of calories you should consume to get the maximum benefits. I think you should explain the dietary recommendations on a brochure and send it out with every shipment. You already include brochures with shipments of other products, why not Mag-10.
Now can I get my Mag-10 already?
It looks like advice given will have
to be in an accompanying brochure rather
than on the label. I was hoping the label
could say on it that if rapid muscle gain
from weight training was desired, protein
intake should be at least 400 g/day and
carbohydrate intake at least 500 g/day;
but it seems there is no room for that.
Once all the warnings about not taking
with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or
if a woman, or if pregnant or nursing
(isn’t that redundant?), etc., are on there.
A lot of excellent points were made that
I think could be very helpful for the brochure: thanks!
How does caffeine contribute to becoming diabetic? This worries me,I’m addicted to diet drinks and diabetes runs in my family.
Obviously everyone has valid points…in bodybuilding as in life, everything matters. However, to be as concise as possible, a small brochure of faq snippet/link on the biotest store, placed next to the Mag-10 link/description would suffice…a macro nutrient/caloric intake recommendation, in addition to links to 2-3 recommended training programs in the T-mag archives would be perfect…make it about a paragraph long with hyper links in the text, like you guys do with you articles.-----------Free, I am also interested in the effects of caffeine, I’m an inside sales rep and ingest FAR too much…can you give me a daily max on intake?