MAG-10 While 'Off' Cycle

Let’s say a dude has done a “light” 8 weeks cycle of TestE, Primo and Anavar averaging a total of 600mg a week.

After a 5 weeks off period would a 2 week Mag10 use mess with his HPTA/hormonal recovery? Is 5 weeks off too short after a 8 week cycle?

[quote]SwD wrote:
Let’s say a dude has done a “light” 8 weeks cycle of TestE, Primo and Anavar averaging a total of 600mg a week.

After a 5 weeks off period would a 2 week Mag10 use mess with his HPTA/hormonal recovery? Is 5 weeks off too short after a 8 week cycle?

IMO,you can get away with it.

i’d say 8 weeks on cycle, 6 weeks off w/PCT, 2 weeks MAG-10, 4 weeks off w/PCT…you should be fine.

Whay you say sounds about right.

It’s always the dilemna between “safety” and efficency. The middle road is often a case of getting some bad sides with not enough gains to warrant them.

Obviously a 5 week break is probably more sane and safer than year on cycles. But then again, if your HPTA is not back to normal you have wasted 5 week of gains and have been on a gain/loss rollercoaster.

Is MAG-10 less harsh than gear? There must be a reaosn it was recommanded for only 2 weeks of use at a time.

where can I get MAG-10?

you cant its gone, but i still have a bottle :smiley:

Damn you Split . . .“Cljader1 shakes his fist at Split”

I have one of the huge 420 cap MAG-10 bottles I bought at the end. I would think that using it into the first 2 weeks of a PCT would be ok and perhaps help w/ gains rentention. I have not used it that way. I have read where some prohormones won’t inhibit a PCT, I’ll see if I can dig up the information.