Two weeks to go for my 1st cycle of MAG-10. I’ve never used steroids (nor pro-steroids?), only Androsol before, with good results. I’ll take two doses a day for 14 days, one day off, 3 50 mg pills of Clomid on day 16, then 1 pill for 14 days, then 3 weeks on Tribex (I know, I know, Clomid is not required, but I can get it soooo cheap and easily…). Do I have to expect changes in libido or mood, or any other secondary effect while on MAG-10?. Thanks for any comment.
My libido was way up and workouts felt more energetic, but there were no mood changes. If you’re talking about “roid rage” I think that’s largely a myth and only affects those who are short tempered assholes anyway.
roid rage- no real problem if you recognize that your temper is shorter, but if you dont recognize it, certain things might set you off and you could “rage”…