Mag 10 for 6 weeks

Has anyone tried Mag 10 with a little longer protocol. If so what were the results.
If there was anther post on this topic already I tried to do a search and received an error.

I’d like to know the answer to this one too.

Same here

I been thinkout about this too. I wanted to do a lower dossage loger protocal cycle my reasoning is that as an athlete (olympic weightlifting) I would be more intersted in gains in strength and the ability to handle more volume. This higher volume is important from a practice standpoint as much as it is from a strength standpoint. The higher the volume I can tolerate the more I can work on technique. If strength comes a little faster than without MAG-10 that will be more than enough for me. Any input from anyone with experience or insight on low dose longer duration cycles would be appreciated.

I just finished a 4week cycle of Mag-10. I went from 184.5lbs/11.3%BF to 203.8lbs/12.8%BF. The first 2 weeks I used 1 serving a day, then the last 2 weeks I used 2 servings a day.I used the GVT2K program. The first 2 weeks I did 1 body part a day, The last 2 weeks I did 2 body parts a day twice a week. The only negative is that I gained a little more fat than I wanted to, especially around my waist.

I was originally going for an 8 week cycle while dieting. well as a result of a few screw ups diet wise, I am not where I want to be. So I have extended the cycle another 3 weeks. I started the diet at 200lbs, and I am 5’8". I started at 1 dose per day, but went up to 2 dose per day at week 3. today, after four days of horrible eating, I weighed 197lbs, but look a hell of lot better at this 197 then I did my on my second week of the cycle at 197. I am also holding a great deal of water from this screw up. I got down to 194 at my lowest a week and half ago, and looked much better, but not where I wanted to be. I had a nice looking four pack, and that was it. so I am doing fat fast for the rest of the cycle, and will let u know how all goes… by the way, when I went up to double dose, and was eating good, about 1600 cal/day, my strenght was increasing every workout.

JT, I am planning on doing a keto diet and using Mag 10. Are you seeing all fat loss with little muscle loss? With Mag 10, is it possible to diet extreme and get away without any muscle loss. Example: 1500 cal reduction and major increase in cardio.

JT-Wow, 1600 a day seems really low for someone weighing around 200 on mag10. How did you come up with that level of calories?

Josh, when using androgens, calories can
be, and should be if you’re in a hurry,
MUCH lower than is wise with natural dieting.
A gram per lb LBM per day of protein, and
about that many calories again in carbs and/or
fats, while getting EFA’s and preferably DHA/EPA, is a good level for fast results.<P.

So at 200, and simplifying and just using
that as LBM, that’s 800 cal from protein,
and another 800 from carbs and fats (including the more-special fats.) Which happens to work out to Asphalt’s total.

I have four days left of a three week / 2-dose a day cycle and have seen much better results than a previous two week 1-dose a day cycle.

I ate only protein for the first week and a half except for surge on work out days (3 a week) and now eat only 10 to 30 carbs a day. (ketogenic diet)

This cycle has been much more effective. I started At 185, and instead of usually losing 5-7 pounds a week on a protein only diet, my weight dropped to 180, held, and is now creeping back toward 184. My shirts don’t fit, I can’t button the collars and my pants are too big in the waist. So I’ve lost fat and gained muscle. My 1rm on the flat bench was 225 when I started and now I can bench that 5 times. (I’ve not tried to 1rm) Additionally my pull downs went from 130 or so to 190. Curls an dtricepts work have seen the same increase in strength. I havent measured yet but it is plainly noticable that I am much bigger and much more defined. I finally have some size in my neck!

After my two weeks of M and tribex I will probably do this again.

One question--In addition to my diet I am taking horse pills of Amino acids, and drinking 80gms of whey protein from World wide sports nutrition a day--any comments on these products?

Bill, I lose fat really quickly at about 1600 cal a day with no supplements and 1800 when adding thermos. I can lose 3 or more lbs a week of fat after the initial 4-6 lb drop. Your reccomendations would put me in the neighborhood of 1300 calories a day (160lbs lbm). Would my fat loss be accelerated by going this low and including mag10, or would it just make it harder to overtrain.(joshm-formally known as josh)

I’m going to stay on Mag 10 for about 4 weeks. I’m going to try to take two doses a day. I just started on Sunday. I’m doing “steroid” dieting and am using Ian King style training. After about 45-60 minutes of weight training I do cardio. I’ve been alternating between 45-60 minutes on a stationary bike with 30 minutes of running. When I run I alternate between 1 minute of sprinting and 1 minute of a slow jog. I just thought this protocal would keep things from getting boring. I know there may be better ways of doing this, but I know I can stick with this. I’ll let you all know how it goes.

Josh, if you can lose fat quickly at 1600 cal/day without thermogenics, or 1800 calories per day, that’s an excellent rate and I’d see little or reason to try cutting yet further.