I’m working w/ a guy who has a tryout for arena ball shortly and he would like to use MAG-10 during his pre-training. I did a search on testing but didn’t find what I was looking for. We need to know what the clearance time is for 1-Test and 4-ad-ec is so he dosen’t show a + test result. Any help? Thanks in advance.
There are no substances in MAG-10 which are currently banned by the IOC. Another thing to keep in mind is that standard employee drug tests do not test for steroid use, only things like marijuana and narcotics. Unless you’re a competitive athlete, it’s very doubtful you’ll be tested for steroids or other bodybuilding drugs. If you’re still unsure, just ask. You have the right to know what you’re being tested for."
Your guy is a competitive athlete so some of that doesn’t apply. Bill Roberts has also answered this a few times on the forum. I can’t remember his exact recommendations, but maybe a search will bring the info up. I think he said to stop a couple of weeks out just to be sure, but I’m not positive. Run a search on “Bill Roberts” and see what comes up.