I’m about to start a Mag-10 cycle and was wondering of the differences between a two weeks on, two off and again two on cycle verses a straight four week cycle. Thanks for the help.
from what i gathered… you can only do a 2 week cycle of Mag-10
then you need to take 4 weeks off to let your body recover and your natural testosterone levels to get back to normal… otherwise you could get T supression
if you take M and Tribex for 2 weeks after the Mag-10… then you can take Mag-10 every other 2 weeks alternating with Tribex and M… for a total of 12 weeks
do i got it right fellas?
2 On & 2 Off were great for me. A lot depends on whether you are willing to risk the T-suppression that comes with the longer cycle. Four weeks on would be kickass in terms of strength and LBM gain (assuming the diet’s calculated right), but I personally wouldn’t want to try to recover from a 4-week hit to my endocrine system.
Also: even though I’ve heard plenty of people say that longer cycles are better, or that at the end of 2 weeks “I’m just STARTing to feel a difference”, I’ve noticed that, during the “Off” week, strength levels continue to rise. It isn’t like finishing a bottle of Mag-10 means that a day later you are back to square one. The On/Off protocol (I think) really turns the whole experience into a SIX-week cycle. I suppose you could even go 2-1-2, using Tribex or Red Kat or Alpha Male & M in the single week in between. That would give some help with T-suppression, but still mean that average levels of Mag-10 in your bloodstream would be pretty good for the 5 weeks.
That having been said: I’m not a doctor, or any kind of medical expert. Biotest publishes suggestions for use based on testing and knowledge of what the substance does to your system. So why not take advantage of their research and follow their plan?
Good luck.
Hi T Shaw, I like the 2 1 2 idea, would like to hear some other feedback on this. Has anyone else done a straight four week, whats the result ?
I’m doing CT’s pendulum bodybuilding right now with the Mag-10 protocol he posted on the forums, which is week 1 - double dose, week 2 - single dose, week 3 - off, week 4 - single dose, week 5 - double dose and it’s going very well so far. At the end of week 2 I’d gained a total of 12 lbs, by today it’s down to 10 lbs which is water loss I’d imagine since I know from experience my body holds around 3-4 lbs of water at any given time. I’m using Alpha Male/M during this 3rd week and I’ll be happy to post results at the end of week 5.
Not to hijack, but Jason. Yes post those results after week five and then after a few more weeks. I’m interested.
As far as the 2 week, 4 week and even longer issue. Well they are all good and can show gains differing for everyone of course. I will be honest and for me I perfer to go for the 4-6 weeks on. Doing this though you have to have everything planned to a T. Training, diet, supps. all of it or youn will could just lose everything you worked so hard for.
Not to mention the supression of T levels and est. rise. Have that M and Alpha Male ready to go
Just my 2 cent, 2 weekers are good and take much less strict planning and precautions.
Hope that helps,
Hey Phil, yeah got the Alpha Male and M waiting at the end of the journey. I’m curious as to why does 4 weeks would take so much more planing than two. In my opinion a Mag-10 cycle needs careful planing anyway regardless of length. Please fill me in on what you think is crucial. Thanks for the help.
Oh, I am not implying that a two weeker doesn’t DEMAND planning in order to have great success. It is simply with the longer cycles, and greater supression on natural homone levels you need to take everything a bit further. A much greater risk of losing what you have gained.
Does that help a bit?
Meaning, it is all the more important to have all the supps., nutrition, training, etc. lined out to a T when you are in a supressed state. Your body can only handle so much at this time, and there are good and bad ways to go. There are foods and such like upping your sat fat intake that lead to getting T levels back up. Training that will let you keep the gains and not over tax your suppressed systems. Etc… Proper supplements.
Hope that helps some