I recently competed in my first powerlifting competition in the USAPL federation in the 181lb junior men’s division. I placed second, losing to first by a mere 2.5kilos. It was a fun competition! I’ll record a gnarly deadlift session with me and the winner (never met him prior to the comp, but now we train from time to time) in about 2 weeks.
On February 12th, I managed to
Squat 420lbs (445lbs was redlighted due to a slight downward movement during the ascent, but I managed to grind the 445)
Deadlift 550lbs
Bench 225lbs (Recovering from a long term shoulder injury, been 18 months since benching)
That puts me about 200lbs away from a 1400 raw. My goal is to hit 1400lbs in a year to a year and a half(February 27, 2013 to August 27, 2013)
I would like to share with you guys my current Madcow 5x5/3x3 cycle. It’s not exactly true to “Madcow” because I’ve made a few modifications to the accessory lifts. I’m a firm believer that Romanian deadlifts, good mornings, and dips have more value over abs, tricep extensions, biceps, etc. I prefer heavy movements to assist my lifts.
I’m able to bench press again without too much trouble now, although it’s a close grip bench to prevent a nagging front delt strain. The entire past year or so I’ve relied on dips (which never bothered me), and managed to hit a lift of BW+3 plates for 3 reps a few months ago. I plan on getting back into the bench press full force, utilizing mainly a 5x5 scheme that calls for linear gains. The rest of my core lifts will be based on periodization.
I didn’t train strictly for powerlifting. I tried DC training, bodybuilding splits, programs by Chad Waterbury, CT, GVT, and other programs I’ve found online. My bench and squat respond better to even higher frequency and actually doing the core lifts on a weekly basis. Madcow Advanced has allowed me to get where I am today, and I plan on milking the program a bit longer. I also like that I only need to make it to the gym 3x a week, although sometimes brutal sessions, allows flexibility in my schedule.
Another thing, my diet for the past 18 months is based on intermittent fasting that includes carb cycling.
I’ll also be rating how hard my sets were from a scale of 1-10 for my rate of perceived exertion (RPE).
Here’s my most recent deadlift training video (500 3x3; RPE of 7, 7.5, 8 respectively) I recorded two weeks prior to my first powerlifting meet:
One I just took of today’s training (deadlift 475 5x5) with competition footage: